chapter 6

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you had been at the gala for a while, you and aaron managed to act like a couple despite the way aaron acted earlier. it was nice especially when he would give you little kisses and come up from behind you while you were talking to the different people. eventually you knew that this would come to an end but you were going to enjoy it while it lasted.

you and aaron were at the bar keeping eyes on byron hayes trying to notice anything out of the ordinary, but you for nothing absolutely nothing.

"he's giving away nothing aaron absolutely nothing"

"i know, i know"

"he's so normal it's like he's not even a physcopath"

"it's because he has a reputation uphold, he's a ceo of one of the biggest companies in new york, if anyone even suspected that he was a serial killer his business would go down in flames" he says taking a sip of his whiskey

" he's escalating and that's not good at all, we can't arrest him tonight and he's working now on a forty-eight hour time frame, so now we have less than twenty four hours to arrest him" you say putting your head in your hands

hotch's phones goes off he pulls it out of his pocket and looks at you "its jessica, i need to take this"


you take a sip of your scotch and look around for hayes, realizing that you don't see him anywhere. you turn around and bump into somone, the person grabs you by your keeping you from falling. you look up at the mystery person and notice that hayes is the one you bumped into.

" oh my gosh im so sorry, are you alright" you ask as he removes his hands from his waist

" im fine are you alright" he asks concern

" im alright, uhm thanks for not letting me fall" you say looking away from him trying to find aaron

"are you here with anyone by chance" he asks

"yes, my husband" putting more emphasis on that last word

"and might i ask where he is" he asks

"he's right here" aaron says sternly walking to stand beside you pulling you into him

"hey hey no need to get defensive i was just making sure the pretty lady wasn't here alone, it can get pretty dangerous at events like this" he says smiling creepily

"thank you but i think we should get going now it's getting late, it was nice meeting you..." you ask waiting for his name

"byron, byron hayes"

"alright byron, have a lovely night" you say giving him a small smile trying to hide your disgust

"you as well" he says before walking away

you grab you clutch and turn to aaron who has a concerned look on his face "are you ok"

you really want to say no but you don't " yeah i'm fine uhm can we leave now" you ask quietly

aaron looks at you and you can tell he doesn't look like he's completely convinced but he drops it anyway "yeah come on" he grabs you hand and leads you out of the building.

you guys are waiting for valet to give you your car back morgan, emily and spencer pull up in the black suv.

"hey, you guys find him" emily asks

"yeah, we are getting ready to head back to the penthouse to change, we'll meet you at the station" aaron says

spencer looks at you concerned but you avoid his gaze trying to hide your facial expressions. you know he's gonna ask you about it later because he's your best friend.

they drive off heading to the station and valet pull up with your car. aaron thanks them as he opens your door, you get in and buckle yourself up. aaron eventually gets into the car and buckles himself up. he puts the key in the ignition but doesn't start it. you notice it but you don't say anything you just continued to look out of the window.

he starts the car and drives away from the building. you are so zoned out that you didn't realized that he was holding your hand, you didn't want to move your hand away but did. you were getting sick of him playing hot and cold.

you guys eventually arrived at the penthouse, you got out of the car leaving aaron behind. you walk into the building smiling at the door man on the way to the elevator. as your waiting you hear aaron calling you from the door. the elevator finally opens and you walk in it pressing your floor but it doesn't work aaron walks in the elevator before it closes.

you keep your distance from aaron the whole elevator ride. you can feel the anger radiating off of his body but you could really care less at the moment, he was playing with you and that was really pissing you off.

when the elevator finally reaches your floor aaron walks out first storming down the hallway and you follow him. by the time you get there the door is already opened and aaron is already on the house standing my the door waiting for you to enter. when you get in the house aaron slams the door shut and grabs your wrist stopping you.

"what the fuck was that y/n" he's full on yelling

"what do you mean what the fuck was that" you ask yelling back

"i try to act like a good "husband" in the car by holding your hand trying to comfort you after your encounter with hayes"

" a good husband please, you couldn't even tell me i looked good tonight aaron hell you barely even looked at me all night"

"you know why i couldn't look at you" he says

"why aaron" you ask rolling your eyes

"because i was trying not to think about ripping that dress off of you and fucking you senseless in the bathroom" he says walking closer to you until there's no space between the two of you.

his words shot straight to your core making yiy clench your thighs together. you look at him his eyes already dark and filled with lust. you run your finger down his chest until your reach his belt .

"what's stopping you"

hey guyssss!!!
sorry for ending the chapter like this but i will be writing the next chapter tonight and hopefully it will be out tomorrow so y'all won't be waiting long. thank you so much for over 600 reads! anyways i really hoped you guys liked this chapter!!


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