Part Four

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The next day came quicker than you expected, a groan leaving your lips as your phone rang on your nightstand. "Hello?" You grumbled into the phone, rubbing your eyes as Sierra's voice spoke through the phone. "Y/N! What are you doing still sleeping? Midsummer's is today! We have to go get ready!" She squealed excitedly, causing you to pull the device away from your ear.

"Sierra, it's only ten in the morning, the party doesn't even start till six." You mumbled, falling back against your pillows as she let out a snort in response. "I know, but in order to look our best at Midsummer's we need to get pampered." She stated as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

You sighed into the phone, your eyes having closed once again, "I don't have a choice do I?" You questioned tiredly, "Nope! I'll see you in ten! So get your ass out of bed!" She demanded before hanging up the phone as you rolled onto your side, letting out a huff, but you did what she said and got up.

You did your usual morning routine, before heading downstairs, purse in your hand as you made your way into the kitchen, hearing voices coming from outside the kitchen window. "I'm just saying, doing one line will change your life." You heard someone say, causing your brows to furrow, until you connected the voice to the face. Rafe.

"I appreciate the offer bro, but coke is just not my thing, getting wasted however is." Your brother chuckled as Rafe shrugged his shoulders. "More for me then," He grinned, patting Brody's back, "But if you ever want any, just hit me up bro, I got you." They both did a handshake, before bidding each other goodbye, your eyes widening in realization that Brody was coming back inside.

You had to act natural, like you weren't totally just eavesdropping on what could've been a potential drug exchange. You quickly made your way to sit at the kitchen counter, pulling out your phone and acting as if you were waiting for Sierra to text you, which wasn't a complete lie, you were waiting for her.

"Y/N? When did you get down here?" Brody's voice echoed throughout the room, causing you to glance up. "I don't know? A couple minutes ago? I'm waiting for Sierra, she said we have to get pampered since today is Midsummer's." You rolled your eyes in a playful manner as Brody nodded in response, his eyes glancing to the open window for a split second before refocusing on you.

"You didn't by any chance hear anyone talking outside did you?" He questioned, rubbing his hands together as he walked further into the kitchen, going to the fridge to find something to eat. "No, I didn't, why? Was there someone here?" You inquired, feigning confusion as you saw his shoulders relax at your response. "No, no, I just thought I heard someone, guess it was just the neighbors or something." He shrugged his shoulders, giving you a small smile as you nodded in response.

"Yeah probably, you know how loud they can talk to one another." You made a face, causing him to chuckle. "You do make a fair point." He nodded his head, taking a bite out of his sandwich. An uneasy silence falling between the two of you, before he cleared his throat, about to say something when Sierra messaged you she had arrived. "I have to go, but I'll be back later! See ya!" You gave him a forced smile, waving to him as you all but ran to your front door.

You shut the large wooden door behind you, Sierra's eyes lighting up when she saw you as she eagerly waved at you to get into the car. You quickly jogged down through your grassy front yard, your adrenaline coursing through your veins as you got into the passenger seat.

Sierra clapped excitedly as she rolled the windows all the way down, turning the music up higher as she began to back out of your driveway. You both had smiles on your faces as you sang along to the music, wind now blowing through both of your hairs as she drove down the street.

Not only were you now excited about spending half the day with Sierra and getting pampered, but you also just got away with lying to your brother for the first time without getting caught, and it was exhilarating.

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