Three Years Later// Henry's POV

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"Where's our next plan of a attack," I said.

"Well, my RHM and I have a plan," Reginald said.

"Present," I said.


"Henry! I mean- Sir! We have the government on our tail, and it isn't looking pretty for us," Ellie, my right hand lady, said.

Everyone looked at me for my instruction.

"What are you fools waiting for? Defend!" I ushered them.

"Damnit, we should've done the orbital station years ago," Right Hand Man said.

"Yeah, no shit, let's go," Reginald said, dragging RHM.

Ellie turned to me, "What now?"

"We protect the clan," I said, tossing Ellie a gun.

I ran to the cockpit where some officials had unsucsessfully tried to infiltrate. The ammount of goverment helicopters around the airship was astronomical, and quite honestly suprising. I honestly couldn't believe that they wanted to take us down in the airship.

"Henry, we need help over here!" Geoffory shouted.

I ran over fast, and began shooting at some of the helicopters. Everyone pitched in as well as they could. I was suprised no one, at least in my area, had gotten injured. Some helicopters started to fall back, while some continued to fight at us.

"How's everything go-" 

Shots fired though the windows.

"Gah!" Ellie yelled.

I whipped my head around, there she was, bleeding from her abdomen and right leg on the ground. Shaking, and breathing fast.

"Ellie!!" I yelled, dropping my guns, and running over to her.

"Oh my god are you okay?" I asked.

"Clearly, dumbass," she laughed.

"Okay, I'm gonna need to to breathe slowly, and stay calm," I said.

My best friend was bleeding out in my arms, and I had no idea what to do. I felt my adreneline kicking in, when I remembered: applying pressure.

I ripped off a piece of my shirt.

"What the hell are you doing?" Ellie asked.

"Applying pressure with cloth. Hold your breath, cause this might hurt," I warned her.

I grabbed the cloth, and pressed down hard on the wound.

Ellie let out a piercing scream.

"Shhh, shhh, I know it hurts," I said, holding back tears.

There is nothing more painful than seeing and hearing someone you love in pain.

"Can we get her to medbay?" I yelled.

"Yes sir!" A toppat yelled back, coming to grab Ellie.

"It's going to be alright Ells," I gave her a kiss on the forehead before she was taken to medical.

I rushed back over to our fighting area.

"Everything alright, sir?" Geoffory asked.

"Fight now, ask questions later," I said picking my guns back up and proceeding to shoot.

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