Chapter 4: Dwarfs

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[he gives the sword Bard had given him to Bain; to the women and children]
Bain: Make for the Great Hall.
[suddenly Alfrid pushes his way through the crowd]
Alfrid: Out of my way! Abandon the cripples!
[he rushes towards the Great Hall; the elves along with Thranduil join the fighting of the Orcs in Dale]
[back with Azog watching from his position on a mountain top nearby]
Azog: [subtitled] They cannot hold the city! The Dwarves are almost spent.
[the Dwarf army continue to fight the Orcs in Erebor, one of them kills Dain's pig]
Dain: Yer buggers!
[Dain continues to fight the Orcs]
Dain: Thorin! Where's Thorin? We need him. Where is he?
[to his Orcs]
Azog: [subtitled] Let these lands run with blood! Slaughter them all.
[to his men as the Orcs continue to attack and overrun Dale]
Bard: Fall back!
[we see the many dead bodies of the Lake-towners and elves as the Orcs continue to attack them]
[back inside the Lonely Mountain Thorin sits on his throne when Dwalin comes over to him]
Dwalin: Since when do we forsake our own people? Thorin, they are dying out there.
Thorin: There are holes beneath holes within this Mountain, places we can fortify. Shore up, make safe? Yes. Yes, that is it. We must move the gold further underground to safety.
[Thorin gets up to leave]
Dwalin: Did you not hear me? Dain is surrounded. They're being slaughtered, Thorin.
Thorin: Many die in war, life is cheap. But a treasure such as this cannot be counted in lives lost. It is worth all the blood we can spend.
Dwalin: You sit here in these vast halls with a crown upon your head, and yet you are lesser now than you have ever been.
Thorin: Do not speak to me as if I were some lowly Dwarf Lord. As is if I were still Thorin... Oakenshield. I am your King!
Thorin: Where (y/n) I need to speak with him.
Dwalin: Thorin you forced him to leave he is gone., But thorin,You were always my King. You used to know that once. You were always my King. You used to know that once. You cannot see what you have become.
Thorin: Go. Get out, before I kill you.
[with tears in his eyes Dwalin turns and leaves]
[Thorin goes down to the Gallery of Kings and recalls his conversations]
Dwalin: [voice over] You sit here with a crown upon your head. You are lesser now than you have ever been.
Thorin: [voice over] A treasure such as this cannot be counted in lives lost.
Balin: [voice over] A sickness lies upon that treasure...
Bard: [voice over] The blind ambition of a Mountain King.
Thorin: [voice over] Am I not the King?
[he walks over the hardened gold in the gallery as he continues to recall]
Thorin: [voice over] This gold is ours, and ours alone. Treasure hoard... I will not part with a single coin.
Bard: [voice over] He could not see beyond his own desire!
Thorin: [voice over] if I were some lowly Dwarf Lord. Thorin Oakenshield.
Balin: [voice over] A sickness which drove your grandfather mad.
Thorin: [voice over] Oakenshield.
Dwalin: [voice over] This is Thorin, son of Thrain, son of Thror!
[Thorin continues to recall his conversations as he became changed]
Thorin: [voice over] I am not my grandfather.
Gandalf: [voice over] You are the heir to the Throne of Durin.
Dwalin: [voice over] They are dying out there.
Gandalf: [voice over] Take back Erebor.
Dwalin: [voice over] Dain is surrounded.
Gandalf: [voice over] Take back your homeland.
(Y/n): [voice over] I will always protect you thorin, I will help you take back Erebor, Even if it means giving up my own life.
Bilbo Baggins: [voice over] You are changed, Thorin.
Thorin: [voice over] I'm not my grandfather.
Bilbo Baggins: [voice over] Is this treasure truly worth more than your honor?
Thorin: [voice over] I'm not my grandfather.
[he starts hallucinating seeing the Smaug swimming beneath him, as well as himself sinking into the gold]
Gandalf: [voice over] This treasure will be your death.
[as he sees himself sinking into the gold he suddenly snaps out of it, he then throws his crown aside]
[to his men back in the battlefield]
Dain: Fall back! Fall back! Back to the Mountain! Fall back!
[as he watches from his mountain top]
Azog: [subtitled] Now comes their end. Prepare for the final assault.
[inside the mountain as the rest of the company waits restlessly Kili sees Thorin walking towards them with his sword in hand]
Kili: I will not hide behind a wall of stone, while others fight our battles for us! It is not in my blood, Thorin.
Kili: And what about (y/n) You scared him off your own friend who was with you all your life.
Thorin: No, it is not. We are sons of Durin, and Durin's folk do not flee from a fight, I hope (y/n) can forgive me for what I said to him.
[they smile at each other, Thorin touches their foreheads together and then walks over to the rest of the company]
Thorin: I have no right to ask this of any of you, but will you follow me, one last time?
Thorin: *thoughts* (y/n) Forgive me.
[as the Dwarf army have fallen towards the mountain]

