Chapter 3, And omg they were roommates

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lol it was a long time ago I was in Malmö.

---Where in the world is Sandiego?---

The luxury with ACME getting hotel-rooms for them was nice. Julia could come away from her work partner that always blabbered about "La femme rouge" and how evil she was. This time however ACME made a mistake, they had placed them in a room together. Sure they have slept in the same room before, in different beds. But there was only one bed.

Julia knew that Devineaux would never sleep on the floor. She would never agree to share the bed with him and she didn't feel like sleeping on the floor either.

Julia sighted and decided that she could ask if there was other rooms available.

"Uhm, sir... There seems to be a mistake while getting a room. We asked for two rooms or a room with two beds, not one bed in one room to share... are there any other rooms available" Julia said to the man behind the desk.

"Sorry Ma'am, there are no rooms left" He said with an slight accent.

It was not surprising, everyone had an accent. Well it was a little bit surprising since every person she had talked to in this country had a heavy Swedish accent.

Julia wasn't happy to be back in Sweden since what had happened last time. Thankfully they weren't in Stockholm, but they were close, Malmö. Her and Devineaux was here because Carmen Sandiego was sighted close to some kind off chalk mine by the sea. And with Carmen came VILE, Julia knew she wasn't working for them, just trying to stop them. She was the only one at ACME that had realized that.

Julia grumbled and went outside to think. The weather was nice, at-least nice for Sweden. Last time they had been here it had been freezing winter but now it was April, around 20 Celsius (68 Fahrenheit).

The agent walked the short distance to the docks and sat down on a bench that overlooked the sea. "Havshotellet" laid right by the docks and she was sure she could see the sea from the hotel.

"What's got you in such a bad mood Jules?" a familiar voice from behind her said.

Julia turned her head and looked at La Femme Rouge. She was wearing what she usually wore, red coat, red fedora, black boots and black tight leather pants. Her coat was lined with white fur. Carmen Sandiego was smirking and her dark eyes sparkled in the sunlight.

"What are you doing here Carmen?" Julia asked, instead of answering the question.

"You know me... the usual stuff"

"Stealing from VILE? What's it this time?"

Carmen walked around the bench and sat down next to her.

"It's by the chalk mine, something for Dr Bellum... or Countess Cleo if it's something sparkly, like gemstones" The taller female said.

There was a long pause before Carmen sighed.

"Sweden sure does bring back some bad memories" She mumbled.

"I am not thinking about recreating the Stockholm incident, I swear Carmen" Julia said quietly.

"I sure hope so, You have earned my trust back... even if it's not that much right now" Carmen said and faked a smile, Julia could tell.

"Well I'm off, see you around Jules" She said and arose from her seat.

"Wait!" Julia grabbed Carmen's wrist.

"I have a favor to ask... if that is okay with you" She said, her cheeks flushed slightly.

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