chapter 8

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t/w: drug use

after your little escapade with aaron you both got ready and headed to the station quickly, the ride to the station was quiet but not awkward. you both got in some stolen glances during the ride but that was about it.

when you guys arrived at the station it was busy, the families of the victims were sitting in separate rooms crying and holding each other, officers were running around everywhere, and your team was working hard on how to catch this hayes without killing him.

you and aaron walked into the room with your team and the room is filled with boards of the different victims and crime scene photos.

"well look who finally decided to show up" prentiss says smiling

"anyways you got anything new" you ask

"we got the tox screens from the last female victim had traces of vecuronium in her system" jj says

"vecuronium is a temporary paralytic, its mainly used in hospitals by anesthesiologist when they are in surgery, but instead of it being intubated it was injected in this victims neck" reids says

"you can't get this anywhere" hotch pauses " you have to get this from a hospital or from a dealer" he finished

"ill call garcia and see if any anesthesiologists have been in contact with hayes" you say dialing her number

" speak and be heard" you hear garcias bubbly voice on the other side of the line

"hey  i need you to see of hayes has been in contact with any anesthesiologist in the last month"

"fret not my love i will call you back with all of the information i found"

"thank you penny"

"anything for you sugar plum, tech whiz out" she says hanging up

" garcia will call us back for anything she has on hayes' call logs" you say sitting down next to reid who's looking at the boards his mind moving a million miles per minute

"so we know his next victim is his ex beftfriend as his daughter but we have them under witness protection so what will be his next move now that his next victim is gone" rossi says

" well he could go on a killing spree" derek says

"or he could go dormant or..." you say

" kill himself to end his pain and suffering" aaron finishes for you

the whole room goes silent but is quickly interrupted by morgans phones ringing

"hey babygirl watcha got" he says into the phone

" well hayes has not been in contact with any anesthesiologist but me being a genius and all i decided to look further into his past and i found out the his mother was a surgeon and that she had an affair with the head anesthesiologist, richard mullens, and guess what" she says

" the anesthesiologist is hayes' father" jj says

"you would be correct my love, hayes has not been in contact with him but has been in contact with an anonymous number and yes i have tried to trace it but its coming from a disposable cell"

"garcia please tell me that you have an address -"

"mullens home adress has been sent to you as well as mrs. hayes"

" you never fail to amaze me woman" prentiss says

" be safe my loves" garcia says before hanging up

"jj, rossi and i will go to mullens house, y/n, morgan and prentiss and reid i want you to go to mrs. hayes house, local pd will meet you there" hotch says

you all leave the station, you, morgan, prentiss and reid walk to your designated suv. morgan and prentiss get in the front seats while you and spencer get in the back. on the way to mrs. hayes' house morgan and prentiss are talking about her missed sin to win weekend and you and spencer were sitting in silence.

"y/n what happened at the gala" spencer asks softly

" i bumped into hayes at the gala and he looked like he wanted to" you pause swallowing the lump in your throat " he looked at me like i was one of his victims and it scared me and i let him see how scared i was" you finish

"y/n you are going to be ok we aren't going to let him hurt you" he says pulling you into him

" thanks spence" you say laying your head on his shoulder

"you know id die for you right"

"yeah, id die for you too" you say smiling at him

the car comes to a stop and you guys are at this big house. you guys get out of the suv and walk up to the house but you notice something is off.

"guys wait something is wrong"

"what y/n what do you mean" morgan says

"the door, its already open, he here" you say back

"alright reid and prentiss you take the back, y/n and i will take the front, half of you go with them half of you with us" morgan says

you, morgan and the officers draw your guns and walk to the front door you push it open a little

"fbi" you yell before opening the door all of the way you all split up, you and morgan take the upstairs while the other officers search downstairs.

you and morgan get to the master bedroom and you open the door to see byron standing over his parents bodies smiling creepily, while holding a knife.

"byron hayes , fbi drop your weapon" you say sternly

he looks over at you at you and his face changes he looks angry " i see you are with a different man this time"

"drop your weapon" morgan yells

"you know that's what whores do, go from man to man, just like my mother did, just like my fiancé did and now you, you were with your husband and now look at you, with another man maybe you deserve to be taught a lesson just like everyone of those bitches that i killed huh" he says walking towards you

without hesitation you shoot him twice, the knife falls out of his hand as he falls to the floor. you out your gun in the hostler and walk over to hayes and cuff him. you pull him up off. the floor and walk him out of the house.

"i need a medic asap" dereks says as you leave the rooms

"sick bastards like you got to jail and stay there forever, i guess you can kiss hayes and corp. goodbye" you say while putting him in the police car.

as you are walking away you see another suv pull up and park. you see hotch, jj, and rossi get out of it and walk over to you, emily, derek and spencer.

"where is he" aaron asks

"over there" you said nodding your head in the direction of the cop car that's he was in

"did he confess" rossi asks

"to all of them" derek says looking at you"and all thanks to this lady right here"

"good job y/n" aaron says looking at your proudly

"thanks" you say smiling and that is all you say before hopping into the suv with emily, derek and spencer, and head back to the station.

hey y'all,

it's been a hot minute since i've last posted a chapter but school is a pain in my ass right now, last week i had pact's and i had 4 quizzes as well so yeah. i'm going to attempt to post this weekend but i can't make any promises.  ALSO you guys are the fucking best, this book is now at over 2k reads which is fucking ridiculous thank you guys so much
i really hope you guys enjoyed this chapter even tough it was boring

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