Azog: [subtitled] Not yet! Wait...wait.!
[as the Orc army moves forward to attack suddenly Bombur sounds the horn]
Bilbo Baggins: Thorin.
[suddenly they smash through the wall of the mountain with the golden bell and join in the fight]
Dain: To the King! To the King!
[Thorin and his company start attacking the Orcs and the Dwarf army joins in; watching from Dale]
Bilbo Baggins: The Dwarves, they're rallying.
Gandalf: They're rallying to their King.
[to the Lake-town men]
Bard: Any man who wants to give their last, follow me!
[Bard leads them to attack the Orcs, Gandalf and Bilbo join in; inside the Great Hall where the women, children are]
Lake-town Woman #1: I say we stand with our men in life and in death.
Lake-town Woman #2: I'm with ya.
Bain: Arm yourselves!
[to Alfrid who's disguised himself as old woman hunched over]
Lake-town Woman #3: Come with us, love.
Alfrid: No, no, no. You leave an old woman be.
Lake-town Woman #3: Don't be afraid.
Alfrid: I said get off!
[suddenly the leader of the women pulls the cloak off of Alfrid's head]
Lake-town Woman #1: Alfrid Lickspittle, you are a coward.
Alfrid: A Coward? Not every man is brave enough to wear a corset.
Lake-town Woman #1: You're not a man, you're a weasel.
[as the women and children head off the join the men, Alfrid notices some of the hidden treasure]
[back on the battlefield]
Thorin: Dain!
Dain: Thorin! Hold on! I'm coming!
[he kills an Orc as heads over to Thorin]
Dain: Hey, cousin, what took you so long?
[Thorin laughs and they embrace]
Dain: There's too many of these buggers, Thorin. I hope you've got a plan.
[Thorin notices Azog and his Orcs on the mountain top]
Thorin: Aye, we're going to take out their leader.
Dain: Azog?
[Thorin gets on a ram As he does he here's a loud noise which sounds like a war call, Some orcs look over behind him and see men on horses, Azog sees this and goes wide eyed]

[ Thorin looks Further and sees a man infront of them army and he recognizes as his own bestfriend (y/n)]
Thorin: Youve finally rallied your people.
(Y/n) POV
Forine: my lord the men are ready.

(Just imagine these guys wearing cloaks with armor and imagine (y/n) the one giving the speech)

(Y/n): Ride men of Ruthenia, Ride to the king!.
[ as the Ruthenia horse riders head into battle (y/n) Spots thorin and smiles]
Thorin: You came back *hugs (y/n)*
(Y/n): *hugs back*I have a promise to keep don't i.
Dain: Thorin what about azog
Thorin: I'm going to kill that piece of filth.
Dwalin: Lead on!
(Y/n): I'm with you thorin.
[as Thorin heads off, Dwalin, Kili (y/n), and Fili join him riding towards Azog]
[back in Dale]
Gandalf: We may yet survive this.
Bilbo Baggins: Gandalf!

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