A Surprising Begining

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The red roses glinted with the fresh morning dew making them look beautiful to any normal princess, but Lucy wasn't a normal princess. She liked fighting, gymnastics, bull whips, books, and especially magic. Lucy would spend her whole day in the library studying about the different types of magic, and her favorite was celestial. However, her father kept insisting on her private princess lessons. If she had the chance, Lucy would escape from her prison.

Natsu was an outcast among all royals. Many didn't even know he existed because he barely made an appearance. It wasn't his fault he was obsessed with the dragon he found as a young boy. Its just everyone claimed he was crazy, and he had to proof his innocence. Instead of going out and searching for the dragon he was stuck with his least favorite thing, reading.

Gray waited around the corner for the guards to come forward with their pockets full of taxes. The Dragon Slayer Council had raised the taxes to high this time, and Gray had some of that money planned for something very special, and no one was keeping it from him. The guards rounded the turn just to fall into Gray's trap. He used his ice make magic and created a longsword. He held the sword to the middle guard's neck and demanded for the money. The guard slowly gave Gray the money then took off with his guard friends.

Juvia gazed out her castle window gazing at everyone below. She always dreamt of leaving her palace walls and escape. Her future laid beyond the horizon with her surrounded by the sea. Nothing made Juvia happier than the sea with its cool blue water. If Juvia had her way she would live in a nice home by the sea.

Erza's sword clashed with her opponent causing that clashing metal sound. All her mind could think of was taking revenge on the Heartfilia Captain, Jellal. He tricked her into letting him walking away unscathed almost costing Erza's job. He had played low and dirty for the last time because Erza had a fresh target to kill.

Jellal laughed and told the story of his last encounter with Erza. He played with her emotions talking about them as kids. Jellal later left his men to be alone. Once he was in solitude, he dreamt of how beautiful Erza use to look talking about her future. Jellal did love Erza once, but now they were on opposite sides of the war, and Erza was probably coming up with new ideas to kill him. Jellal shook his head trying to keep his priorities straight. His first order of business was to find a way to overthrow the Heartfilias and put himself as king and Erza as queen.

Chapter 1 

Lucy POV

I snuck through the castle hallways as my father slept. My blue satchel was around my shoulder and I was in my most casual dress. My hair was down aside from the small ponytail sticking out the top of my head. My father hated when I dressed like this, but I loved my outfit.

My satchel felt a million times heavier from the celestial books I took from the library. My plan was to as many of the celestial keys I could without giving up.

I was almost at the door when I heard a faint. voice say, "Miss." I turned around to be standing face to face with a grandfather clock. "I have come to understand that you are looking for the celestial keys. I am here to offer my service to you miss Lucy Heartfilia."

I blinked a few times replaying what just happened. "You're a celestial spirit," I said hoping I was right.

"Yes miss. My name is Horologium and I help you whenever you need protection." Lucy was astonished she found her first celestial spirit so quickly. She thought she had to go on some big quest just to get one. "I, of course, didn't come alone. I am also here representing quite a selection of keys." Lucy was blinking so fast she could become an energy source.

"How are you representing more than one key?" Lucy asked suspiciously.

" Well miss, you see, your mother was actually a very powerful celestial wizard before she met your father, and she asked me to offer us to you when the time was right." Lucy flinched at the mention of her mother which she hadn't heard about since the funeral.

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