Chapter Sixteen: And Checkmate

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Clementine turned the corner and almost tripped over a dead body. She recognized them, it was the man who had sold AJ the knife at the market. He was laying face up with a bullet between his eyes and a look of shock frozen on his face. A raider ran around the corner and saw her, Clem quickly raised her gun and shot him in the head. The revolver had a heavy kick, the power of the gun reverberated through Clem's arms. She searched the raider, he had an Mp5 submachine gun strapped to him. Clem took it, stashing the revolver in her belt.
She sprinted around a building and almost ran into somebody. Clem aimed the Mp5 and recognised Alice who was also aiming an M16 at her. They both lowered the guns.
"Clementine? You look like shit."
Clem felt like shit.
"Nice to see you too Alice."
"I'm glad you're here, I could use someone to watch my back." Alice said as she motioned for Clem to follow.
Walkers had begun to flood in through the gap where the gate was. One of them saw her and began snapping its teeth and shuffling with its arms akimbo. Clem pulled out her knife and stabbed it through the jaw and into its brain. The street was littered with bodies, human and walker alike. Clementine stepped over them and came to a fountain in the center of a small plaza. Someone came screaming around the corner, shots rang out and the woman fell flat on her face. She lay there twitching, Clementine took cover behind the fountain and Alice stood behind a pillar to Clem's left. Three raiders rounded the corner, the one at the front noticed the woman's twitching and shot her in the head. Clem let out a burst of fire, striking the raider in the chest and killing him instantly. His friends went in opposite directions in search of cover. Alice fired at the one closest to her, the bullets ricocheted off the angled brick wall. One of the raiders began unloading shotgun shells at Clem, she got as low as she could behind the fountain as pieces of brick rained down on top of her. The raider ran out of ammo and ducked behind cover, Clem peeked our and fired at him. She heard him cry out in a panic and saw him drop his shotgun. He reached for it but Clementine opened fire once more hitting him in the forearm, the raider screamed and hid behind cover.
Alice had been keeping the other raider suppressed and behind cover, she took cover to reload and he saw his chance. He popped out from cover and fired on Clementine with a handgun, the rounds barely missed her head. She fell flat on her back and fired a barrage of bullets at him. It was hard to see whether she had hit him behind the large cloud of dust the impacts had made. Once it cleared and she saw his body laying there in a pool of blood she knew for certain. The wounded raider fired a pistol one handed at Clem. Alice quickly defender her, shooting him in the head.
" You good?" Alice called.
"I'm okay." Clem responded.
Alice ran to her and helped her up, they moved on, getting closer to the gate with every step.
A distinctly louder set of gunshots stood apart from the rest, once they reached the large open area by the gate they realised what the source was. The white pickup truck was parked in front of the gate, a machine gun with a wielded together metal shield on the front was firing on Richmond's guards.
Clem and Alice hid behind a concrete barrier.
"Shit, we need to put that thing out of commission." Alice said, checking her magazine.
"Seconded. What's the plan?"
Alice took another look at the truck.
"I'll take out the driver, that way they're not going anywhere. You sneak up from behind and kill the gunner."
Clem nodded and readied the Mp5. Alice broke from cover and ran up towards the truck. Clementine ran to the side and squeezed the trigger of the Mp5. There was a half second burst of fire and the magazine ran dry. The bullets had hit the corner of the shield.
Clem threw away the empty gun and drew the revolver. The gunner began to rotate his turret, Clem quickly lined up a shot. The round pierced the gunner through the shin, he growled in pain and dropped down. The machine gun aimed upwards as he fell, Clem put another bullet into his head.
Alice shot through the windshield, killing the driver. She looked back and flashed Clem a thumbs up. They ran past the truck and joined the guards who were shooting at the raiders that made it closer to the city centre. Clem posted up behind a wrecked car and leaned up through the window, she caught a glimpse of a small group of raiders who were moving from car to car towards the line.
"Left side, behind the cars!" She called out to the guards. Clem fired the revolver at the exposed head of one of them, she saw them disappear behind the car and heard someone curse. A series of loud cracks sounded above Clementine's head, she ducked behind the car and was showered with sparks. The rounds began penetrating the car door and Clem slid down until she was laying on her back. She shuffled away from the car and around the corner of the building, continuing through the alley between the two buildings. Clem rounded the corner and saw the raiders, she shot the nearest one and ducked back when the others saw her. Two came after her brandishing rifles, she shot the one in front. He fell to the ground, tripping up his friend. Clem took aim and squeezed the trigger, the hammer fell and clicked. Clem's face fell and her eyes widened in shock, she quickly threw the gun at the raider as hard as she could to distract him. She grabbed the pistol from her belt and fired at him, hitting him in the arm. He shouted and began firing angrily from the hip, Clem closed the distance and wrenched the muzzle away from herself. She pressed the gun to his temple and fired, splattering blood on the brick wall. Clem reached down and picked up his gun, a Ruger Mini-14, and rejoined the guards. The raiders they had been engaging were retreating further into the city.
"Have you guys seen Gabe anywhere?" She yelled over the gunfire.
"Not since the wall came down, I think he was going to city hall." A woman with a beanie told her.
Shit, that's where those assholes are going
She got to her feet and began running towards city hall, killing walkers on the way. Something fell a few meters in front of her and exploded, she dove for cover behind a dumpster.
Of course they have grenades.

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