Part Eleven

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"Sierra are you ready yet? We told Sarah we were going to pick her up ten minutes ago." You questioned as you watched your best friend add the finishing touches of her mascara to her coated lashes.

"Yup! All set and ready to go!" She smiled brightly as she ran her fingers through her hair, letting it fall over her shoulders.

You let out a quiet snort, shaking your head in amusement as you grabbed your small backpack, your beach towel sticking out of it. Sierra grabbed her small bag as well, her beach towel also sticking out of it as she put her Ray Ban sunglasses on. "Lets go get Cameron." She looped her arm with yours as you exited her room.

You both made your way down the wooden stairs, Sierra removing her arm from yours for a split second to grab you both floppy hats. You rolled your eyes playfully as she placed one of the hats on your head then the other on hers, making you pose for a selfie with her.

"This picture is so cute, I'm posting it." She squealed excitedly, her fingers tapping away at her screen as you let out a laugh.

As she was typing you couldn't help but glance around the empty home, her parents were off on a business trip, leaving her in the empty house alone. That being said she had been spending a decent amount of time either at your place or Sarah's.

"Okay, now we can go, I posted it." Sierra spoke up, snapping you out of your thoughts, her phone hovering in front of you as you looked at the photo of you two on her instagram. You smiled at her, shaking your head in amusement as she looped her arm through yours once more, her car keys jingling in her hand.

You both exited her mansion of a home, heading to her car as she unlocked it, both of you hopping in. You instantly rolled down the windows as she turned the radio on, both of you grinning at one another as she backed down her driveway. The breeze blowing both of your hair as she drove down the road, the warm air hitting your face as the sun shone brightly in the sky.

The drive to the Cameron's estate wasn't far, only about a six minute drive, and before you knew it you were pulling up in front of the girls house. Sarah waved excitedly to the two of you, her smile beaming on her face as she jogged to the car, opening the side door. "I'm so sorry we're late, someone had to apply her fifth layer of mascara." You huffed dramatically as Sarah laughed and Sierra gasped.

"I had a feeling it was makeup related." Sarah teased as she buckled herself in as Sierra began to drive towards the Cut. Sierra rolled her eyes playfully, a smirk on her lips as she turned up the radio, all three of you singing loudly to the song.

You had gotten closer to Sarah ever since you returned, she began hanging out a lot more with you and Sierra. At first you didn't know how you felt about the girl, but the more you spent time with her you realized she wasn't bad at all, and in fact you enjoyed her company a lot. She was a lot like Sierra in some ways and it made you laugh at how similar they were in certain situations.

One day while the three of you were hanging out at her place she brought up Rafe, your body tensing just at the sound of his name. She had told the two of you how he was sent off to a rehab center.

After everything that went down between you and him, and Brody beating the shit out of him, Sarah had finally told Ward and Rose what had happened. That then resulted in them having a long talk with Rafe and deciding for his own health and safety of himself and others that he needed to get help.

That conversation also happened two months ago; Rafe still hadn't returned back to the Outer Banks.

You weren't surprised that he was still at the center, he had been falling down the dark hole for a long time, getting more addicted each day. However, as much as you despised the boy, you still wished him well in recovery. You on the other hand, you were going on four months sober and you couldn't be happier.

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