Part Seven

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You awoke to the sound of waves crashing, the salty sea air filling your nose as you opened your eyes slowly. The exposed parts of your body that weren't covered from your clothes were sticky from the sea air, sand clinging to your tacky skin. Blinking a couple times your vision cleared up, the sun having just started rising above the horizon of the ocean.

You squinted due to the bright sunlight, a groan leaving your lips as you sat up on your elbows. You had no idea how you ended up on the beach, the last thing you remembered was laying on Rafe's couch, watching the stars twinkle in the night sky.

You inhaled a deep breath through your nose, frustrated at your lack of memory, a frown prominent on your lips. Having gotten so into your head you were startled when you heard a groan come from the left of you. Your face paled for a split second, your head turning so quick you could've sworn you almost got whiplash.

Rafe rubbed his face, letting out another groan as he sat up, shaking his head allowing the sand to fall out of his hair. You scrunched your face up as a couple of grains hit you in the process, causing his eyes to widen. "Shit, sorry Y/N, I didn't see you there." He apologized, a sheepish smile on his face as you smirked. Without warning you shook your head back, your hair having a lot more sand stuck in it, causing it to fly everywhere.

You heard the shouts from Rafe's mouth fill the air, his hands covering his face as you let out a laugh, flipping your hair back behind your head. "Oh my bad, didn't see you sitting there either." You feigned shock, placing your hand on your chest as he rolled his eyes playfully at you. "Real funny Y/N, you should be a comedian." He teased, letting out a chuckle as you sat up straighter, flipping your hair dramatically over your shoulder.

"I know right? I just have a gift for it." You exaggerated, shrugging your shoulders nonchalantly as your fingers dug into the warm sand. Rafe shook his head in amusement, his eyes scanning the horizon as you focused on the sand slipping between your fingers. "Not to be a total buzzkill, but how did we end up on the beach? How high did we get?" You laughed, still not able to recall how you both ended up on the sandy shore.

"If I'm being honest, I truly don't remember how we got here either, but I do remember us getting high as fuck." Rafe chuckled, now resting on the palm of his hands as he leaned back to look over at you. "Explains why I can't remember shit." You snorted, shaking your head as you chewed on your bottom lip. "Did you have fun though?" He questioned, his forehead wrinkling slightly as his brows drew together.

You sat there for a few minutes in silence, pondering over his question in your head, your lips puckering slightly. "You want me to be real with you?" You turned your head to look at him as he gave a slight nod in response.

"Yesterday was the first time in years that I felt free, I wasn't being controlled by my mother, or being belittled by my brother, I was doing what I wanted." You spoke aloud, your eyes drifting down to the sand once more, "I got to experience what having fun was like, to be independent." You let out a short laugh, tears brimming your eyes.

"Last night was a wake up call for me." You licked your chapped lips, a few grains of sand getting into your mouth, causing a crunching sound to be heard when you ground your teeth together. "I'm tired of people controlling me, from now on I'm going to do what I want to do, and if that means that I want to get high with you, then that's exactly what I'm going to do." You stated firmly, your eyes darting up to meet his ocean blue ones.

"No need to say more, I hear you loud and clear." He grinned, his eyes sparkling in the sunlight as your mouth curved into a smile. "Here's to you embracing your Kook life!" He cheered, his hands flying up in the air as you let out a loud laugh, copying his actions. You both continued to talk for a bit more, until you heard the sound of footsteps approaching the both of you.

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