~ leagues ~

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Duncan's P.O.V


"iSAdOrA!" I whisper yelled. "yOu rEaD iT??"
"Well you left it open on that page one night and I looked...It's your own fault for leaving it open." Great. So it's mY fault she read my pRiVaTe jOuRnAl!

"Hey listen," She sounded all...nice. I'm suspicious. "That stuff about Violet is the sweetest thing I've ever read. If I found out someone thought that about me, I'm sure I wouldn't forget it and whoever that person was, I'm sure I'd end up liking them."
"Really?" I asked in disbelief. Wow. If I'd known that sooner, Quigley wouldn't be the only ladies man in the Quagmire household.

"You should definitely tell her how you feel. I mean, not saying you should read that word for word, but let her know."
(a/n you already know what's coming)
"Iz, there's no way that someone as amazing and gorgeous as Violet, would like some nerd like me."
She didn't even flinch before saying "Klaus is a nerd. Look at me. I like him. A lot. Nerds are cute. And so are glasses. Glasses are hot-"
"OKAY. I don't need to know about you and your...eye candy" She scoffed. "Point is. Violet's too good for me. Way outta my league."
"Yes, but you don't understand girls. She might be playing in a completely different league to you."
"What like the other team?"
"Uh sure?-"
"n-NO OF COURSE NOT DUMMY!" She sighed in frustration and pinched the bridge of her nose before continuing "This 'league' she plays for," This metaphor was lost to me. (a/n same honestly. no clue where this is going) "does nOt mean she's gay, it just means her standards mightn't be what you think they are and from my point of view, and, trust me, she so has the hots for you."
"Ho- Wha-? Actually?"
"Yeah, girls can tell when another girl likes a boy." She winked.

Wow. Lots of information. Brain: Overloading. Girl. Uhm. Violet. Pretty. Very pretty. Like....mE-?
"Wait she likes me?"
"How many times do I have to say it, man? She totally does. I'm telling the truth. This isn't one of the famous Isadora Pranks-"
"We never had a name for your pranks they were always lame Iz-"
"SHH! I've always wanted to say that! But yes, I can read people too and you should tell Violet."
"Well, I won't be able to if we never see her again." I started to remember the situation we were in. Thinking about the Baudelaires just made both of us happy and so we forgot our troubles like that. But, we had to return to reality and face the fact that we were imprisoned in a *sigh* Giant. Metal. Crow.

"Hey, should we send the next couplets?" I was eager to change the subject because I had a lot to think about.
"No, let's wait. How about we try and get some sleep first, we can send them in the morning."
"Sounds good." I yawned. So did she. "We're more tired than we think!"
"Hah. Good night then, or whatever time of day it is, I have no clue. Our sleep schedule is gonna be messed up."
"Pffthaha. Night Iz."
"Night Dunc."

Narrator's P.O.V

Remember we said earlier in the tale that the worst was yet to come? Well, the worst is beginning to come as we speak.

The two Quagmire triplets awoke to the sound of crows squawking from the top of the fountain and almost missed their opportunity to send the next two couplets.

An hour or two passed when suddenly they heard a commotion and people shouting:

"Count Olaf's been captured!"

"What?" The triplets said in unison. Neither of them believed this and they were right. Count Olaf had indeed not been captured, it was simply his scheme going all according to plan. The crowd gathered around the statue where Detective Dupin and Officer Luciana were telling the crown that:

"Count Olaf has been captured y'all!" Olaf's disguised voice wasn't fooling the Baudelaires either. They knew that Jacques Snicket was the innocent volunteer being accused of being Count Olaf despite looking nothing like him. Detective Dupin even went so far as to say that the Baudelaires murdered him when they didn't. The three children tried so hard to get the crowd to listen but Detective Dupin managed to turn the tables immensely.

"You're right little kittens, you two didn't murder Count Olaf," He said pointing at Violet and Klaus. "You are accomplices!"

"Accomplices? To whom?" Klaus almost shouted back.

"Well, the cause of death is two strange marks on his neck like teeth marks" It really looked more like a crowbar. Which is what it was. "And so the murderer is none other thaaan...SUNNY BAUDELAIRE!" He said with glee.

"Loco!?" Which probably meant something like: "Are you completely crazy?"

The Quagmires listened to the Baudelaires get accused of murder and then taken away to be locked up in a cell. Neither triplet could do anything to help. They thought about making a racket, but that seemed unwise, they didn't know what Count Olaf would do to them. So they stayed quiet and prayed the Baudelaires had enough time to find all the four slips of paper containing Isadora'd couplets so the five of them could be reunited soon.


hi. pls read this one

yooo we're almost at the reunion YAY! also: i've decided i'm not going to do a reunion in this by changing the story, i'm currently writing a story that takes place after 'The End' so they'll reunite in that. i don't want to change the storyline in any way because i love this story so much.




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