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                               Izuku pov.                             I arrived at U.A  a week ago and to say I was scared was an understatement.I still wore overhauls jacket  even though they told me to take it off.I stayed with  aizawa he said he would help me.Bakugo was yelling at some kids and stuff. I yawned and aizawa gave me his sleeping bag to nap in once I payed down I was out like a light.

               Everyone pov.
Aizawa let someone sleep in his sleeping bag.

                Aizawa pov.
After the kid was out I told the class to go home cause I didn't want to teach today.After they all left I started making phone calls to some of the villains I know to see if I could find overhaul. After about 8 calls I finally got something and old lab on lem street.I grabbed Izuku and started heading for the lab. Once we were there I seen overhaul pacing around thinking of was to save Izuku. I tapped on his shoulder making him look at.He was about to hit me when Izuku woke up and hugged him

                  Overhauls pov.
Izuku hugged me tightly and I raped my arms around him." Why? " I asked the hobo looking hero" why would I break up a happy family?" I smiled and him and shook his hand with Izuku still hugging me.

Bye my baby weebs I love you all  have a good day/ night.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2020 ⏰

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