Chapter 2: Greed of the king

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Thorin: And yet it's still not found!
Balin: Do you doubt the loyalty of anyone here?
[Thorin turns to face them]
Balin: The Arkenstone is the birthright of our people.
Thorin: It is the King's jewel. Am I not the King?!
[Bilbo watches Thorin]
Thorin: Know this, if anyone should find it and withhold it from me, I will be avenged.
[Thorin turns and walks away]
[later Bilbo goes to Balin who looks distressed from the way Thorin is behaving]
Balin: Dragon sickness. I've seen it before. That look, the terrible need. It is a fierce and jealous love, Bilbo. It sent his grandfather mad.
(Y/n): Oh no.
Bilbo Baggins: Balin, if-if Thorin had the Arkenstone. Well, if-if it was found, would it help?

Balin: That stone crowns all. It's the summit of this great wealth, bestowing power upon he who bears it. But stay his madness? No, lad. I fear it would make him worse. Perhaps it is best it remains lost.
[Bilbo is sitting in corner by himself, as he takes something out of his pocket Thorin appears from behind]
Thorin: What is that?
[suddenly Thorin approaches Bilbo]
Thorin: In your hand.
Bilbo Baggins: It's nothing.
Thorin: Show me.
Bilbo Baggins: It...
[Bilbo holds out his fist and opens it up to reveal a nut]
Bilbo Baggins: I picked it up in Beorn's garden.
[Thorin's face softens]
Thorin: You've carried it all this way?
Bilbo Baggins: I'm going to plant it in my garden. In Bag End.
Thorin: It's a poor prize to take back to the Shire.
Bilbo Baggins: One day it'll grow, and every time I look at it, I'll remember. Remember everything that happened: the good, the bad and how lucky I am that I made it home.
[Bilbo smile and Thorin smiles back]
Bilbo Baggins: Thorin, I...
[just then they are interrupted by Dwalin]
Dwalin: Thorin, the survivors from Lake-town, they're streaming into Dale. There's hundreds of them.
[Thorin's face hardens again]
Thorin: Call everyone to the gate.
[Thorin starts to walk off]
Thorin: To the gate. Now!
[the Lake-town survivors turn up at Dale led by Bard]
Bard: Come on, keep moving.
Alfrid: Sire! Sire! Up here!
[Bard goes over to join Alfrid]
Alfrid: Look Sire! The braziers are lit.
Bard: So, the company of Thorin Oakenshield survived.
Alfrid: Survived? You mean there's a bunch of Dwarves in there with all that gold?
Bard: I shouldn't worry, Alfrid. There's gold enough in that Mountain for all.
[to the people]
Bard: Make camp here tonight. Find what shelter you can. Get some fires going.
Lake-towner: Come on, hurry along now.
Bard: Alfrid, you take the night watch.
[inside the Lonely Mountain the Dwarves are working to move the fallen debris and stones to close up the gate]
Thorin: I want this Fortress made safe by sun-up. This Mountain was hard-won, I will not see it taken again.
Kili: The people of Lake-town have nothing. They came to us in need. They have lost everything.
Thorin: Do not tell me what they have lost. I know well enough of hardship. Those who've lived through dragon fire should rejoice! They have much to be grateful for.
(Y/n): Thorin these people will suffer without our help, Just give them some good enough so it would last for a time.
[he looks across at Dale where the Lake-towners have settled in for the night]
Thorin: More stone! Bring more stone to the gate!
[Bilbo watches in despair at Thorin's changed behavior]
[the Lake-town refugees are struggling to survive in Dale]
Percy: These children are starving. We need food. We won't last three days. Bard, we don't have enough.
Bard: Do what you can, Percy.
[to another Lake-towner]
Percy: It will be all right, don't worry.
Lake-town Woman: We need more water.
Bard: The children, the wounded and the women come first.
[he walks over to Alfrid]
Bard: Morning, Alfrid. What news from the night watch?
Alfrid: All quiet, Sire. Not much to report. Nothing gets past me.
[they walk outside]
Bard: Except an army of Elves, it would seem.
[Bard walks over the Thranduil]
Bard: My Lord Thranduil, we did not look to see you here.
Thranduil: I heard you needed aid.
[the Elves bring in carriages full of food and supplies which the Lake-towners gather around to take in excitement]
Bard: You have saved us. I do not know how to thank you.
Thranduil: Your gratitude is misplaced. I did not come on your behalf. I came to reclaim something of mine.
[Thorin picks up a necklace amongst some white gems and recalls Thranduil's words]
Thranduil: [voice over] There are gems in the Mountain that I too desire. White gems of pure starlight.
[Thorin laughs to himself as he realizes he's picked up the White gems]
Thorin: The White gems of Lasgalen. I know an Elf-lord who will pay a pretty price for these.
[he throws the necklace down into the white gems; back in Dale Thranduil's army of Elves starts marching off towards the Mountain]
Bard: Wait! Please, wait! You will go to war over a handful of gems?
Thranduil: The heirlooms of my people are not lightly forsaken.
