Chapter 7, Agent Zari knows what's up

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Heyya! Got another chapter for ya'll! this time longer

---Let's go lesbians!---

Julia smiled, she was for the first time since she was sick out again, on a mission. Unfortunately with Devineaux, but he had yet to drive a car into a body of water, which was positive. 

She hadn't seen Carmen since that time in the grocery store, about to throw cheese at the criminal. That had been two weeks ago, and it still felt like several months. Julia had told herself that the time felt like it was passing slow because of all the paper work she had to do, not because she hadn't seen Carmen in a while. 

She shouldn't miss Carmen, but she still did. There had been times that she hadn't seen Carmen in several months, that was after the Stockholm incident and oh god, she still had nightmares about that. Along with some rather questionable dreams about the two of them doing... stuff. 

Julia had no clue why those dreams existed and google wasn't helpful. Just sprouting nonsense about love. She couldn't possibly love Carmen. They were assigned to stop each-other, kinda. More like Julia was assigned to stop Carmen. But still, Julia worked for ACME, close to the law. She shouldn't love Carmen Sandiego, the thief.

Carmen had stolen Julia's heart without neither of them knowing it. 

Right now, Devineaux, Zari and herself were in a car on the streets of Saint Petersburg, Russia. Thankfully, it was Zari that drove the car so there were no risks of driving them into a ice cold lake, making them all sick.

They were on their way to St. Isaac's Cathedral. Apparently Carmen had been sighted there, Julia had felt her heart flutter in her chest when she heard about it, there was a chance to meet her again. 

Julia knew, that if Carmen were here, then VILE were also here. She had no clue why they would like to steal from a church in Russia.

"Agent Zari, you drive like my grandma! Are we there yet!? I wan't to catch La Femme Rouge red handed!" Devineaux whined, like the child he was.

Julia was sure that even Zack on Team Red didn't whine as much. He probably acted a lot more like an adult then Devineaux. 

"For the last time Agent Devineaux, have patience! And don't insult my driving" Zari snapped at him.

"She's better at driving then you sir" Julia pointed out from the backseat.

Devineaux spluttered and Zari let out a snort.

"How many cars is it, six?"

"Eleven" Julia corrected her.

"ELEVEN!?" Zari burst out, almost looking back at her.

"HEY! Eyes on the road!" Devineaux said when he noticed that Zari was about to turn around to look at Julia. "Besides, it's all La Femme Rogue's fault!"

"She's not the one driving ACME cars into bodies of water" Julia huffed.

Before Devineaux could respond with something stupid, Zari stopped the car. They had arrived.

"It's even more impressive in person" Julia gasped.

She could practically feel Zari rolling her eyes. She knew, that if Carmen had been here beside her she had geeked out with her. Instead she were stuck with two loosers.

"Agent Devineaux, Agent Argent, before you two run off... Focus on what Sandiego would steal. So that means, Julia no history ramblings and Devineaux, no chasing the first person wearing red. Got it?" Zari said sternly, as if talking to two kids. Well Devineaux was a child, not Julia thought. 

"Yes ma'am" Julia said as Devineaux nodded.

"Then off you go, if you're not back in an hour I'll drive away without you" 

Julia nodded and the trio entered. 

The interior was even more beautiful then the outside. Zari went off to speak with some guards and Devineaux walked away, probably looking for Carmen Sandiego. Julia herself? She completely ignored what Zari had said and started to look around, gaping and muttering to herself. It was so big inside. 

As she stood and analyzed yet another wall, looking at the old paintings, she felt a arm wrap around her waist.

"Hello there, Jules~... going to throw cheese at me this time?" Carmen whispered in her ear, probably smirking.

Julia felt the tip of her ears flush, hoping that her face wasn't in the same state. The way Carmen had said her nickname had made her heart beat faster.

"H-hello Carmen, I'm not going to throw cheese at you" Julia whispered back, putting emphasis on the you.

"Then are you going to throw some at VILE?" Carmen asked, smiling like a big dork.

"That... is a secret" Julia said, turning to Carmen now that her blush had disappeared. 

"Awe come on Jules, I wanna know" Carmen said while pouting.

"Nope, what was it... your middle name is Patience?" She teased the taller woman.

"I thought you would forget that" Carmen mumbled and rubbed the back of her neck.

The muscles in Carmen's arm flexed while she did that. As expected of an professional thief that used her body as a weapon. Unfortunately Carmen stopped rubbing her neck and turned to Julia. The woman clearly noticed the line of Julia's gaze because she smirked, her eyes glittering. Julia's face flushed and she turned her head, to look at the wall again. Carmen didn't say anything about it, Julia was thankful for that.

"So... do we know what VILE are planning to steal?" Julia asked after a long awkward silence.

"The fucking organ" Carmen muttered.

"The what- How do they even plan on pulling that off? It's huge!" 

"There are secret tunnels under this whole thing. I think they are going to cut up the floor under it and use the tunnels and transport it away" Carmen whispered to her, glancing around the room.

"Wow that is... actually a good plan for once"

"Their plans are always good... I just have time to spoil them" 


Carmen saw someone across the room approaching them.

"One of your friends are coming over here, I should go... See you during the heist?" She whispered.

"Yeah" Julia whispered back.

"Great, see ya around Jules!" Carmen said louder this time.

She kissed Julia's temple before walking off, leaving the shorter woman standing and staring at her as she walked away, a blush rising on her cheeks. Julia snapped out of her daze and turned towards the agent that had started to approach her. It was Agent Zari.

"You're popular with the ladies I see" She remarked, it made Julia blush even more.

"I- no.. It's- It's not... She's not... I- uhmm... We're just-" Julia stumbled over her words, trying and failing to form a proper sentence.

"Don't worry about it" Zari interrupted her, which made her shut up. "Do you have any guesses on what Sandiego are planning to steal?" 

"Well... The paintings, maybe the organ. But I have no clue on how..." Julia lied.

"The paintings seem more likely"


"Right then, we should get back to the hotel to sleep before the mission" Zari said, and started to walk off.

"Wait!... Could you not mention what happened with her to Agent Devineaux?" 

"I wont" She said, a ghost of a smile gracing her lips. It felt weird seeing the stoic agent in front of her smile.


:0 dw there will be a part two with the actual heist! 

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