chapter 15

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"i- i was just on the phone with him, he- he was telling about his date with maeve i- why is it always him" you letting out a sob, you feel someone rubbing your back as you let it out.

"he was so happy that he finally met someone a-and he told me that he felt like she was the one" you say starting to cry again

"y/n it's ok we'll find him" jj says continuing to rub your back

"and what if we don't, what am i supposed to tell diana and maeve, that a serial killer who wants me took the person they love and killed him" you say looking up at the team

"y/n you won't have to say any of that, we'll find hayes and we'll make sure he's back where he belongs" derek says

"that's depending if i don't kill him first" you mutter under your breath

"ok so, i found some information on hayes and he escaped the prison 2 days ago, he also managed to kill two inmates and a guard during his escape" penelope says tapping away at her computer pulling up the victims so that they are now on the board in the bau room.

"why the hell did no one tell us" rossi asks

"because it was an hour before cell checks and no one was around cell block a" penelope says

"ok so hayes took spencer because of me, when i arrested him he called me a whore because he thought i was sleeping around with guys. he wants me not spencer" you say standing up looking at hotch

"agent y/l/n" anderson walks into the room

"yes" you ask

"there a call for you at your desk, from a ben hamilton" he says

"thanks anderson" you say walking out of the room and make your way to your desk and pick up the phone

"hello" you say

"well well if it isn't agent y/l/n, how are you doing these days" hayes says on the other side of the line

"hayes i don't have time for games, you don't want spencer you want me right, well if you give me the address i'll come" you says

"how do you know i won't bring your team" he says

"do you really think i'm stupid enough to bring them knowing that you would kill spencer if i did, hayes let spencer go and i will come to you" you say

"fine come to your apartment me and spencer will be waiting" he says before hanging up

you walk back into the room and see everyone gathered around the round table looking at you.

"i have to go" you say grabbing your keys from the table

"y/n no" hotch says grabbing your arm

"it's my only chance at saving spencer hotch"

"y/n please don't do this" penelope says on the verge of tears

"i'm sorry penny but i have to" you say looking at her feeling tears fall down you cheeks

"promise me you won't follow me, for the sake of spencer please" you ask

for a moment they all hesitate before nodding, hotch lets your hand go looking at you with pleading eyes. you feel more tears start to fall as you look at him.

"i'm sorry hotch" you say before walking out of the room

you walk as fast as you can out of the bullpen, you pass on the elevator and run down the six flights of stairs to get to your car. you unlock your car and get it. you start it and peel out of the fbi parking lot and make your way to your apartment.

as you were driving the words that spencer said in the suv on your way to arrest hayes kept repeating in your brain.

you know i'd die for you right

after you make it to your apartment you get out of your car and run upstairs to your apartment. when you make it you see that the door is already slightly opened, you draw your gun and push it open the rest of the way and see spencer tied up to a chair and hayes right next to him.

"well we'll if it agent y/l/n" hayes says holding a knife to spencer's neck

"hayes put the knife down and let him go" you say

"why y/n, why should i let him go, it's not like you care for him. you still have agent morgan and hotchner so what wrong with loosing another boy toy"'  he yells pushing the knife to farther into spencer's neck, you look at spencer who's silently crying

"hayes please" you say

you see hayes start to move the knife to slit spencer throat and you shoot him right between the eyes with no hesitation. hayes lifeless body lays on the ground, blood pooling out of his head.

you walk over to spencer and untied him as fast as you can. when your finishes you pull him in for a hug, he wraps his arms around you nuzzling his head into your neck. you feel the tears start to fall from your cheeks feeling the relief of not loosing your bestfriend.

"i'm so sorry spence"'you say through tears

"i'm ok y/n" he says giving you a kiss on your forehead.

meanwhile at the bau

"guys"  penelope yells grabbing the teams attention "there been reported shots fired and y/n's apartment complex" she says eyes darting around the room looking at everyone

"let's go" hotch says

the team gets their vests on and run out of the bullpen and into the elevator. when they get to the bottom floor they run out and get in the suvs, hotch rossi and jj in one, morgan emily and penelope in another.

as they make their way to y/n's apartment hotch came help but thinks what could have happened in that apartment. he was hoping that he would see hayes dead body on the ground and y/n and spencer alive.

when they finally arrive they park their cars they all hop out and run into the the complex. once they reach y/n's apartment they draw their guns, and open the door and see y/n and spencer hugging eachother.

everyone let's out a sigh of relief at the sight. they all put their guns away and walk over to the pair.

(back to y/n point of view)

you and spencer break apart and see the team standing at the door. you smile at them before hugging each and everyone one of them.

"guys i am so sorry" you say feeling your voice wavering again

"it's ok princess, your nightmare is dead" derek says hugging you again

"come on let's go" rossi says

everyone walks out but you and aaron. you just stare at him feeling the tears run down your face. you feel bad for scaring him like that.

"aaron i-"

"i know" he says pulling you into him, wrapping your arms around his torso

"i know"

hey heyyy

wow, this is the most i have updated in a while , i've had a lot of free time lately which is good for me to use for writing. thank you guys so much for over 9k reads, that's insane, also thank you for all of the comments you leave on this story, they make me wanna write more. i hope you enjoyed this chapter!


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