Carmen realizes something (not a chapter really)

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A brief intermission! Just in between the Russia parts... But here's with Carmen after Malmö!

---let's go---

Just as Carmen had promised the twins they sat down to talk. After Julia had sneaked back to her own hotel-room of course. She didn't want the shorter woman hear what the twins would ask her.

"So Cahm, spill" Ivy said staring at her.

"What do you want me to say?!" Carmen asked, crossing her arms. 

"You like her don't you"

"Of course she does, she's fucking smitten! Did you see her fa-" Zack was shut up with a pillow to his head. 

Carmen, who had thrown it, were blushing furiously.

"I'm not smitten" She huffed and leaned back on the very same couch that she and Julia had been cuddling on some hours ago.

"You're blushing~" Ivy teased her.

"I'm not!"

"No you're Carmen" Zack joked.

"I hate you all" Carmen grumbled.

"That's a lie!"

"Is it thought-" Carmen were broken off by her phone ringing. It was Player.

"Yo, Player, did you want in? We're helping Cahm realizing her feelings for Jul-" Ivy were interrupted by a pillow to the face from Carmen.

"Oh? That explains the soft spot you have for her" Player said, eyes glimmering with mischief. 

Carmen put her face in her hands, groaning quietly to herself. What did she do to deserve this?

"But for real, tell us. And don't just say 'we're friends' or some shit like that" Ivy said, doing a horrible impression of Carmen when she said 'we're friends'.

Carmen snorted and said, "I don't sound like that!".

"Oh but you do!"

"I do not"

"Hi my name is Carmen Sandiego, I steal stuff! Like Jules heart" Zack did an even worse impression of her then Ivy had.

"My voice is not that high pitched! You know what you sound like, Zack? I hate Tray but I looooove food and driving carssss" Carmen actually did a great impression.

Ivy burst out laughing, Player had been cackling since Zack did his impression.

"And you!" Carmen pointed at Ivy, "You sound like; 'ello, I'm Ivy the best twin, I'm cool and repair cars" This voice was almost spot on.

"Why are you so good at doing these voices?" Player asked as both Ivy and Zack where dying of laughter.

"Do Player next!" Zack said trough giggles.

Carmen cleared her throat and tried to make herself sound like a sixteen year old boy.

"I'm Player, I'm a hacker and I'm allergic to the sun. Bleh bleh bleh I am actually a vampire! Boo"

Zack fell off the couch in his laughter and Ivy were trying to catch her breath but kept falling back into laughter.

"Oh no you uncovered my great secret!"

"That you're allergic to the sun? Honestly a little sunlight could do you good"

"No, that I'm a vampire"


"Can you do Shadowsan's voice?" Player asked.

Before Carmen had chance to do her Shadowsan impression, Zack were standing up, ready to do his impression.

"Zack, you are my favorite student-"

"Nonono, he's more like; I'm a cool ninja dude that can use chopsticks as weaponsssss- heeeeey Shadow-san" Ivy squawked when she saw the man.

Shadow-san had entered, he didn't look amused on what they were doing. 

"I do not sound like that" He said before disappearing into his room.

Carmen smiled, this was her family. 

Later that night, after they had stopped VILE yet again, Ivy approached her. Shadow-san and Zack were already asleep. Carmen was sitting on the couch and Ivy sat down next to her.

"Hi" Carmen whispered.

"Hey" Ivy answered.

"You love her" Ivy said after some silence, "Do you not?"

Carmen blushed, a deep shade of red. "No! Of course not"

Ivy rolled her eyes.

"You leave her notes, you trust her with artifacts" 

"That's because she's working for ACME and ACME wants the artifacts back to their-"

Ivy just held up a hand to silence her.

"Look, you can tell me. We're like sisters or something by now, we're a family" 

Carmen sighed.

"I've never liked somebody like this before... I just don't know" She muttered, leaning back.

"Tell me how you feel around her. I'll help you figure it out" Ivy whispered, resting one of her hands on Carmen's shoulder.

"Well... It's like" Carmen paused to think, looking up at the ceiling. "It's like a roller coaster... I get that feeling you get in the loops when I'm around Jules... She works for ACME but I still trust her. I've noticed that when she talk about history her whole face lit's up and that... that makes me smile"

Ivy were quiet for a long time.

"I think you like her"

"Why wouldn't I like her? She's a perfect human being, much better then her coworkers"

"No like, have you ever considered that you maybe like her in a more... uhm, romantic way?"

"I-... maybe? I don't know" Carmen muttered, staring at her hands.

"Do you want to hold her? And protect her from all the bad people in the world? Do you want to kiss her? Hold her hand?"

Carmen went quiet, putting her face in her hands. Her thoughts were going wild because yes, she did want to do all those things to Julia, to her Jules.

"Anyways I sho-" Ivy made a move to stand up.

"Yes" Carmen whispered weakly.

"Yes to what?"

"Yes I want to hold her, Yes I want to protect her, Yes I want to k-kiss her, Yes I want to hold her hand" Carmen whispered out, not daring to look at Ivy.

"Then you like her, as in a crush" Ivy said with a smile.

"Oh god, why did my first crush have to be on our enemy?"

"Julia isn't our enemy thought, is she?"

"No... I trust her, we trust her"

"Then you should consider telling her-"

"I cant do that!" Carmen said in a panic.

"Not now dumbass, take your time" Ivy reassured her. 

"Oh... okay" 

There was a long silence, this time it was a little bit more awkward. 

"I should go to sleep"

"Oh, good night Ivy"

"Night Cahm" 

Ivy stood up and strolled over to the door to her and Zack's room. 

"For the record, I think she likes you back!" Ivy said before going into the room.

Carmen had a hard time sleeping that night. But she had made an important discovery.


It was one of you that suggested this... And here u are! I hope it turned out okay

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2020 ⏰

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