chapter 17

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you were rudely awakened my hotchs loud ass alarm at 6:30 am. you didn't want to wake up because first of all you had a headache and second of all you didn't want to fill out paperwork all day if you didn't have a case.

"aaron turn that shit off" you groan stretching

he rolls over to turn his alarm off before turning to look at you.

"good morning" he she giving you a quick kiss

"good morning to you too" you say getting out of the bed and walking to the bathroom taking off his shirt as you go.

"if you want you can shower with me but no funny business if you wanna be on time" you say opening the door and closing it

when you are finished getting the shower water together you shed your clothes and step in. you let the water run down your body, feeling your muscles relax.

you heard the shower door open. you look over your shoulder and see aaron behind you. you take a minute look at him in all of his glory.

"you're staring y/n" he says wrapping his arms around your body

"you're very attractive aaron" you say

"and you" he turns you around to look at him "are unbelievably sexy" he says kissing you

"no no" you say into the kiss before breaking apart "you have to be at work before i do, you sir are on limited time"

"fine" he says

when you finish showering with aaron you both get out and brush your teeth. aaron finishes before you seeing as though he had to be at the office in 30 minutes.

for work you decided to wear high waisted black slacks, a silk cream shirt and a black suit jacket. you pair it with gold hoops, a gold necklace and gold watch.

you walk into the bathroom and put your hair in a slick back bun with a middle part. once you are finished you put on mascara and lip gloss.

when you are finished you turn the bathroom light out and walk out into his bedroom and grab your purse from the dresser and walk out of the room closing the door.

you walk downstairs and see aaron by the door grabbing his keys and briefcase. he notices you and walks up to you giving you a kiss.

"i'll see you at the office" he says smiling

"see you" you say smiling back

he walks out of the door shutting it and you walk into the kitchen to see if he made any coffee but he didn't. you thought it would be nice to get the team coffee after all you put them through last night.

as you were about to leave you noticed a note by the door you pick it up and read it.

I attached my key to your key ring so you can get in and out as you please


you smile at the letter and put it down. you grab your keys and walk out of the house locking it. you walk to your car unlocking it and get in. you turn your car on and the first song that comes on when you get in is pov by ariana grande.

you pull out out of his drive way and make your commute to the coffee shop and then work. as the song is playing you can't help wonder what you look like from hotch's point of view.

once you make it to the coffe shop, you order a medium chai latte for penelope, three black coffees for rossi, derek and hotch, two caramel ice coffees for you and jj, a vanilla ice latte for emily.

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