📝 Chapter 58. October 2014 BTS Blank Space music video

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October 2014

Los Angeles, California

Filming Blank Space music video

(Elizabeth's perspective)



"Get back here!!"

"I promise I won't tell! I won't!" I yelled.

"I know you will tell you little brat!" My father yelled.

"No I won't!" I yelled.

"Yes you will! You will and I will be sent to jail for beating a minor! It will be all your fault!" my father yelled.

"No it won't. It will be yours! You were and you never are my father! You are a monster! I hate you!" I screamed at him.

My father slapped me across the face making me fall to the ground.

I suddenly woke up and my heart was racing and my breathing was heavy.

I walk into the bathroom and turn on the shower. As the hot water hits my skin I get lost in my train of thought. I guess looking back I was more smart and mature when I was younger. I had to grow up and take care of myself because no one wanted to take care of me. I learned how to use the stove to cook myself food at five or I would have starved. When my dad was "taking care of me" he would go out and drink. He would be gone for hours coming back really late or super early in the morning so drunk he could barely walk. I snap out of my thoughts and I realize that the water is now cold. I turn off the water and wrap a towel around myself. 

I get dressed and go down stairs. "Good morning." I said. "Good morning." Taylor said yawning.

"Did you sleep well?" Taylor asked. "Yes." I said laying. I haven't been sleeping well before and ever since I came here.

"Good. Do you want pancakes for breakfast? There is a little bit of pancake mix left over from the last time we made it." Taylor said. "Okay." I said. Taylor took out a pan and put it on the stove. Taylor opened the cabinet and placed the pancake pix on the counter. I got a bowel and poured the rest of the pancake mix in and added water. I got a spoon and mixed it well together, "Is the mix done yet?" Taylor asked putting her hand above the pan to check to see if it's hot enough. "Yeah is the stove hot enough?" I asked and I looked over and I saw Taylor put her hand on the hot pan. "Ouch." Taylor said pulling her hand quickly away. I laughed "Why did you do that?" I asked. "I was checking to see if the pan was hot." Taylor said. "Why not just put your hand above the pan to see if heat is coming off of the pan then touching it and burning yourself?" I asked. "I did that but I didn't feel any heat." Taylor said looking down at her burned hand. "I think the pan in hot enough for the pancake mix." Taylor said getting the bowel and poured some onto the pan.

We finish eating and put the plates into the sink.

I turn on the tv as I was looking for a show to watch I found this movie called 'Mean Girls' it sounds good it's about to start. Half way threw the movie


Regina puts on her tank top but there are two holes cut out and it shows her bra. Regina looks down and shrugs it off and acts like it's not there. The next day all of the girls cut two holes in there shirt to show there bra because Regina whore it.

I start laughing hysterically. When the movie ended there was nothing else on tv so I turned the tv off. That was a good movie. What should I do now? Maybe I can find something to do in my room. I went up to my room to look for some to do. I found a pencil on my dresser and I looked for paper. I haven't drawn in a while and I wanted to practice more. I got a peace of paper and pencil as I walked back down stairs. I sat at the table and though about what I should draw. I heard Olivia meow and I looked down at her.

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