chapter 22

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you guys were currently in a conference room in sacramento police department. you weren't really in the headspace right be working this case but you did anyway.

it was currently 6 pm and you were absolutely drained. you guys had gotten no leads on the case, even spencer was at a loss. you really wanted to save these children but that feeling in your gut came back.

"do we have anything yet" you ask rubbing your hands over your face

"nope, we check our school and their staff and we got nothing" rossi says

something clicks in your brain, schools staff doesn't document substitute teachers. you get up and grab you phone calling garcia.

"y/n what are you doing" hotch asks

"substitute teachers" is all you say before garcia answers the phone

"he who seeks the queen of all knowledge, speak and be recognized" she says making you smile

"hey penny i need you to look at all of the kids schools and see if a substitute teacher had taught for all of their classes, mainly specials" you say

"i will call you back will all of my information, pg out" she says before hanging up

"ok so y/n what do you mean my substitute teachers" emily asks

"substitute teacher are mainly called in my the teacher not the school, which normally means they aren't marked as staff. school staff also has to have a clean record and background check, while subs don't" you say looking at everyone

"emily call the school and see if any people have been subbing for any of their classes, in the past 4 months" he says

"on it" she says walking out of the room

"i think we're ready to give the profile" rossi says

you guys give the profile to local pd, you answer all of their questions before walking back into the conference room. as soon as you get in your phone rings, you look at see that it's garcia calling. you quickly answer the phones putting it on speaker

"hey pg whatcha got" you ask

"ok so i did some digging into the school records and i found a substitute teacher or should i say former substitute teacher who has  subbed for all of the kids classes, milton wagner, 55, is a retired teacher who has a very sketchy record" she pauses for a second before continuing "before he retired multiple students reported that he was getting too close and would ask them very personal questions, he had been reported multiple times but was never fired until recently when he was caught groping a little boy by a teacher and he went to court and was put on the sex offenders list"

"that must have been the trigger" you say "garcia how long ago was that" you ask

"two weeks before the first kidnapping" garcia's says

"we have our guy, garcia's please tell-"

"home and private property addresses have been sent to your phones, be safe my loves" she says before hanging up

"y/n, emily, reid and i will go to the private property while the rest of you go to his house, let's go" hotch says

you all get to vests on and walk out of the building with local pd behind you. you all get into your designated suvs and drive to your addresses.

the car ride to the private property is very short, when you get out you see a black van that has tinted windows parked by the warehouse.

you all get out of the suv and wait for local pd to show up, when they get there you all walk up to the house guns raised.

"y/n take the front, prentiss take the right side, reid take the left and i'll take the van" hotch says

you wave some officers over and they follow you in to the building, it's dark and dimly lit just like in your dream. you walk down the hallway with officers behind you and that's when you see it, wangner pointing the gun at dylan's head.

"milton wangner fbi drop your weapon" you say calmly

"no you drop your weapon and if you don't i'll shoot the boy" he says

"ok ok, i'm placing my weapon on the ground" you say couching down to put your wrapping in the ground before getting back up

"dylan sweetie look at me, not them" you say pointing at the officers behind you. he looks at you, you can see the fear in his eyes as he lets the tears stream down his face "there you go" you say looking at him

"let him go" you say looking between them "he's an innocent child who did nothing to you, let. him. go" you say looking at him

you see him hesitate and he lets dylan go, he runs to you but before you can reach him he fires the gun twice hitting dylan with in the chest and lower abdomen.

you run over to dylan and grab him before he hits the ground. you check his pulse and it's weak, you feel the tears start to form in your eyes.

the officers arrested wagner and escorted him out, you look at him before turning your attention back to dylan, checking his pulse again.

"dylan stay with me bud" you beg as you cry, he looks up at you and you can see the pain in his eyes " i know it hurts i know but you will be ok" you say through tears

you look up and see the team looking at you, you can see the tears in their eyes as you beg for dylan to stay alive, you know he's not gonna make it but you beg anyway.

"dylan i'm so sorry, i'm so so sorry" you say through sobs

eventually his breathing stops and you feel your heart literally shatter in your chest, you let out a loud sob as dylan's lifeless body lays in your lap.

"y/n come-" hotch tries to talk but you cut him off

"no i'm staying with him until forensics gets here" you say still crying

"ok we'll be out there" emily says quietly walking out with the team

you stayed there with dylan until forensics got there, they moved his body off of you and place him in a body bag. you feel more tears fall as they wheel him away.

you get up and look at your self, you're covered in his blood, the blood of an innocent child. you slowly walked out of the warehouse and to your team.

as soon as you reached then spencer came up and gave you a hug, you hugged him back and just sobbed in his arms.

"it's ok" he says rubbing your back

"it's ok"
hi guys

this chapter was very hard for me to write, i hate to put y/n through time trauma but it will all be worth it in the end. we sadly have 8 chapters left, this journey had been really fun. i just wanted to thanks you guys for showing me so much love and support, you guys mean the world to me. i really hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!!


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