Extra: Lizzy's Story

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Lizzy's POV

My story? It was all boring.

Oh, well there is one special to me. My first day on my school, meeting my friends.

The first day I entered the new school wasn't special. I thought everything would change if I transfered my school. Everyone is busy with their old best friends and ignoring my presence.


Once I got lost on the hall. I got no idea where should I go. But it was not just me but someone looked lost too.

I came to her and was finding her looked panic.

"Excuse me? Where is the library?"

As she asked that, I laughed in respond.

"I'm lost too. We're are classmate?" I asked while laughing. And she nodded with a grin.

So, we decided to walk together, looking for the library. We talked a lot and we were having the same reason why we changed our school! But we still didn't know each others name.

"So, what's your name?" She asked me first while smiling.

"Me? I'm... I'm Wang Lizzy."

"Omg. YOU'RE GOT7 JACKSON WANG'S BROTHER?!" She shouted it loud.

I was extremely surprised when she recognized me, I mean my brother.

I nodded and giggled at the same time and made her eyes stared me widden.

Her eyes were like saying "Daebak. Heol."

I hushed her and winked to cue that its a secret. She nodded fast to me and smirked.

"Anyway, I'm Park Nayeon." She said. We shaked our hand tight. Okay, that was so old fashion.


Surprisingly, as we talked and walking around the school, we've been travelling the school for 30 minutes but yet we still can't find the library. It felt the travel was useless because we ended up on the same place. The great thing was there wasn't even a single human walk pass by. We decided to sit on the bench.

Suddenly, a guy that was wearing headphone walked to us and the other guy was walking and eating his lollipop. They joined us to sit together.

"Are you guys lost?" They asked.

We nodded fast and made them laugh. Their laugh made us realize they were lost too. This school is big, no joke.

"Hey, I'm Choi Youngjae and he's Bambam. We're transfering student." He said while siting beside us.

I mean, he sits beside me.

As Bambam started to tease Nayeon, Youngjae started talking to me. He told me about how Bambam and him ended up lost, how he transfered school, and even about him hating cucumber. The way he talked to me made me couldn't not to talk to him back. He's too nice.

I told him about my funny story in reply that made him laughing hard.

'He's cute while laughing', I thought. At the same time, my heart beated fast. REALLY fast like it would explode.

"You okay?" Asked Youngjae. I was extremely flustered and I didn't think I was able to answer him.

"Let's go, Lizzy!"

Suddenly Nayeon standed up and grabbed my hand. What a nice timing.

"Aigooo! Why are you leaving? You should have apologize for dropping my lollipop!" Said Bambam.

"No wayy! That isn't my fault, but yours!" She shouted, didn't want to lose.

"They're cute." I said.

With him.

At the same time.

I bursted in laugh and embarrassed with him while Nayeon and Bambam were arguing.

Well, this school isn't that bad.

Thanks God.


I REALLY am sorry for not updating because to be honest I don't have any motivation to update. Thats why it took damn long for me to update.

Dear readers, pls tell me that you are exist by comment or vote. :(

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