Part Six

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Sierra dropped you off at home later that night, a couple shopping bags hanging from your wrists as you entered your home. Your mind was still foggy from your confrontation with Rafe, his words swirling around in your brain, picking and prodding every weak point.

Rafe was good at mind games, he always had been, which is why he got away with so much.

You let out a sigh, shutting your eyes tightly as you tried to clear your mind, your hands clenching as you stood in front of the main door. However, your attempt at a relaxing moment was cut short when you heard someone clear their voice, causing your eyes to snap open.

"Did you have fun today Y/N?" Brody questioned, his arms crossed against his navy blue t-shirt, a single brow raised as you rolled your eyes angrily. "Oh yes, so much." You sarcastically spoke, scoffing at him as you attempted to go up stairs, but he was quick to block your only path of escape. "You have five seconds to move, or so help me I will knock you on your ass, I'm not in the mood for your shit tonight." You threatened, your face heating up as he snickered at your attitude.

"So this is the thanks I get for looking out for you? You're so ungrateful Y/N." Brody snapped at you, his jaw clenched as you turned to look at him, an incredulous expression taking over your features. "Are you fucking kidding me?" You all but shouted at him, his eyes widening slightly at your outburst.

"Do you even know what your shitty friend did to me!" You yelled at him, your bags now dropping to the floor as you hit his chest, causing him to stumble backwards a bit. You held your arm up, revealing the dark purple bruises littered along your wrist where Rafe had grabbed you. "Your buddy did this." You spoke lowly, tears pooling in your eyes as he glanced at your wrist.

You watched as he shifted awkwardly under your gaze, his left hand coming up to rub his chin as she shook his head. "He wouldn't do that, he's not a monster Y/N." Brody denied your claim, causing your jaw to drop in surprise. "You're seriously defending him? Someone you barely know over me?" Tears were running down your cheeks as you gaped at your brother in disbelief.

His eyes flickered to the tiled floor, not uttering a single word as you chewed on your bottom lip, nodding your head slowly as you began to back away from him. You bit the inside of your cheek as you bent down to grab your bags, before making your way up the stairs to your room.

Pushing open the cream colored door you entered your dimly lit room, the cool air causing a chill to go down your spine as you tossed your bags underneath your desk. Your heart was racing rapidly in your chest as sobs escaped your lips, your hands angrily coming up to rip the elastic black hair tie out of your hair.

You subconsciously started pacing around your room, your breathing heavy as sobs kept leaving your lips, your fingers gripping at your now disheveled hair. You kept trying to catch your breath, trying to remember the steps to calm yourself down from a panic attack, but they were no use, tears kept welling up in your eyes.

You eventually had taken a seat on the floor, your back leaning against the wall underneath your window, a blank expression on your face. Your body and mind felt numb, you were pretty sure you had cried every emotion out of your body, leaving you to feel like an empty shell of yourself.

A single and final tear slipped down your cheek, your eyes zoning in and out of focus as the moonlight shone through your window onto your carpeted floor. You could hear the different sounds of random bugs chirping from outside your window, causing you to snap back to reality, unaware of how long you had been sitting on the floor.

Your legs were tingling, having fallen asleep from being in the same position for so long, causing you to frown. Grabbing onto the windowsill you pulled yourself up, shaking your legs a bit to get the blood flowing back into them, before making your way towards your bathroom.

Mind Games | JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now