Baz Pitch

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The room is starting to feel weirdly quiet, don't get me wrong I love it when Simon is somewhere with Bunce, it gives me some time away from his constant staring. I swear he thinks I'm going to kill someone, drain them dry. It's been about a year since he found out that I'm a vampire. I'd hoped when he caught me in the catacombs last year that he would ease up on me a bit but if anything, he's gotten worse. He's always somewhere nearby, which is why it's starting to feel weird that he's not here. I've grown used to him being where I can see him, or at least hear his heart beating. Once upon a time the idea that I'd miss Snow being near me would've made me want to throw up but the last 2 years I've found myself deliberately acting suspicious even if my family haven't got me scheming against him, just so he'll stay close. I'd never admit it out loud but I like being able to see him so I can protect him. I think Fiona is starting to suspect that I'd rather keep Snow safe than do anything else. She wouldn't be wrong; the truth is I worry about Simon and have found myself falling in love with his stupidity. I remind myself that this is the only time I've had away from Snow since we started this year and it's December now, I should be enjoying this. But I'm brought out of my thoughts as the door to our room bursts open, Simon crashing through, making me turn away from my desk.

I watch as he kicks his shoes off, shrugs off his blazer and throws himself onto his bed opposite me. I turn my back to him, but my mind keeps wandering over to him. Why isn't he showering? He always showers at the end of the day. Is he hurt? I can smell blood. More than usual, and it's not just his. Bunce? No, too sour. I have no clue what it came from, probably some creature coming for the mages heir. I always know. Why don't I know? What happened to him? Did the Humdrum come after him again? Now that I think about it, he wasn't at dinner. Was Bunce? He never misses a meal. My mind's racing by now trying to figure out what happened to him, I can hear him behind me shifting in his bed. I turn in my chair to face Simon laying with his face shoved into his pillows. He looked wrecked, he's covered in mud, and blood. His sandy hair is knotted with leaves and twigs. For a moment I think he's asleep, I take a deep breath to say something... Though I have no idea what to do here, a million things I could say run through my head. Each of them wildly different to the last. Before I can say anything, I find myself staring into his blue eyes. 

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