katsuki bakugou; ten

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| Mornings | A X Reader

Genre: [Fluff] Y/N: Your NameF/B/F: Favourite Breakfast FoodWritten In Third Person

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Genre: [Fluff]
Y/N: Your Name
F/B/F: Favourite Breakfast Food
Written In Third Person

Soft Katsuki (kinda)
• Foul Language
Early Morning

Waking up early wasn't the norm for you, not at all. But today, you had work at 6am instead of midday. You sat up and stand.

"Babe?" Katsuki's tired voice comes from his side of the bed. "Where're are you going? What time is it?" he groaned.

"I've got work early. Sorry for waking you." you whisper to him. He grumbles and grabs your hand, playing with your fingers.

"Why do you have work? Can't they wait?"

"Well, I just follow the schedule I'm given baby. I don't have a choice when I go in or not."
Katsuki lets out another groan.

"Stay in. I can make you F/B/F." he tried to persuade you. You smile gently and shake your head.

"That sounds great, babe. But y'know I can't miss work. I already had time off last week for your birthday. I need to go."
He begrudgingly agreed and let you go. You walked over to yours and Katsuki's bathroom, getting undressed for your warm shower.
As the water hits your head, you closed your eyes and let your thoughts take over your brain. Katsuki couldn't go back to sleep so he got up too, deciding to join you in the bathroom.

To his surprise you start singing, ever so softly and beautifully. He absolutely adores your voice, he stands in the door way, leaning his head against the wall. You keep singing as he closes his eyes.

"Find someone that loves you better than I do, darling, I know."

He listens to each word coming from your pretty lips, imagining how good you look behind the curtain.

"Cause you remind me everyday I'm not enough but I still stay."

He opens his eyes a little as you slow down your voice to a stop. He hears you sigh and he becomes concerned.

Was there something he didn't know? Is there a reason why that song came to your mind? Was it about him?

He was harsh sometimes but he had been working on it. He had been, was it not enough? Was he still too harsh?
He was having a full blown freak out at this point.

Suddenly, you start singing again, skipping a few lines as you start rinsing the shampoo out of your hair.

"So tell me to leave. I'll pack my bags, get on the road."

Oh fuck. Were you thinking of leaving? Shit.
He jerks the curtain back, making you jump in shock.

"Katsuki! The fuck are you doing?" you shout. You were about to shove him away until you saw his panicked expression. "Kats?"
He gets in the shower and wraps his arms around your waist, on his knees. His clothes getting wet immediately.

"Don't leave me. Please." he says so quietly, you almost don't hear him. "I don't mean to-I"

"Kat, what are you on about? What do you mean?" you cut him off. Tears start to well up in his crimson eyes. "You didn't do anything wrong."

"I-I didn't?" he whispers in between sobs. Your heart ached as he tightened his grip slightly. "But you were singing....and the words....they-"

"Baby, are you for real? Oh god, you're adorable." you giggle. "It's  just a song, babe. It didn't mean anything. I just like the song."

His face drops a little bit as he untangles himself from your body.

You giggle once more before kissing his cheek. "If you had done something, I'd talk to you about it."



End of oneshot.

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