Chapter 6 ~ Yung

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I swallowed hard. Omashu being captured by the Fire Nation just gave Sokka another reason to hate me. Why did he assume that all Fire Nation citizens were the same?

"I can't believe it. I know the war has spread far, but Omashu always seemed... untouchable." Aang looked crushed.

"Up until now it was." Said Sokka, crossing his arms over his chest. "Now Ba Sing Se is the only great Earth Kingdom stronghold left."

Katara spoke up. "This is horrible, but we have to move on."

I nodded.

"No, I'm going in to find Bumi."

"Aang, stop. We don't even know if Bumi's still..."

"What? If he's still what?"

"Around." Finished Sokka nervously.

"I know you had your heart set on Bumi, but there are other people who can teach you earthbending." I said. They had told me all of the adventures they had before I joined them, so I knew what they were talking about.

"This isn't about finding a teacher. This is about finding my friend."

"All right." I said.

Aang led us to a large pipe in the ground, which he pried open. Sludge poured out of it, filling the air with it's stench.

"Ugh." Grunted Sokka.

"Eww." I said.

We all went in the tunnel. Aang created an airball to move the sewage out of the way while Katara bended it around her. This would have been great, if only they had thought about Sokka and I. We were both getting soaked in the slippery sludge.

I fell face first into the smelly waste. Sokka laughed and tried to help me up, but my arm was slippery, and he lost his grip, making him fall next to me. I grinned and flicked some of the sludge on Sokka's nose. He splashed some back on me.

"Hey!" I yelled, jumping on him to get him completely covered in the sewage. He pushed me off him, and got over me. We continued to roll around in the sludge, fighting to be on top. Finally, Sokka won.

We both had big grins on our faces, although you couldn't see them from how dirty they were.

"Ok guys, come on, we're at the exit." Called Katara.

Sokka got on his feet and helped me up. We both started walking towards Katara, where the exit was. We scrambled up the hole, with Aang and Katara's help, since we were so slippery.

"That wasn't as bad as I thought." Said Katara. "You guys are soaked!"

"Yeah, I kinda noticed." Sokka answered, shivering. Poor him. Since I was a firebender, I didn't really have problems with the cold, as I could just warm myself up.

She splashed some water on us to wash away the sludge, then Aang dried us off.

I looked at Sokka, and he looked at me. A split second passed and then we both hollered.

"Ahh!" I yelled.

"On your skin!" Exclaimed Sokka.


"Get them off!"

I tried pulling one off. "They wont come off!"

Aang intervened. "Shh! Stop making so much noise. It's just a purple pentapus."

He rubbed the head of one of the pentapus, and it just came off. Sokka and I hurriedly did the same to all of the other ones, leaving little dots all over ourselves.

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