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                 Izuku pov.
I blushed as he finishes speaking. I still tried to scream for help.'im not very good at listening'. * Overhaul set izuku down* ' huh is he letting me go!?'
               Overhaul pov
We got to the base and I set the cutie down /overhaul is still drunk btw/ he looks confused.A look of realization showed up on his face and he started to scream a pro hero even walked by us he stopped screaming after that.we made it to my room were the fun will begin.  
              Deku pov.
     I seen pro hero endeavor walk me and even look at me.i stopped screaming knowing  that I wasn't getting saved.i was brought into a rlly white room he locked the door!!! He put  me down and tied me up and unziped his pants.....* After that and yes they did do 'it'
         No. pov.
* In the morning* izuku wake up and through up in the trashcan by the bed.overhaul woke up to the sound of vomited. Overhaul sat up but fell back down holding his head." Damn what happened????" Overhaul stated pissed
Izuku started to wipe the vomite off his face.Overhaul spotted izuku" who are you!?"overhaul stated grossed out.
" I-zuku!" Izuku blurted out crying.overhaul locked around and then realized what happened and remembered that izuku was quirkless." Hiro get izuku here a room    and some clothes !" Overhaul said happily knowing he found someone quirkless.

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