(5) Well, I'm In Trouble

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Jeonghan waited outside while Hoshi snuck back in to grab Woozi.

Everyone was still in the same room. They were all either watching tv or trying to make Dailin laugh.

Junhui turned on cartoons and had the whole group watching.

Hoshi managed to grab Woozi, who was sitting by the wall, and leave.

"Alright, ready to go to the park?"


"Wow you are a cutie."

Hoshi took the van and put Woozi into the carseat. Jeonghan sat next to him and got buckled in.

It had gotten noticeably colder since the day prior, but they had forgotten their jackets.

By the time they arrived to the park, the wind was blowing and the air was cold and crisp.

"You can go play Jeonghan. I'll be playing with Woozi."


Hoshi put Woozi on the slid and let him go down. They did this over and over until he took him to the swings.

Jeonghan joined them on the swings, ignoring the growing feeling of cold on his skin.

Dino was freaking out. The littles were gone and he didn't even see them leave.


DK hugged him and made him take deep breaths.

Seungkwan tried calling Hoshi's phone, but there was no answer.

Minghao saw that the van was gone and started to panic himself.

"Ok, ok, I'll call a rental car and we will go find them.," said S.Coups.

Junhui and Wonwoo stayed with Dailin while S.Coups, Seungkwan, and Vernon took the rental car.

The others went downstairs to speak to the receptionist.

"Yeah, they left about an hour and a half ago."

Woozi sneezed and spooked himself while crawling in the dirt. He kept sneezing until he crawled his always to Jeonghan, who had stopped playing and was sitting still.

"You ok baby?," asked Hoshi.

Woozi sneezed again and whined to be picked up. Jeonghan wrapped his arms around himself and got off the playground.

Hoshi walked with them to the car, ready to go home as well.

One problem though...the car wouldn't start.

"You've got to be kidding me..."

Hoshi sat Woozi down and he tries to start the car again, but to no avail. Jeonghan started coughing and wiped his nose. Hoshi started to worry that he was getting sick. They had been out in the cold for a while now.

Woozi crawled onto the sidewalk and flopped over on his back. Jeonghan sat next to him and started to feel sleepy.

A ringing sound went off near them, it was Jeonghan's phone.


"Oh my god baby boy where are you?!," said S.Coups's worried voice.

"M at the *sneezes* park with ShiShi *sneezes* and baby."

"What park baby?"

"Closest to the hotel...*yawns*"

"I'm on the way ok. Stay there."

He hung up and Jeonghan watched as Hoshi grew more frustrated. He knew they were about to be in trouble.

They arrived at the park and saw Hoshi waving for them.

They parked and hugged all three of them before Vernon picked up Woozi and put him in the car. Seungkwan picked up Jeonghan and sat him next to him.

S.Coups scolded Hoshi, who knew a punishment was in order.

"What were you thinking?! This was dangerous! When we get back to the hotel, you go straight to bed. You are on punishment, no games, no snacks. Jeonghan probably has a cold now! And you brought Woozi too?!"

"I'm sorry..."

"Sorry won't cut it. Get in the car. Now!"

Hoshi thought to himself as they drove along:

"Well, I'm in trouble..."

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