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       Overhaul pov.
I was shocked to say the least.My mother isn't one to be nice to people and here she was talking happily with Izuku." So Izuku how did you and overhaul meet?" My mother chirped.
I froze and tried leaving the room.

        Izuku pov
" Mrs. I think you should ask your son who's trying to leave the." I spoke happily. Overhaul looked frightened
" I'm going to start dinner sir would you mind helping me?" I asked overhauls dad.He didn't say anything just followed me.
                Overhauls mom's pov.
I got suspicious when Izuku told me to ask my son.my son looked worried I gave him the mom look." Overhaul how did you and Izuku meet?" He looked so ashamed." I bumped into him ....when..I...was drunk." My son whispered.I was pissed then he took off down the hall.I ran after him.
    Meanwhile with Izuku.
           Izuku pov.
I started on the curry and would ask overhauls dad to grab stuff here and there." So how did you and your wife meet?" I asked. And for the first time he answered" we meet when I was ..drunk."he whispered.I gave a dry laugh." You boys and meeting people when your drunk."I started.He looked suprised." Is that how-"he was cut off by overhaul running into MY kitchen. I was pissed and took my wooden spoon to his head." Get your ass out of my kitchen!" I hisses his mother ran in and I shot her a glare that said one wrong move and your over. Overhaul was holding his head and walked out of the kitchen.

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