chapter 20

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"mama, daddy wake up" jack yells running into the room "aunt jessica is taking me to see the dinosaurs today" he said climbing on the bed

you and hotch both open your eyes sharing a look before closing your eyes again. jack walks on the bed standing between the both of you before you both grab his stomach and start tickling him. jack goes into a giggling fit trying to escape you and hotchs grip.

you both eventually stop your attack and get out of bed. jack is still in the bed looking slumped after all of the laughing he just did.

"come on jack let's get ready so you can go see the dinosaurs" hotch says grabbing jack from off of the bed and walks out of the room.

you walk to the closet grabbing a large beige cable knit sweater, white spaghetti strap crop top and brown sweatpants. you lay it all out and walk into the bathroom.

you take a quick shower and brush your teeth before getting dressed. you put on mascara and lip gloss and straighten you hair throughly and walk out of the bathroom.

hotch walks back into the bedroom and walks over to you, "jack watching cartoons right now and jessica should be here in two minutes" he says wrapping his arms around you.

"ok" you say wrapping your arms around his neck looking up at him "did he eat" you ask

"yeah he had some of the cake you made yesterday, he begged and pleaded" he says playfully rolling his eyes making you giggle

"and you my sir are the one who gave in" you say patting his chest "go shower, i'll help him out the door" you say

"ok" he says giving you a quick kiss before letting you go and walking to the bathroom.

you walk downstairs and see jack sitting on the couch watching duck tales. you walk over to the door and grab his little book bag and take it into the kitchen. you put a tiny peice of cake in the book back along with a mini water bottle and an apple juice box.

you send jessica a quick text asking if they were going out to eat or if he needed a little lunch. she responded quickly saying that they were getting pizza so you zipped up his backpack and walked back into the living room.

"hey buddy let's get your shoes and jacket on"

"ok" he says hopping off of the couch grabbing and running to the pile of shoes by the door. he grabs his shoes and you grab his jacket, once he finished getting his shoes in you help him put his jacket on. as soon as you are finish the doorbell rings.

"perfect timing" you say smiling at jack

hotch comes up from behind you to open the door nearly scarring the shit out of you. when he opens the door jessica is at the door smiling at you guys.

"hey buddy, you ready to go see dinosaurs" she says picking him up

"yeah" he yells causing a smile to break out in your face

"see you guys later" she says smiling

"bye guys have fun" you say waving at the both of them, you and hotch watch them drive off before shutting the door.

hotch wraps his arms around your waist nuzzling his head into your neck giving you little kisses.

"babe we're gonna be late" you say attempting to pull away but you fail

"ok fine one kiss" you say turning around

he beds down to give you a kiss, the kiss is slow and passionate, you move you hand to cup his face. after a moment you both pull away breathless, he lets you go and grabs you hand.

"wait a second i need to grab my purse" you say letting go of his hand and running up the steps and into his room. you grab your phone and purse and run back down the stairs meeting him at the door.

"ok let's go"

you both walk out of the door and he locks it while you get into his car, he walks to the car gets in and starts it. he peels out of the driveway starting the drive to dave's house.

eventually you arrive and see everyone's designated car. you both get out and walk up to the door hand in hand. before you can knock penelope opens the door smiling.

"come in guys everyone's in the family room" you both walk into the house and follow penelope into the family room where everyone is at.

"there's the happy couple" dereks says smiling

you and hotch smile taking a seat on the empty couch next to emily and jj. you snuggle into hotchs side getting comfortable as he wraps his arms around your waist.

"so how was everyone thanksgiving" jj asks

"it was good, me and my brothers went to go visit our parents grace and then we cooked way too much food" penelope says

"i went to chicago and spent it with my family there and guys don't worry i did bring some of my moms peach cobbler" derek says making everyone laugh

"i spent it with a nice expensive bottle of scotch" rossi says

"we had our own thanksgiving and it was amazing henry and em made this delicious red velvet cake, i wish you all could try some but we ate it all" jj says making you and the rest if the team smile

"me and meave attempted to cook but it didn't go well so we ordered some thai food and watch christmas movies all day" reid says showing his goofy smile

"we had our first thanksgiving together and it was great, jack call y/n mama which i think made it even better" hotch says making you blush slightly

"oh my gosh y/n" penelope squeals

"that's great" spencer says

"wow y/n, how did it feel" jj asks

"it was scary and exciting at the same time, i've never really known how to act with kids because my mom was never around so it was all new to me and having him call me mama was the greatest compliment ever" you say looking at hotch who'a smiling at you

"wow y/n you're a mom now" emily says

"i guess i am" you say smiling at her

"welcome to the club guys" jj says making both you and emily giggle

the night drags on and you guys had ordered food and had bottle of wine on the table in the family room.

"so y/n what was the worst case you've ever had" derek asks

"it was my last case working in sex crimes before joining the bau and we had to bust a trafficking ring you guys gave us the profile which helped us find the unsub and the warehouse that he was keeping them in. when we got there the warehouse door was open and literally no one was in there, when we walked in we did a complete sweep of the place, everyone was dead but two kids. they were twins brother and sister they were about 11 at the time, i still keep in contact with them both, the girl, willow, is majoring in physiology and the boy, adonis, is studying to major in physics" you say

"i'm glad their holding up well" emily says

"me too, i think the worst part is i wanted to adopt them. they had absolutely no one and i was on the verge of not having anyone, but they found that they had a close relative who was amazing so i was happy knowing that they were with their family" you say

"everything happens for a reason" hotch says looking at you with a look of adoration on his face

"that they do" you say smiling at him before smiling at the people you call family

hi guys

i can nor express how much i love you guys tysm for 19k+ reads that is so crazy, you guys are the best. i really hope i was able to explain why y/n is the way that she is, working in sex crimes isn't an easy job and seeing as that was her last case their it stuck of stuck with her. adonis and willow will make an appearance eventually in this book. i am sad to say that i will be ending this book in the next 10 chapters  because i want to start a new fic, it is a spencer fic so i'm really excited to start that, i will keep you all updated on that. i really hope you guys enjoyed this chapter

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