Part Nine

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The second JJ had lifted you into his arms your body went limp, causing his eyes to widen in slight panic. He quickly picked up his pace as he sped to the van, climbing in carefully as he held you close to his chest.

Pope and Kiara gave him a worried glance as Sierra's eyes glistened, her heart shattering at the sight of you. A part of her felt like this was her fault, she hadn't paid attention to the red flags, and now here you were passed out in JJ's arms.

She inhaled a deep breath, shutting her eyes tightly as she leaned her head back against the interior of the van. The entire ride back to the Chateau was quiet, nobody spoke a word, the only sound being the van if it hit a slight bump in the rocky road. JJ knew that as a sign that they were getting closer to their home, more trees becoming visible as they drove deeper into the Cut.

John B. eventually pulled up to the Chateau, parking the van and jumping out, along with the others climbing out the side door. JJ still held you in his arms, carrying you inside as he laid you down on the run down couch, propping your head up on a pillow. "We need to wake her up, we gotta flush the coke out of her system." JJ explained to his friends as they all nodded, going to the kitchen to find whatever bottles of water they had left.

"I found two bottles of water that haven't been opened yet, but if Y/N drinks all of it we can just fill it up with tap, I doubt she'd know the difference anyways." Pope concluded, handing JJ the bottles of water as he gave him a weak smile, before making his way over towards you. The cushion of the couch dipped as he sat down next to you, gently lifting your motionless body to lean against his chest.

"Y/N, hey, I need you to wake up sweetheart." His voice was soft and calm, his thumb caressing your cheek as you continued to stay unresponsive. His heart began to race as he realized it was going to be a bit harder than he thought. "Hey JB, do you still have those smelling salts?" He peered over towards his friend.

John B. squinted his eyes in thought, before motioning to him to give him a second before he ran off to his room. A couple minutes later he returned with a small box of smelling salts, quickly pulling one out and handing it to JJ.

He thanked his friend, ripping open the white packaging and then placing it carefully underneath your nose. "C'mon Y/N, come back to us, wake up." JJ whispered into your hair, his nerves rising as you continued to stay unconscious.

Everyone in the room gazed at you with worried expressions, hands holding hands, legs twitching anxiously. To them it felt like time was going in slow motion, nothing about your current situation was changing, until your nose started to scrunch up, your eyebrows slightly furrowing as you abruptly sat up, coughing harshly. You squinted your eyes as you tried to glance around at your surroundings through blurry eyes.

Everyone let out breaths they didn't realize they were holding in, relieved smiles appearing on their faces as you blinked a couple times. You jolted backwards when you felt something touch your lips, your eyes widening as you realized you were pressed against someone's chest. "Y/N you're okay, it's just me." JJ's voice filled your ears, causing you to glance over your shoulder, your eyes meeting his azure ones.

After a few moments of silence you let out a shaky sigh, pulling yourself away from JJ so you could lean back against the couch. "I need you to drink these two bottles of water Y/N, we gotta flush the coke out of your system." JJ retrieved the water bottle off the table, handing it over to you as you gave him a weak nod.

You tilted the bottle back against your lips, the cool liquid sliding down your throat with ease. You had forgotten how refreshing water actually was, it had been so long since you had anything besides alcohol. With one last gulp you finished the first bottle, your stomach full of the hydrating liquid. "Do I have to drink the other one?" You whined out quietly, your voice still a bit hoarse from shouting earlier as your eyes darted over to JJ who was chewing on his bottom lip.

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