Two Spartans, Five Ephors and an Oracle

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   Pleistarchus and Dilios arrive at the mountain where the Ephors and the Oracle lay on top.

   "How do we get to the top?" Pleistarchus asked.

   Dilios laughed while grabbing a stepping stone of the mountain. "We climb."

   The climb was long and hard, and It wasn't that their strength was giving out on them, but the loose stones and any creatures that lived on the mountain itself were the real threat. Once they reached the top they were greeted by the Ephors.

   "And who is climbing my mountain without an invitation?" One of the Ephors said.

   "Pleistarchus, son of Leonidas, and we have come in hopes of a favor."

   "And what favor might that be?"

   "To learn of the locations of the Spartan training camps."

   "Impossible, the only people worthy of knowing the locations are the Oracle and King Leonidas."

   "Well our King has abandoned his duties as King and as a Spartan." Pleistarchus stated.

   "Old news Spartan, but why should I give you the locations? Leonidas pays us for our loyalty. What can you give us that Leonidas can't."

   Pleistarchus drew his sword. "I don't know what Leonidas can't give you, but what I do know is that right now, at this moment I am the man that controls whether you live or die, and whether it will be quick or not. How does that sound."

   "Ok." The Ephor hissed. "Ok. I will consult the Oracle."

   Dilios and Pleistarchus patiently stood at the mountains ledge, waiting for the Ephor to come back with the locations of the training camps.

   "Here he comes." Dilios whispered. "But as soon as we leave they will send word to Leonidas."

   "I know."

   The Ephor came back and handed a scroll to the Spartan.

   "Here are the locations to the training camps Spartan, now leave."

   Pleistarchus turned around and walked to the ledge only to turn around and throw the Ephor off of the ledge.

   "Wh-why did you do that?" Yelled one of the four remaining Ephors.

   "I'm not stupid." Pleistarchus said while drawing his sword. "You said it yourself, Leonidas pays you for your loyalty. What is to stop you from sending word to him about my visit?"

   "I promise you that we won't say anything."

   "I wish I could believe you." Pleistarchus said sympathetically.

   He slayed the rest of the Ephors and joined Dilios who was standing over the lifeless body of the Oracle.

   "She died after she gave the locations of the training camps to the Ephors. Her last words were save Sparta."

   "Where is your army stationed?"

   "Here, disguised as regular citizens. What better place to hide than right in front of their nose?" Dilios laughed.

   "Go to them and send messengers to the training camps and to any Spartan in hiding to come here."

   "And where would you go my lord?"

   "To seek the help of the Athenian known as Thermistocles, who defeated a Persian squadron and killed Xerxes' father."

   "You want an Athenian fighting with us?" Dilios asked skeptically.

   "Right now the Athenians are doing a better job at upholding the Spartan tradion than we are." Pleistarchus followed.

   "Fair enough." Dilios said. "I found a path that leads down the mountain."

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