Chapter 5, Sickness and pirates

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---Where in the world is Sandiego?---

Last week for Julia had been eventful. Her and Devineaux had done a mission in London, Neal from VILE had tracked her but Carmen Sandiego showed up and kicked his ass, then they got caught up in the rain and Carmen loaned her a hoodie and in the Taxi going towards the Hotel she had found a phone that could reach Carmen.

They had a short mission after that on Greenland, in the city Kulusuk. Devineaux had accidentally pushed her into a ice cold river. 

Right now she was at home in her apartment in Poitiers, France. Cuddled up on her cream colored couch, wearing neon pink fuzzy socks, a pair of dark blue colored sweatpants and the very same red hoodie Carmen had loaned her. A big white fluffy blanket was wrapped around her small form. Julia was watching movies to spend her time since she really couldn't do anything while sick, her brain was too slow for her to work right now.

She should probably call Chief and tell her that she couldn't go to work the day after. Julia reached her hand to her coffee table and paused Pirates of the Caribbean: The curse of the Black-Pearl. Aside from the TV remote there was some medicine, tissues and her ACME pen laying on her coffee table.

"Is there something wrong Agent Arge- You look like hell" Chief said.

Julia chuckled dryly.

"I don't think I should work tomorrow" Julia said, her voice raspier then she had anticipated. 

"You also sound horrible. Very well then, take a pause from work and come back when you aren't sick" Chief said, and looked around the room quietly.

"Uhm Chief- don't turn around you may get scared" Julia warned her boss as she was about to look behind her.

Chief only looked at her silently.

Julia blushed slightly.

"I'm watching Pirates of the Caribbean... there's skeletons behind you?" 

"Something simple as skeletons does not scare me"


"Before I go, I have a question"

Julia nodded.

"How did you end up sick? It is in the middle of the summer"

"Devineaux may have accidentally pushed me into a ri-" Julia stopped talking when her doorbell rung.

"Expecting company?"

"No I don't think so, I will be right back" Julia mumbled and slowly got up from her seat.

Julia walked towards the door as Chief stayed in her living room. There was nobody outside her door, but a wooden box and a scarlet colored note was on her doormat. No roses this time thought. Carmen must have stolen something back yet again from VILE. Julia stuffed the note into her hoodie pocket and picked up the box.

The box wasn't heavy at all, so she could handle it. Julia absently wondered if Carmen knew she was sick. 

Chief quirked an eyebrow when she saw the box in her hands.

"One moment Chief, I need to blow my nose" Julia said and but down the box on her coffee table and hurried off to her bathroom.

When she entered her living room again she saw Chief trying to open the box but her hologram hands went right trough it.

Julia sat down on her couch again and wrapped her blanket tightly around her. She opened the box. Inside the box laid the original copy of "the little mermaid" that had been stolen from a Denmark museum not that long ago. Julia turned it so Chief could see it.

"I will have Agent Zari come pick it up at noon tomorrow" Chief said.

Julia nodded understanding, she didn't really want to talk with her voice sounding like that. Oh god she needed tea.

"Good bye Agent Argent, word of advice; Sleep is your friend" Chief said.

"Au revoir" Julia mumbled and her pen fell to the side.

When Chief was gone she took out the note Carmen had left.

'Greetings Jules, Just a present for you and ACME. Can I stop by later tonight? You can just send a message with yes or no as an answer. -Red'

Julia sighed and got up yet again. Don't get her wrong, she loves spending time with the thief in red. But she was sick and didn't want to spread it to Carmen. She had hidden the phone under her mattress when she had gotten home again and hadn't called or texted the thief since.

Jules: I got your note and gift, sadly I must decline. I don't want to spread my sickness to you.

Carm: How'd u get sick? its summer-

Jules: Inspector Devineaux accidentally pushed me into a river while on Greenland... Instead of driving a car into it.

Carm: pffft- pls lemme come over! i'll take care ab u

It took longer for Julia then she had thought it would have to realize what Carmen meant with her funky writing. Maybe it was because of her sickness or her cold medicine.

Jules: ...Fine

Carm: i will be there in 10 Jules

Julia smiled, the thief was adorable.

Ten minutes there was a knock on her balcony, Julia had left it open so the red thief was soon standing inside her apartment again. Before Carmen's eyes met Julia's, she looked at the TV that was still paused on the skeletons. The thief looked mildly disgusted, she scrunched her nose up in a cute way.

"It's Pirates of the Caribbean.... and maybe paused at a bad moment" Julia whispered so she wouldn't strain her throat more.

"I've never heard of that movie... can we watch it?" Carmen asked innocently.

"Let me restart-"

"After I have made you some tea, Jesus Jules you sound like you eat sandpaper on a daily or something" Carmen said and Julia chuckled. 

"Do you need help in the kitchen?" Julia asked.

"Nope, you stay here and feel all warm and cozy" Carmen said and entered the shorter woman's kitchen. 


Carmen entered the living room some minutes later carrying two cups of tea. The woman was smiling softly as she sat down next to the agent.

"Here Jules, Chamomile with honey in it for you throat" Carmen said and handed Julia her cup.

"Let's start the movie then, if we're all settled" Julia whispered and took a small sip of her tea.

Carmen reached for the remote and started the movie from the beginning.

At sometime during the movie she fell asleep. When Julia awoke again she was in her bed under thick blankets, her glasses were on her bedside table and Carmen was once again gone. The time was only 9 am.

Julia sat up slowly and reached for her glasses. Soon she was up on her feet and walking to the kitchen where she would try to cook breakfast for herself. To her surprise Carmen Sandiego were standing in her kitchen, wearing nothing but a tight fitting T-shirt and black leather pants that hugged her legs nicely, cooking something.

"What are you making?" Julia asked groggily, still as hoarse as yesterday.

"Tortilla de patatas, AKA Potato omelette... it's really good Jules" Carmen said and grinned brightly.

Julia knew Carmen had gone shopping because she didn't have any potatoes left at home. She smiled softly at the woman cooking, Carmen's true self was truly adorable.

"I'm looking forward to taste it Chef Sandiego" Julia teased her.

"I sure hope so!"


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