Chapter 5: Thorin

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[Bilbo notices Thorin riding off towards Azog in the distance]
Bilbo Baggins: It's Thorin.
Gandalf: And (y/n),Fili and Kili...and Dwalin. He's taking his best warriors.
Bilbo Baggins: To do what?
Gandalf: To cut the head of the snake.
[Thorin, Kili, Fili (y/n) and Dwalin ride up to Ravenhill where they think Azog and the rest of his Orcs are, they start killing the Orcs they find there]
Dwalin: Die!
[Legolas and Tauriel ride into Dale]
Legolas: Gandalf!
Gandalf: Legolas. Legolas Greenleaf!
Legolas: There is a second army. Bolg leads a force of Gundabad Orcs. They are almost upon us.
Gandalf: Gundabad? Ahh. This was their plan all along. Azog engages our forces, then Bolg sweeps in from the north.
Bilbo Baggins: What? Th...the north? Where is the north exactly?
Gandalf: Ravenhill.

Bilbo Baggins: Ravenhill? Thorin is up there. And Fili and Kili! And (y/n)! to,They're all up there!
[Tauriel looks shocked and distressed on hearing this]
[referring to Azog after killing the Orcs on Ravenhill]
Fili: Where is he? It looks empty. I think Azog has fled.
Thorin: I don't think so.
[he turns to the other three]
Thorin: Fili, take your brother. Scout out the towers. Keep low and out of sight. If you see something, report back, do not engage. Do you understand, (y/n) with me.
Dwalin: We have company. Goblin mercenaries. No more than a hundred.
Thorin: We'll take care of them.
[to Fili and Kili]
Thorin: Go! Go!
[while Thorin (y/n) and Dwalin deal with the Goblins, Fili and Kili go off to scout the towers]
[back in Dale Thranduil looks at the slaughtered bodies of his Elf army; to Feren]
Thranduil: Recall your company.
[Feren sounds the horn, Gandalf makes his way to Thranduil]
Gandalf: My Lord, disperse this force to Ravenhill, the Dwarves are about to be overrun. Thorin must be warned.
Thranduil: By all means, warn him. I've spent enough Elvish blood in defense of this accursed land. No more!
[Thranduil walks off]
Gandalf: Thranduil?
Bilbo Baggins: I'll go.
Gandalf: Don't be ridiculous, you'll never make it.
Bilbo Baggins: Why not?
Gandalf: Because they will see you coming, and kill you!
Bilbo Baggins: No, they won't. They won't see me.
Gandalf: It's out of the question. I won't allow it.
Bilbo Baggins: I'm not asking you to allow it, Gandalf.
[Bilbo turns and leaves, he then puts on the One Ring and goes off to warn Thorin]
[as Thranduil and his army are setting off to leave Dale he comes across Tauriel]
Tauriel: [subtitled] You will go no further.
Tauriel: You will not turn away. Not this time.
Thranduil: Get out of my way.
Tauriel: The Dwarves will be slaughtered.
Thranduil: Yes, they will die. Today, tomorrow, one year hence, a hundred years from now. What does it matter? They are mortal.
[suddenly Tauriel draws her bow and arrow and points it at Thranduil]
Tauriel: You think your life is worth more than theirs, while there is no love in it? There is no love in you.
[Thranduil strikes her bow and arrow with his sword in anger, breaks it in two and points his sword at her]
Thranduil: What do you know of love? Nothing. What you feel for that Man is not real. You think it is love? Are you ready to die for it?
[suddenly Legolas strikes down Thranduil's sword]
Legolas: [subtitled] If you harm her you will have to kill me.
[Legolas turns to Tauriel]
Legolas: I will go with you.
[they both leave]
[Bard kills a war beast as it is about to kill Alfrid who was attempting to leave with the town's treasure, Alfrid stumbles and all the gold falls out of his shirt]
Bard: Get up.
Alfrid: Get away from me. I don't take orders from you. People trusted you, they listened to you. The Master's mantle was there for the taking and you threw it all away. For what?
[he stuffs the gold coins back into his shirt and stands, Bard looks at his children who are watching and Alfrid starts to walk away]
Bard: Alfrid...your slip is showing.
[Alfrid quickly walks off]
[at Ravenhill as Fili and Kili go scouting in the towers they hear a noise]
Fili: Stay here, search the lower levels. I've got this.
[reluctantly Kili leaves; back outside Thorin and Dwalin wait impatiently]
Dwalin: Where is that Orc filth?
[just then Bilbo suddenly appears after taking off the One Ring]
Bilbo Baggins: Thorin!
Thorin: Bilbo.
Bilbo Baggins: You have to leave here. Now! Azog has another army, attacking from the north. This watchtower will be completely surrounded, there'll be no way out.

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