This Is *A* Plan// Henry's POV

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"Phew! That was a close one," Ellie said, running.

"No shit," I said.

"We're not in the clear yet!" Reginald yelled.

"We should've brough Right, cybernetics would really come in ha- I have cybernetics!" Ellie said.

"You only have one leg augmentation, I don't know how well it would work!" I yelled, over all of the chaos.

"Ah, yeah." Ellie yelled, "Keep running!"

"I'm trying!" Reg yelled.

"We didn't think this through, did we?" Ellie asked. 

"No, no we didn't," I sighed.

"Where are we gonna go??" Ellie yelled.

"You guys go out the back, I'll head to the roof," I said.

"Henry, you'll get yourself hurt, or worse," Reginald warned.

"The clan is more important to me, than myself," I reassured them.

"Henry," Ellie said.

"I'm not gonna die," I laughed.

"Good, cause we've had to deal with that one too many times within the last year," She said, giving me a hug.

"Ells, I'll be fine, get going before they catch up!" I told her.

"Alright, don't die," she said.

"I won't," I smiled.

You may be confused as to where we are, let me rewind a bit for you.


1 month earlier

I sat in my chair, humming a little tune.

I'm Mr. Loverman

No, I shouldn't be thinking about him.

And I miss my Loverman

I let out a giggle, but I wasn't happy. I put my face in my hand. Who am I kidding? This is all fantasy, and I need to be realistic. 

I turned to the mission files. There were several of them, but which was of the most importance?  Fabrerge Eggs, reclaim the Tunisian Diamond, or maybe just rob a bank for cash.

I sat there, just spinning in my chair, and looking at the ceiling. 

"Ay Henry- oh, you don't look to good," Ellie said, walking in unnannouced.

I jumped," Ellie!"

"Sorry, Hen," she said.

"You're fine," I sighed.

"You miss Helicopter Boy, don't you?" she asked.

"Yeah," I said.

"Maybe if we do a heist, you could possibly see him again" Ellie said, trying to cheer me up.

"Most likely not though," I said.

"Well, if I must cheer you up," Ellie sighed.

"Try me," I said.

"Well I caught Right and Reginald dancing with each other," she smiled.

"Like how you and I dance or what are we talking?" I asked.

"Oh, like ballroom dancing," she said.

I spat out my water, "Come again?"

"You heard me correctly," she smiled.

"I can't say that I'm not suprised," I said.

"Me either, to be honest," Ellie said.

"On another note, I'd like you to help me plan our next heist," I said, handing her the files.

"Going back to the basics wouldn't hurt," she said, opening the bank file.

"A bit of cash sounds pretty good, doesn't it?" I said.

"Yeah, and maybe we can go through with that oribital station in a few years," she suggested.

"Alright, get a team of people together, and we'll make this happen," I said.

"How about just me, you, Right, And Reg. Like we used to," Ellie said.

"I think it'll be good, let's get the four of us together and we'll schedule a ay for the heist," I said.

A heist would be so much fun, or so I thought.

A/N: Hey lovies! I'm so sorry I didn't get anything out for you yesterday. I had a bad cold/ fever yesterday, but I have this chapter out now and I should have 1-2 more chapters out later in the day. As always thank you for the support and reading I'll Love You Regardless

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