Part Five

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You don't know what sparked you to be so bold in this moment, maybe it was because you had been spending so much time with JJ, or the fact you had gotten away earlier with lying to your brother, whatever it was though, it made your adrenaline run wild through your veins.

You motioned JJ inside your mansion of a home, putting your finger up to your lips to indicate him to be silent as you closed the front door to your house. You glanced around the darkened rooms, a breath of relief escaping your lips, you were thankful your parents believed in going to sleep early. The only obstacle left in your way being your brother, he was supposed to be out with his friends, but you weren't sure if he had come home early or not.

You grabbed onto JJ's hand, tugging him along behind you as you both made your way up the stairs quietly, praying that the floorboards wouldn't creak under the pressure of your feet. You carefully made it to the top step, halting your movements as you listened to see if anyone had woken up, when you determined the coast was clear, you made your way towards your room.

Opening the door as quiet as you could you walked in, a smile on your lips as you dragged JJ into your room with you. His eyes widened at how large your room was, he knew you lived in a rich house, but he had no idea how big the rooms actually were inside. He scanned every inch of your room, taking in your decorations, pictures, clothing, everything.

You watched in amusement as he explored, you didn't mind that he was curious, in fact it made you feel a bit warm on the inside that he wanted to see who you actually were. You walked over to your closet, placing your heels on the floor as you grabbed a t-shirt and loose fitting shorts to change into.

Your dress was still soaked from being thrown into the ocean thanks to JJ, you knew your mother was definitely going to kill you in the morning when she saw it, but at the moment you didn't care. Your mind was solely focused on the messy blonde haired boy standing in front of you.

"I might be able to sneak some of my brother's clothes for you to wear." You spoke up, your voice was quiet as JJ turned around, a faint smile on his lips. "You don't have to do that Y/N, I can stay in this." He motioned to his wet clothing, making you snort in response. "It's cute how you think I was offering, I'm getting you dry clothes whether you want them or not." You shrugged your shoulders, a smug smile on your lips as he let out a chuckle.

You patted his shoulder as you walked past him, sneaking out of your room and quietly making your way into your brother's. You were thankful he wasn't home yet, allowing you time to sort through his clothes as you found a nice t-shirt and sweats. Satisfied with your picks you made your way back to your room.

The sound of the door reopening grabbing JJ's attention, his heart beating quicker for a split second until his eyes landed on you. "Here you go, some nice dry clothes, I hope they fit you." You laughed quietly as you locked the door, earning a playful eye roll from him in response. "We both know you're hoping they won't, just admit you want to see me naked Y/N." He teased, sending you a wink as your mouth dropped open.

"That is so not true!" You defended yourself, crossing your arms as he sent you a smirk, "Whatever you say princess." He hummed, stripping himself of his wet shirt, revealing his tanned skin and defined abs. You bit your lip, unable to look away from his bare skin until your eyes locked with his, a satisfied grin on his lips as heat rushed to your cheeks, quickly turning to walk to your bathroom, hearing him chuckle under his breath.

A couple minutes later you were both changed into warmer clothing, you hung your dress up in your bathroom, hoping it'd air dry by morning whilst you hung JJ's clothes up next to your dress. "Do you have a spare blanket and pillow I can borrow?" He asked from the other room, causing a confused expression to wash over your face.

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