Part Eight

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You let out a loud laugh, leaning back against the cream colored couch as Kelce told a story about Topper and how he pulled a prank on their chemistry teacher. Everyone else chiming in with laughter as Topper rolled his eyes playfully, waving his hand in the air but eventually gave in laughing as well, taking a swig of his beer.

It had been five days since you had last seen anyone that wasn't Rafe and his friends, you had been avoiding your family and friends like the plague. You had convinced yourself it was for the best to stay away, and in result hang out with Rafe and his Kook friends. This was the life everyone said you were supposed to live, right?

You leaned your head back against the soft material of the couch, your eyes shut as everyone's voices filled your ears. Your mind began to dissociate a bit until you felt someone nudge your arm, causing you to reopen your eyes and meeting Rafe's mischievous ice blue ones, a grin plastered on his lips as he motioned to the lines of white powder on the table.

"Want to take the first hit?" Rafe held up the rolled up dollar bill between his index and middle finger, twirling it around as you gave him a smirk. "Hell yeah I do." You sat up quickly, snatching the rolled dollar from his fingers as you leaned down towards the glass table, holding it up against your right nostril as you closed the other side, snorting in the powdered substance quickly.

You leaned back within an instant, rubbing your nose as you let out a cheer, everyone clapping excitedly and cheering you on as Rafe leaned down and took the next hit. You all ended up taking turns taking hits of the powder on the table, everyone getting higher by the minute. Before you knew it some people were dancing, and some were shotgunning beers to see who could drink the fastest, while you and Rafe stayed on the couch.

"Want me to grab you a new drink?" He shouted over the music, motioning towards your empty cup as you nodded at him in response, leaning over to press a soft kiss to his cheek. He gave you a wink, grabbing your cup and disappearing off into the crowd to get you a new concoction. You couldn't help but smile to yourself, you couldn't remember the last time you had felt so relaxed.

A part of you was annoyed that you had missed out on this experience for so long, but thanks to Rafe that all changed. He had opened your eyes to a whole new life and now you were finally living it and you couldn't be happier. At least that's what your drugged up mind told you.

You felt the couch dip next to you, causing you to peek over to see who it was, a bright smile appearing on your lips as Rafe held the red solo cup out to you. "For you m'lady." He bowed his head, causing you to laugh as he chuckled in response. "Thank you kind sir." You accepted the cup, taking a swig of the mixed drink as you shut your eyes in bliss.

You leaned over to set the cup on the glass table, a smirk on your lips as you grabbed his hand, pulling him up off the couch as you ran towards an open part of the room. Rafe couldn't help but laugh and twirl you around, you both dancing along to whatever song was playing from the speakers.

You didn't have one care in the world.

JJ however was furious, his eyes never once left the tree line as he stared out the window. John B. occasionally glanced over at him, a concerned expression on his face as he continued to drive to the Cameron's estate. He wasn't sure if it was the smartest idea knowing the state of mind JJ was in, but if you were with Rafe then they needed to get you out of there before it was too late.

Soon enough the Cameron's estate came into view, the yard nicely trimmed and full of colorful flowers. John B. pulled up to the front of the house, parking the van as he turned to look at his friends and Sierra. "Okay, lets' go find Sarah first and see if she's seen Y/N." He spoke up, but mainly towards JJ who gave him a slight nod in response, his lips pressed into a thin line.

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