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These past couple of weeks with Jacob has been remarkable and it can only get better from here. I swoon from just staring at him. I wish I would have figured out my love problems with him sooner, but at the same time, I wouldn't change a thing. I try to go to his house on the weekends to give my family a break of Jacob. My mom still feels weird about her best friend becoming the love of my life. I get it. I wouldn't jump up and down for joy either. But I do see a smile on her face when I see her glancing at Jacob and I laughing and snuggling on the couch together.

I played her the day I told Jacob I loved him. I felt like she deserved to know what happened. I do try to tell her everything. My mom and I have always had a strong bond. I don't want her to think she's losing me now that Jacob holds a more important position in my life now. My mom does try and wants to know my plans for what Jacob and I are doing. Not to be a nosy mom, but to stay connected with me. I already told Jacob that I will hang out with my family some days and he will have to wait his turn. He rolled his eyes and made one of his sarcastic jokes, but he understood.

Today was a half day at school because of prom. I'm not going so my mom thought this was the perfect time to sit down and have a discussion on a certain topic.

"When you have sex with him, it may hurt. Losing your virginity is not fun for anyone that I know of."

"I think Jacob will be really sweet and gentle about it."

"Please, don't say his name during this conversation. At one point in my life I almost thought about-just don't."

"Mom, we don't have to talk about this."

"Yes, we do. Always use protection. We don't know your current situation about conceiving so just to be safe, tell him that he has to put on a condom or no deal. I'll see if we can get Carlisle to prescribe you birth control. Make sure he doesn't break you. Any bruises on you and I'm pulling the dating plug."

"I think I've had enough."

"As long as you know how sex works."

"Clear as day."

My mom puts her hand to her heart and says, "Thank God."

"Hello!" Alice peaks in. "Mind if Rosalie and I come in?"

"Go for it." I smile.

"We have a surprise for you!"

Rosalie pulls a dress out from behind her back as Alice shuts the door. It's in the plastic but I already know what they are doing.

"I didn't buy a prom ticket."

"You didn't buy it, but we pulled some strings." Alice says.

"This is your one and only prom and you will go to it. You deserve it." Rosalie says, pulling the dress out of the bag. "It's Cabernet color."

"It's gorgeous."

By five o'clock, I was wearing an asymmetrical satin dress with an A-line scoop neck. The top half was beaded and down the center of it, was a small slit, just like in the back. Alice gave me a pair of black heels to go along with it. Rosalie did my make-up and my mom tried to help them by curling my hair. She's not good at dressing up. Rosalie put my hair up in a high ponytail with a french braid on the top of my head leading up to the ponytail.

"I wish I could cry." My mom says, hugging me.

"I'll cry for us both."

"Not until you get to prom. I don't want my masterpiece to be ruined."

"Ness, I believe you have a date waiting for you on the trail." Alice says.

Jacob! My heart leaps at the thought of him. I try to rush but at the same time look graceful as I walk the trail from the cottage to Carlisle and Esme's house. My mom, Alice and Rosalie join the boys. Even Billy, Charlie and Sue Clearwater are here. I think I see Charlie crying.

I didn't see Jacob at first. I hear his voice.

"You look like you are ready for a red carpet premiere."

I turn to Jacob. He walks from the edge of the woods to me. I take in his suit and tie look with his pine smell. I could get drunk off of him alone.

"You're perfect." I whisper, putting my hand on his chest, looking him up and down.

"I think that's my line."

Jacob goes to kiss me but Rosalie interjects. "You will ruin my masterpiece!"

"Jacob," Alice taps her wrist.

A light bulb goes off in Jacob's head and he pulls out a box revealing a corsage.

"This is for you."

He places the corsage of flowers on my wrist.

"Esme, are you getting the pictures?" Carlisle asks.

"Yes, darling."

"Here, Ness," Alice runs to me and places a flower beginning to bloom in my hand. "You pin it to his chest."

Alice leaves the scene so more pictures can go off without anyone in them. Charlie is definitely crying. After our photo shoot, I walk up to Charlie and give him a hug.

"You just look so beautiful." He wipes the tears from his cheeks. "I do have one thing though. Why is no one else concerned that Jacob is dating you? Isn't he way older than you?"

"I'll grow and age with her. It's a wolf thing." Jacob says. It's not a complete lie. We just won't age.

"Right." Charlie says slowly. "I'm still trying to figure this wolf crap out. I guess as long as you are happy."

"You have nothing to worry about."

"Well, I don't want to put you in jail for pedophilia." Charlie jokes, poking at Jacob's ribs playfully.

Jacob and I give him fake laughs. "We don't want to be late to our reservation." Jacob says.

Jacob rented us a limo. The rest of the night was perfect. I loved every moment of it, mostly the slow dances. My friends tried to ask me if we had a hotel room set up. Joy kept winking at me.

"Don't worry. I have more respect for you than to take you to a hotel room on prom night."

Jacob must be able to see how nervous I had become. His words soothed me and I melted in his chest.

"I have plans for us Nessie. I'm going to make you the happiest girl in the world."

"I'm already the happiest girl in the world."

No one can top my happiness. I know it won't be for a long while, but I can't wait to be married to my best friend. I sound like a crazy girlfriend now that I think about it. But I believe Jacob feels the same exact way. 

Jacob and Renesmee: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now