Keep Falling (1)

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Chapter 12

Author's POV

"Everyone's on the bus?" Mr Park, their class homeroom teacher asks.

The students are looking around, checking whether all their friends are here already.

Jinyoung stands up, searching for someone. He panics as he can't find her. He raises his hand.

"Mr. Park, Nayeon isn't-"

"Sorry sir, I'm late!"

A voice enters the bus, Jinyoung feel relieved.

She arrives and bows. Her sweats flow and she doesn't breathe properly.

"So, is everyone on the bus?" Mr Park asks once again


"Okay let's go!"

The bus starts to move as Mr Park commands it to, which makes Nayeon falls from her position because of shock. But someone holds her arm.

"Are you okay? Aigoo you always be this careless. Walk carefully!"

Nayeon POV

Bambam is holding my arm.


Omg my heartbeat races so fast!

Oh not again, pleaseee!

"Nayeon? Are you listening?" He says, distracts me from my thoughts.

"Uh? Oh."

He release my arm and smirks.

I walk away but he grabs my arm again.

I'm looking at him that i expect other. It's Jinyoung.

"You sure you're okay? Your leg doesn't look so." He says.

My leg? Damn it's bleeding. I think it's because i scratch ed the sharp side of the seat.

"It may cause infection if it doesnt being well handled." He says.

"It's okay. I won't die because of this small infection."

I take my arm away and walk away to Lizzy because yesterday we've planned to sit together. Jinyoung grab my hand.

He brings me toward the back sits. I'm finding Suzy who is sitting by herself there. She looks so gloom. Never mind, BUT what is going on here? What is jinyoung doing?

"Jinyoung-a. If you ask me to sit with you, i can't. I 've promised with-"

"Who says I'll sit with you?" He says while raising his eyebrow with a little chuckle.



He opens a mineral bottle and pour it to my wound.

"This will prevent the infection."

"Th-thankyou. But.." I say

"I think this is too much, don't you think everyone on the bus is looking at us right now?" I continue, whispering.

"I don't care. I can't act like it didn't happen even if it's just a small scratch. Remember this,"

Remember this? What?

"You're precious to me." He continues. Wow, that's cheesy.

He walks and leaves to his seat. I just realize that Jinyoung doesn't sit with Bambam. Did they fight? Or is it normal for men (or boys? Lol) to be like this? Ahh don't know.

I sit next to Lizzy who is now grinning with her extremely ugly face.

"What?" I ask her. Then i put my hand on her forehead, checking if she's sick or what.

"Hmm, you're not sick. Why are you looking so abnormal, Lizzy? Ups. Sorry, you always looked abnormal. My bad." I say, which makes her laughing hard.

"Hush! Please don't spread any untrue fact HAHA. So~ How does it feels to be treated as a princess?" She says while poking me and raising her eyebrow. Huh, princess?

"Yaa! Don't pretend like you don't understand!"

"Wait! I really do NOT understand what you're talking about. Please cut your nonsense."

"Back then, Jinyoung treated you like princess and even said cheesy things to you while everyone was listening like 'because youre important to me' KYAAAAA!" She mimics Jinyoung's that ends up with her screan while hitting me playfully.

Now, everyone is looking at us.

"But ups. " she continues, lowering her voice this time.

"I think you've fallen for another prince." She says while giggling.

Prince? BAMBAM, THAT GUY WHO LOOKS LIKE GORILLA IS A PRINCE? Never think about it. Hmm.. hahaha it turns out funny when i think about a gorilla becoming a prince. But Gorilla is cute though. I love gorilla~ Gorilla the Prince~

"Nayeon, why are you out of sudden laughing? Or you laugh because you're thinking about your prince? But i think you should also consider the other prince. He's kind and perf-UWAAAAAAAA!" Then suddenly Lizzy screams on my ear.

"See that building, it looks like an egg!" She says while excitedly pointing the building. Kkk Lizzy is cute.

But right. Jinyoung is a caring person, not like Bambam who is careless. I wonder why I suddenly don't like Jinyoung again? Is it because of that incident, seeing her sister kissed him? It should not be a problem, but it is now. Because my heart starts to beat for someone else..

"Lizzy, i think we need to sit on the back sits. I saw Suzy is sitting there alone."

Lizzy looks surprised.

"She's rude. Are you sure?"

I smile at her.

"She's not. I think she only had a bad past."

We decide to sit with Suzy. She doesnt respond us sitting beside her, but she stays quiet.

"Hey" I say with a low voice.

"Hi" She replies me with a smile.

Omg. She replies and smiles at me.

I give a sight to Lizzy, showing 'SEE?! SHE'S NOT RUDE!' to her that begins to make us chuckle.

Suzy who is confused right now begins to chuckle.

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