Chapter 1, Thank god you're not dead

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Just quick info! it's kind off like one-shots? But they are connected?.. kinda. Each chapter will be at a different location where shit happens BUT They are all connected. My explanation is bad, sry.

These takes place between season 2 and season 3...

With that said, Enjoy!

---Where in the world is Sandiego?---

The clock was nearing 12 pm, but Julia Argent couldn't sleep. 

The ACME agent was sitting on her couch in her apartment in Poitiers, France. She was drinking Chamomile tea and looking trough a case file. Julia sighed quietly, her insomnia had gotten worse since Stockholm. And when she actually fell asleep, all her dreams were filled of images of Sandiego dying over and over again.

The case file she was looking trough was old, but it interested her and memories of better times would flood her head.

There was a knock on Julia's balcony door. Which should be impossible since she lived on the top floor, 5 floors up. 

Julia looked towards the sound and saw a silhouette standing there looking out from her balcony and out towards the city. She felt her blood run cold, she recognized the silhouette. How could she not? That same fedora and coat that she hadn't seen in three months.

She scrambled to her feet and hurried over to the balcony glass door, not believing her own eyes. As she opened the door, the figure turned around. Dark brown eyes met grey eyes.

"Long time no see Jules" Carmen Sandiego said.

Julia hurried over and hugged Carmen tightly, which surprised the both of them. Carmen stumbled backwards but hugged her back.

"O-oh uhm... I missed you too?" Carmen said chocked.

Julia let her go and punched her arm.

"I thought you died!" Julia burst out.

"Why would you think tha- are you crying?" Carmen softened when she saw her friend cry, if you could still call them friends after what had happened around three months ago.

Julia slowly reached up with her hand and touched her cheek, she was in fact crying. She quickly wiped her own tears away.

"I- why would I think you died? Oh I don't know, maybe because you disappeared for three months after you were harmed severely!" Julia said harshly.

"You didn't think I got medical attention? After escaping ACME HQ?" Carmen asked.

"At first I did... but after two months of you not a single sight of you... and I..." Julia stopped talking since she couldn't find the right word to explain it.

"You started to get worried for me... why? It was your trap after all, I- I shouldn't even be here after your betrayal" Carmen told her and started to fidget with something inside her coat pocket.

"I didn't- I-... Ms. Sandiego, ACME didn't tell me about the trap. Chief told me that I would get to talk to you, alone. Without ACME showing up and... hurting you" Julia rambled.

"She doesn't trust you" Carmen said.

Julia nodded.

"I do not trust Chief either... and she do not trust me" Carmen said.

"This is really dangerous for us"

"It is... if ACME or VILE see us at least" 

"Would you-... Would you like to come in? I could make you some tea" Julia asked.

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