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And we are back with  very dear and amazing writer Charmedone22 . Hope she gets all success in her life

Interviewer- Shivika1999

Tell us something about yourself (like your name, your birthdate , and your living place or hometown)

Hello I am charms. I am 22 years old and my birthday is on 11th July. My hometown is a mystery 😂.

Okay then let your hometown be a mystery😉

Who inspired you to write?

That's a tough question, I love reading books like for example Harry Potter and I got fascinated to write stories.

Means you are reader more than writer. I also love reading😁

How do you get such amazing plots for your writing?

My imagination. The plots come to me mostly when I am sleeping, reading or doing something else.

Your imagination is also like you. Strange but awesome😂

What would be the superpower you wish to have?

Spread happiness and peace

We love peace. Hope you get all the happiness 😊

What is the first thing comes in your mind when someone asks you about your
school memories?

The time spent with my friends

True , school is undefined without friends . And the time spent with friends is Aww....💜💜

Who is that one person in your life whom you can never forget apart from your family and why?

Both my friends, because we always have a good time with each other even when one is feeling low.

Yes friends are the ones we love  truly after family😁

If you have to make a rule for a day and everyone has to follow it, what it would

To watch my all favorite movies and series.

Looks like you are very fond of movies and series😂

What's a holiday that doesn't exist that you want to create?

All holiday that have fun.

Means you are quite fun loving😀

Which cartoon character you can relate yourself to and why?

The power puff girls as I would love to help people to gets justice and fight my enemies.

Okay I will also choose the same. We are very much similar😊

Tell us about the most embarrassing moment of your life?

I am clumsy so there are many embarrassing moments. I can't tell one.

You are very clumsy like me🤣🤣.I am very much clumsy.

Now choose any one option and give your answers accordingly:

Marry the person you love or marry the person who loves you?

Marry the person who loves me.

Right. I also would choose the same😁

A cupboard full of your favourite snacks OR a cupboard full of your favourite movie CDs?

Both *pouts* but I will go for the snacks.

You love snacks more than movie CDs ?

Spilling someone's secret OR getting your secret spilt?

Neither. I will go for getting my secret spilt.

I can't choose🤣🤣🤣

Friendship OR love and why?

Both but it depends on who is right or wrong.


If you have to choose between being invisible one day OR flying for one day
What it would be?

Flying for one day

You want to fly means you are freedom lover right?

Where would you prefer to live Forest Or Desert

I will rather live in forest.

You love greenery I think.

If you have been allowed to transform yourself into the role of any person around you, who it would be and why?

My younger cousin as I love to be kid again.

You are still a kid at heart😂

If an alien lands in front of you and he offers you any position on their planet what it would be and why?

It would be an author because I love writing.

You would be an author in that planet also😄.

What is the funniest thing happened to you in recent times?

Nothing. As I am bored in these pandemic😂

Me too. I am also bored*pouts*

If you have been given a choice to change one habit of your parents, what it would be?

Nothing. As I have never noticed bad about them.

Right. Parents are never bad😁

Have you ever stalked someone in real or in Instagram?

I kinda looked through the pictures of niti and parth

I always stalk Nakuul Mehta😂

So if you meet any Bollywood character out of the Bollywood film who it would be and why?

It would probably...Seriously I don't know😚

What is your best and worst experience of the Wattpad?

The best experience is getting so much love for my stories and the worst is that someone insulted my babies(books)

I agree. It very hurts a writer when someone insults their hardwork (books)

How would you rate this interview and questions out of 10 where 1 is the lowest
and 10 being the highest? And how was the experience here at Booktrovert and any suggestions you would like to give us?

10 out of 10. My experience with you guys great. I wish you guys all the best to
reach new heights😂

That's so sweet 😍.Thank you😁

Last but not the least a message you would like to convey to your readers or your friends?

My dear twistinians, thank you for being so supportive and always waiting for the updates, it means a lot to me😂

With the hope of interacting more with you.....

Signing off


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