Chapter 16 - Admirers

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HI kids, bye kids!

Slight warning: Mention of hormonal boy things (getting turned on) (if y'all know what I mean)

'This is not going to end well.' I thought to myself, Oikawa walking up to us. I quickly scurry away from my brother and hide behind Kageyama, as an attempt to be safe from the pretty boy. "Aweeee~ are you hiding from me?~ Why don't you come out and—" "Excuse me." William spoke in a stern tone. "Who are you? And what business do you have with my sister?" He asked, sounding intimidating. Oikawa looked up at my brother. "T-there's no way. You're (Y/N)'s brother?" Oikawa asked in disbelief. He looked a bit scared but I couldn't blame him, my brother can be hella intimidating when he wants to be. It doesn't help the fact that he's tall and muscular. "Yep, and it looks like my sister wants to talk to you. So I suggest you leave." My brother instructed. Oikawa got the message and turned around immediately and walked away. Kageyama and Hinata looked terrified. "Wow (Y/N)... Your brother is even more intimidating than Kageyama..." Hinata stated shaking. I noticed Kageyama had one of his arms around my waist as an act of protection. He was eyeing my brother, it was like he was in a trance. My brother stared at Kageyama's arm then looks at me, I try to move to the side to get out of his grasp but he keeps a tight grip on me. It was getting awkward so I decided to break the ice. "Uh—Kageyama? You good bro." I asked, still trying to push his hand off. Kageyama whips his head around, snapping him out of his trance. "O-oh yeah." He says now crossing his arms. I look at my brother and smile. "Okay (N/N), I have to go back into the stands now, I think Pippa and coach Isaac are up there, and you know I can't trust Pippa with anything." He said pinching his nose. I chuckle and give him one last hug. "Love you Will" I say. "Love you too (N/N)." He said. "I'll see you later yeah?" I ask. "Yep!" William confirmed. I waved and he smiled. Walking out of the gym up to the stands. "You're brother's scary!" Hinata exclaimed. "Yeah he's tall too. Does he play volleyball?" Kageyama asked. "No he plays football (It'S fOotBaLL nOt SoCcEr. YoU UsE YoUr FeEt NoT YoUr SoCkS) but I taught him a few things." I explain, Hinata now throwing his arms in the air in bewilderment. "Why is he playing football?! He could have been so good at volleyball he's so tall and his vertical must be huge right?!" "Yeah it is... But no one else in the is even intrested in volleyball, let alone play it." I explain. Kageyama looked at me in surprise. "How did you get into volleyball then?" He asked. I smiled. I saw my coach playing it and I was immediately intrigued. I learned how to pass in a matter of days. It's a long story that will be told another day." I pat the Kageyama's arm and turn around and walk forward. I caught them staring at me wide-eyed. "Are you guys coming or what?" I asked as I raised an eyebrow. "Y-yes!" I walk forward to the exit of the gym.

Kageyama POV

'Who knew (Y/N) had such a nice ass?' I thought to myself. "What are you thinking about Kageyama? Your face is all red." Hinata stated. I finally caught myself thinking about something I shouldn't. "N-nothing dumbass!" I say storming in front of him, following (Y/N). "H-hey! Wait for me!" Hinata scrambled to get his stuff.

Aoba Joshai POV

"Pfft, you got a scolding from her brother?" Hanamaki smirked as he snorted. "No! He's SCARY. He's like 6'2 and—and big!" Oikawa said. (That's what she said). "Gotta admit, his sister is hot though. No wonder he'd be so protective." Matsukawa said, he got wide-eyed looks from his team mates. Matsukawa protested, "Don't say you didn't think the same, I think every single boy in this gym thought the same thing." Everyone stayed silent and looked away as if agreeing in shame. "Yeah and that ass—" Oikawa was starting a sentence when an annoyed Iwaizumi. "SHUT UP TRASHY-KAWA. THAT'S NOT APPROPRIATE." Iwaizumi scolded the brunette. Kendaichi was starting to feel uncomfortable. "Anyway enough about number 21. Don't these amateurs realize they have another game this afternoon? They were gonna win either way, they should've saved up their energy for the next one." Kendaichi changes the topic. "I disagree." Oikawa interjects. "They gave it their all, but we didn't see that special quick attack did we?" Oikawa finished. "The other game's done too, Date Tech won by a landslide." Hanamaki joined the conversation. "Ahh Karasuno VS Date Tech... Now that should be more interesting!" Kendaichi said in excitement. "We should get going if we miss our next game it won't matter." Iwaizumi informed. Everyone started to walk away when Oikawa held Kendaichi back. "Hey are you guys coming or what?" Iwaizumi asked. "Yeah, I just have to have a little talk with Kendaichi for a sec." Oikawa said, waving Iwaizumi off. "Okay fine. But if you're late they'll be consequences." Iwaizumi threatened. "Yes Iwa-chan~ I'll be there!" Oikawa cooed. Iwaizumi just walked away to the exit of the stands. Oikawa stared at Kendaichi. "What is it?" Kendaichi asked. "I think we both know what the 'problem' is here Kendaichi." Oikawa smirked with half lidded eyes, as he poked Kendaichi with his elbow, and gesturing his head downwards. Yeah Kendaichi being a hormonal boy and all, he couldn't control his ....excitement, if you know what I mean. "I-it's going down! Stop being so loud!" Kendaichi wined. "Sooo who were you thinkin' about? Kunimi?—" "S-shut up!" Kendaichi interrupted Oikawa because of his embarrassment. "Hmmm..." Oikawa inquired, he realized what Kendaichi was talking about that caused him to be 'excited' to happened. "It was (Y/N), wasn't it? Karasuno's number 21?" Oikawa smirked. "N-no—well—yeah...I'm sorry her thigh's are just...Hot." Kendaichi said embarrassed. Oikawa looked amused. He handed Kendaichi a piece of paper with (Y/N)'s number on it. "Well first off, I suggest you start a conversation with her and complement her. Oh! And ask for help on volleyball or something! Then you guys can hangout and—." "Are you seriously going me dating advice right now? And I don't like her I don't even know her! Plus, I thought you liked her." Kendaichi stopped Oikawa from talking with a load of questions. "One, yes I am giving you dating advise. Two, you definitely have taken interest in her and you should get to know her. Three, I do like her but it's no fun without any competition. Oikawa explained. "But hey, you don't have to take my advise if you don't want to." Oikawa continued, patting Daichi's back. "Let's go, we don't wanna be late." Oikawa said walking where Iwaizumi previously had walked before. Kendaichi stared at the (H/C) girl as he thought to himself. '(Y/N) huh?'.

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