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Have you ever felt like your drowning and you cant scream or breathe? Then finally someone comes and stands in front of you and you think they are going to help. And then they just watch you drown like you puppy at the dog store? I feel like that lately like I'm drowning and no one cares. I cant breathe nor scream. So what do you do? Do you scream more giving you less time to live or just let your self die knowing you didn't even try? I was born with this amazing gift yet it makes me feel like I'm drowning. Like I can't ever feel normal. I walk around with a safe face on but inside I'm a broken down machine that needs a mechanic to fix. I have learned something though,bandaid's don't fix bullet holes. If you just say sorry for show, if you live like that you with ghosts. If you love like that blood runs cold.

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