IV. Ajax

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Percy, Nico and Ajax went on the tour of Camp Half Blood. They crossed the volleyball pit where some demigods were playing against the satyrs and then the basketball court where couple of campers were continuously shooting the ball in hoops.
A girl at the centre of the court was doing something with her hands and the hoops started dodging the ball.
Nico waved at the girl. 'That's Lou Ellen, daughter of Hecate. She is pretty good at magic; can do some real cool nasty stuffs.' 'And those are the children of Apollo, showoffs, always bragging about how good they can shoot.' Percy pointed at the kids who by now were arguing with Lou and then quickly added, 'Of course, Will isn't a showoff.'
'Whoa, what's that ?' Ajax asked looking amused.
'That's the climbing wall with lava and earthquake mode as an extra challenge', Nico replied.
'And that ?'
'The forges. You can forge your own weapons here. It's Leo's second favourite place to hang out after Bunker 9', Percy said.
'And that ?'
'Um...those are the toilets', Nico replied.
'Right', Ajax said.
'Hey Connor, Travis'. Percy waved at two kids who were locking the doors of a building. 'That's the camp store Ajax. You can buy most of the things here.'
The two kids came running towards them. They were twins.
'A newbie. How much do you have ?' the taller twin asked.
'What?' Ajax looked confused.
'Money, duh', the shorter one said.
'He doesn't have any. Ajax meet Travis (pointing to the taller one) and Connor (pointing to the shorter one) Stoll, sons of Hermes.' Nico introduced. 'They are the camp's official pranksters and someone to definitely look out for.'
'Well, it was nice to see you two again and you too Ajax. Thank you for that beautiful introduction but we need to get this to the cabin before anyone notices', Travis said waving a bag of coins in front of them.
'Good luck on your money heist', Percy said smiling.
They proceeded to the chariot race track on which a race was going on and one chariot was headed straight for them. Thankfully it stopped right beside them.
'Hiya Prissy, get ready to be pulverized', Clarisse said jumping down from the chariot.
She looked quite intimidating and with her armour on she looked like someone you wouldn't want to go against. Ajax thought.
'Hi Clarisse. You practicing chariot racing with rookies. I hope you win', Percy said sarcastically.
Before she could lunge at Percy, her defender told her to get back on track before they lost another race.
'Thank the Fates. You got saved today Prissy.' She cracked her knuckles and got on her chariot.
'That's how she says hello. She might look intimidating but she is not a bad person', Percy said.
Finally they came to the common area surrounded by the cabins in the shape of the greek letter Omega, Ω.
'Which one is mine ?' Ajax asked.
'You are not going to get one right now. You will get one when you are claimed by your parent. Till then you have to stay at the Big House', Nico said.
'Then which one is yours?' Ajax asked again.
'Cabin no. 13, Hades cabin', Nico replied pointing to a big obsidian building with green coloured fire blazing in high plates.
'And I live in cabin no. 3', Percy said pointing to a bunker like building with barnacles encrusted on the outside.
'Now let's get you to the Big House', Nico said. 'Chiron would be free by now. He would like to talk to you.'
On the way back, they were walking leisurely in the shade of the trees at the outskirt of the woods.
Ajax felt uneasy because he had seen eyes staring at him from the forest.
'It's packed with monsters. So don't go in alone unless you are well trained', Nico said as if he had somehow read Ajax's mind.
'Real monsters ?' Ajax looked shocked. What kind of camp for kids had monsters. That can't be safe.
'Yep', Percy said. 'But the monsters aren't really the evil kind except some, like those nasty maenads.'

Suddenly a sound of scuttling came from somewhere close in the forest. Percy and Nico both drew their weapons. Out of nowhere a giant scorpion, the size of a school bus appeared in front of them.
It snapped it's pincers towards Percy but he rolled out of range just in time. And then it turned towards Ajax who was naturally the easiest target being unarmed.
The scorpion tried to sting him but an arc of darkness cut through the singer and absorbed its essence.
When Ajax focused on the arc, he was surprised to see Nico Di Angelo with his sword.
'Run', Nico yelled at Ajax but poor Ajax was frozen at his spot.
Nico started parrying with the pincers. Percy also got in on the action. But that's when things went wrong.
The scorpion plucked Percy from the ground like an irritating weed and threw him into the nearby creek and Percy's sword was thrown towards Ajax, who snapped back to his senses and picked up the sword.
Nico was still parrying the monster but he couldn't go offensive without being chopped up. And of course, the scorpion ignored Ajax completely because apart from being no threat at all, he was also trembling like a scared little kid who was thrown on a roller coaster without the safety harness.
Oh my god! It can't be happening. Not a bloody arachnid. Ajax wanted to turn his back and run away but he knew that Nico needed help.
So picking up whatever little courage was left in his body, he sneaked up on the scorpion and in one swing he sliced off it's tail.
The scorpion shrieked in pain and turned around to kill Ajax. That was enough for Nico. In two quick slashes the scorpion's hind legs were gone. And Ajax moved forward to slice off the head but when he raised his hands, the sword was gone.
Ajax was panic stricken. Any moment now. This bloody thing will turn around and I'll be his dinner.
Suddenly Percy came running back from the creek and jumped on the scorpion's back. He jabbed his sword into the monster's head and it disintegrated into dust.
'That was brave Ajax; what you did back there', Percy said dusting his clothes.
'Thanks', Ajax blushed. 'But where did the sword go when I was using it ?'
'It is tinkered with magic to return to its owner', Percy said.
'Come on, let's go back. It is going to be dinner time', Nico said sheathing his sword.

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