Chapter 6 - Chapter 6 - That's Volleyball.

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HI KIDS! I'm pretty tired today but its the weekend! So I'll try to write as much as I can!!!

"This can't be good... Can it?" I thought as I was being pulled outside by Tsukishima. We went outside the gym and he stood me by the entrance of the gym. "What is it with people and pulling me out of the gym?" I question out loud, not really asking anyone in particular. "What game are you playing?" Tsukishima asked me, "Huh?" I say confused, "What school did you go to, what kind of training were you doing to get this good, I think we can all agree you didn't get this good from some little school team." Tsukishima states, "I was just training hard, everyday and every night." I say, I wasn't lying, I was training hard. "Bull-crap." be responded with "Look, if you're looking to do the type of training I did, you better step back a few steps." I inform him. "It cant be that hard." He says not believing that my training was that intense, "I put my blood sweat and tears into training, sacrificed my social life and sleep because I love volleyball. So I suggest you first show some more passion for the sport before you even CONSIDER doing the type of training I did." I finishes emphasizing the word 'consider' and saying my mini speech with passion. I take one last look at Tukishima and walk back to the gym.

'Jackass Lampost'

(Tsukki really doesn't know how to pick up chicks does he?)


Practice ended pretty soon after that. I got my stuff and started to walk home until Hintata walked up to me looking nervous, "(Y/N)..." Hinata started to talk "About earlier, I-I'm sorry!" He apologises bowing, "N-no it was my fault I was just embarrassed and I over reacted." I waved dismissively with a closed eyed smile. "W-well, I was going to ask you.... Could you maybe sing to me sometime..?" He asked, "I-I mean you don't her to! It's just that you're so talented and you sounded really good and-" he continued to ramble until I put a finger to his lips. "T-thank you that means a lot...!" I thank Hinata, "I actually have an album on Viewtube (Again, DOnT wAnNa GeT SUeD), I can send you the link if you'd like...!" I offered. He immediately lights up like a lightbulb, "Y-yes please!" He says getting out his phone, I send him the link to my album and he thanks me, I smile and say its not problem.

Eventually we all leave the gym and make our way back home. Everyone was talking about their own thing when Nishinoya started to start a conversation with me "So what position do you play?" He asks me "Oh, um, I can play any position but I like to play power/outside hitter." I reply, "Well I bet you're good at it! Being a national player and all!" He comments "N-No I bet you guys are better—" "Yeah her spikes are amazing! You forget she's on the court for one second and you'll regret you were even born!" Tanaka interrupts me to complement me and my skills, not giving me a chance to doubt myself. "T-thank you Tanaka-senpai!" I exclaim, Tanaka nearly faints, he holds his best and shouts "S-SO CUTE!" "Tanaka you're so lucky!!!" Nishinoya shouts, after some commotion with Tanaka, Nishinoya and the others went ahead, Kageyama and I staying behind. We didn't talk to each other nor did we look at each other, we just walked forward following the group in silence. Until Kageyama placed something in my hand, it was my resistance band "You forgot this." He said to me, "Oh thanks!" I say taking the band. "Remember your things dumbass." He scolded me, "Ok BoOmEr" I say walking ahead of the group.

Timeskip brought to you by Sawgayama Toblerone

Currently we, Kageyama, Hinata and I were on the third floor of Karasuno where all the third years' classes are. Why are you doing this you ask? Well, Hinata wanted to see the ace, he was a third year with a man bun and some stubble on his chin, he was quite tall as well. He was about 6'1. Suga was talking to him about something until the stubbled male stands up because someone called him. "You go in first." Hinata whispers to Kageyama "You were the one who wanted to see the ace so bad!" Kageyama argues. "Ugh fine I'll go" I say annoyed, as I turn the corner I come into contact with something stiff. I look up to see the third year with a man bun and stubble on his chin "Woah there!" The tall stubbled third year "S-sorry!" I step back and bow in apology, "It's okay!" He replies to me. "Please wait Asahi!" Sugawara shouts from a classroom "Asahi?" We all question "What's up?" He replies to Suga. Sugawara spots us first years beside Karasuno's ace and Asahi's classroom. "What are you first years doing here?!" Suga quetions. "U-um well we, uhhhh..." Hinata looks around trying to look for an excuse but fails to, "I wanted to talk to Asahi-san." I say confidently "Um, I'm sorry but who are you exactly?" Asahi asks me, "Oh yeah these are the new first years who joined! (Y/N), Hinata and Kageyama." Suga introduces us "A girl?" Asahi questions, "Yeah! She's a national player that joined the boys team!" Sugawara confirmed. "Well it's nice to meet you all." Asahi says "Nice to meet you!" We bow to Asahi in respect. 'He's so tall, no wonder he's Karasuno's ace...' I thought "Is that so?" I was snapped out of my trace by Asahi asking us a question, he puts a hand on Hinata and I's shoulder, "Good luck" Asahi says to us "Are you coming to play with us or what? I wanna be the ace one day and I was hoping to see you in action." Hinata says to Asahi. "Hey Asahi the teachers waiting for you man!" Another student informs Asahi. Asahi looks at the student and turns back to us, "Sorry but I'm not the ace anymore." He waved dismissively, He turned around and started to walk away until I spoke, "So you're just gonna leave, just like that?" I asked looking down with my arms crossed. "It's not that I-" "Nishinoya was right, you are a coward." I stated, interrupting Asahi in the process. Everybody looked shocked but I didn't care. "Look." I start taking a step forward "I don't know what happened to you, so I may be being a little inconsiderate. But do you love volleyball Asahi-san?" I question looking up at him in the eyes "Well, uh I—" "Do you love volleyball?!" I demanded an answer, slightly raising my voice. "Yes..." He answered, I sigh "I don't know about you or how much you care for this sport but..." I pause "What I've learned throughout playing volleyball is sometimes things just don't go your way... You win some, you lose some and sure losing sucks, but losing doesn't make you weak. Because what truly makes you weak... Is giving up." I walk forward about to pass Asahi but I stop as soon as I was about to pass him, "I think if you love volleyball thats enough reason to play, Don't you agree?" I smile at the end of my sentence and walk off like a badass to my class.

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