Simon Snow

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"....I just cant believe your stupidity sometimes..." I take a few seconds to process the blur of words that just spilled out of Baz's mouth, then it hits me. He cares about me. Some invisible puppeteer pulls my lips into a massive grin, my checks already ache but I cant stop. I watch as he tries to dig himself out his this hole he's made but I cut him off unable to help myself. "You give a shit!!" He turns away shoving his face into his hands but not before I see his face turn a shade of red I didn't think was possible for a human, let alone a vampire. Bubbles build up in my chest, bursting in the sound of giggles forcing their way out of my lips. God Baz must hate this but there's no stopping now.

It's strange I've never been like this around him. I always think about him, wonder where he is which Penny says is super weird for a 16-year-old, apparently most guys my age are thinking about girls. Since I came to Watford though all I've ever done was think about Baz, I'd always put it down to the fact he kept trying to kill me which is understandable. But sitting here giggling at him while he blushes a million different shades of red, I can't help but consider the idea its because of something else. I don't know much about romance and all that, but the few times when Baz is close to me my heart pounds, my breathing comes up short like there's not enough air in the room and when we touch, particularly these gentle grasps tonight have sent patterns of fireworks through me. I'm pulled away from my mile-a-minute thought-train by a muffling coming from Baz's hands. Why not see how far I can push him in his embarrassment... I lean as close as I can to him without making any contact and say "what was that Basilton?" as gently as possible in this moment. Without warning he whips round, sliding off the bed and brings his face directly in front of mine, his eyes returned to their usual cold steel grey. "I said. Shut. Up. Snow." His voice threatening in a way I've never heard; I know somehow whatever I do he won't hurt me in this moment.

I'm suddenly very aware of his arms either side of my body holding him up. Our faces are so close that I can't help but let my mind wander into the possibilities of what could happen... Oh yeah, very hetero of you Simon... I mean, if that's where my mind is going in this moment, surely my body should follow suit. Oh god, what if he punches me? I hear his breathing hitch. Maybe he's thinking the same thing I am. We've been like this for too long. Fuck it.

My hands shoot up and grab his shirt, my body moving forward as my arms pull Baz closer until our lips crash into each other. I feel him freeze up under my touch, yet he doesn't push me away, before I can pull away, he snakes his hand around the back of my head and pulls me deeper into the kiss. Like I'm gonna pull away now. I raise myself onto my knees on the bed, his body straightening up with me. I let go of his shirt with one of my hands wrapping it round his waist pulling his closer until he's on his knees the same as me. We both move so quickly, trying to find a new place to pull closer to the other, yet I'm aware of every place his fingers touch. One hand winds itself into my hair, while the other grips my waist sending fire shooting through every single one of my nerves. The blaze follows him as he winds his arm round my back. Both my arms find their way round his neck and pull him closer to me. I could stay in this moment forever if the world allowed, but the world is a cruel thing and so is oxygen. I pull away gasping for air. Baz's eyes look briefly hurt before his body sucks in air and he realizes why I pulled away. In this moment I'm even more aware of how close we are without the wonderous distraction of kissing. Every part of our body that could be touching from our shoulders down to our knees had somehow found a way to become connected. My body lights up like a Christmas tree with sparks at even the slightest hint of movement. I look into Baz's eyes, to see myself reflected not in cold steel but heart stopping silver. His eyes search me for something, I don't know what but whatever it is the smile breaking out on my face seems to put him at ease.

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