Bard: We are allies in this. My people also have claim upon the riches in that Mountain. Let me speak with Thorin.
Thranduil: You would try to reason with the Dwarf.
Bard: To avoid war? Yes.
[after the dwarves have boarded up the gate with stones]
Thorin: Nice going lads, nice work. Come on!
[the climb up to look over the stone walls and see Thranduil's army of Elves over in Dale, they see Bard riding over to the Lonely Mountain]
Bard: Hail Thorin, son of Thrain. We are glad to find you alive beyond hope.
Thorin: Why do you come to gates of the King under the Mountain armed for war?
Bard: Why does the King under the Mountain fence himself in like a robber in his hole?
Thorin: Perhaps it is because I'm expecting to be robbed.
Bard: My Lord, we have not come to rob you, but to seek fair settlement. Will you not speak with me?
[Thorin goes down to meet Bard]
[Bard meets Thorin privately with a wall of stones separating them]
Thorin: I'm listening.
Bard: On behalf of the people of Lake-town, I ask that you honor your pledge. A share of the treasure, so that they might rebuild their lives.
Thorin: I will not treat with any man, while an armed host lies before my door.
Bard: That armed host will attack this mountain if we do not come to terms.
Thorin: And your threats do not sway me.
Bard: What of your conscience?
[they look at each other through the hole in the stone]
Thorin: Does it not tell you our cause is just? My people offered you help and in return you brought upon them only ruin and death.
Bard: When did the men of Lake-town come to our aid but for the promise of rich reward. A bargain was struck!
Thorin: A bargain? What choice did we have but to barter our birthright for blankets and food. To ransom our future in exchange for our freedom. You call that a fair trade? Tell me, Bard the dragon-slayer, why should I honor such terms?
Bard: Because you gave us your word. Does that mean nothing?
[Thorin steps away from Bard's view behind the stone wall to think a moment and looks at the rest of his company]
Thorin: Begone! Ere our arrows fly!
[Bard leaves in anger]
[Thorin and the rest of the company watch Bard ride away]
Bilbo Baggins: What are you doing? You cannot go to war.
Thorin: This does not concern you.
Bilbo Baggins: Excuse me, but just in case you haven't noticed, there is an army of Elves out there. Not to mention several hundred angry fishermen. We...we are in fact outnumbered.
Thorin: Not for much longer.
Bilbo Baggins: What does that mean?
Thorin: It means, Master Baggins, you should never underestimate Dwarves. We have reclaimed Erebor. Now we defend it.
[after his meeting with Thorin Bard rides over to Thranduil]
Bard: He will give us nothing.
Thranduil: Such a pity. But still you tried.
Bard: I do not understand. Why? Why would he risk war?
Thranduil: It is fruitless to reason with them. They understand only one thing.
[Thranduil draws his sword and looks at it]
Thranduil: We attack at dawn.
[he looks at the wall remember a certain prisoner]
Thranduil: (y/n) Your mother would be quite disappointed in you, Why don't you come back down and be with your own kin.
[he turns the moose he's riding to start riding back towards Dale]
Thranduil: Are you with us?
[Bard and the rest of the Lake-towners gather their armor prepare themselves for the oncoming battle, at the same time the dwarves suit up in their armor]
[as Bilbo watches the dwarves suiting up for the battle]
Thorin: (y/n), Come here.
(Y/n): Yes thorin.
Thorin: What did he mean own kin.
(Y/n): I have no idea what your talking about.
Thorin: Oh really, Because I can recall you being able to speak elf very fluently.
(Y/n): Thorin I really have no ide-
Thorin: Answer the question!.
[(y/n) looks at thorin with Confusion and a little sadness, Not once had his best friend ever yelled at him like that, (y/n) Look into Thorins eyes and saw anger and madness.
(Y/n): You want the truth fine.... You know my dad was born a man, But my mother...... She was a Mirkwood elf, That's how I'm able to speak elf Fluently, That's how Thranduil knew my mother, I may not look like an elf.... But I am half.
[Thorin looked at (y/n) with anger now knowing his best friend was half elf]
Thorin: I want you gone.
(Y/n): Thorin you don't mean it... you can't just tell me to leave after all we've been throu-
Thorin: I said leave!
[ (y/n) looks at thorin Not able to even recognize the dwarf he had called brother for years, all he saw was dwarf driven by greed, (y/n) left before their very eyes and disappeared out of thin air but not before giving a look of pity and sadness]
Thorin: Master Baggins, come here.
[Bilbo walks over to Thorin]
Thorin: You're going to need this.
[he holds up the Mithril vest]
Thorin: Put it on.
[Bilbo takes off his coat]
Thorin: This vest is made of silver steel. Mithril it was called by my forebears. No blade can pierce it.

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