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  • Dedicated to Saylor

A/N: Hey guys this is my first chapter, don't judge to hardly, and I suck at spelling so yeah. 


Megan's POV

"Saylor, I'm here!" I yell, as I enter the well known house of my cousin. 
"I'm coming!" She yells back. I go back outside and jump in the car, which holds Emmett, my best friend. Madi, Mikah, and Tyler at the moment. After we get Saylor we have to go pick up Evan and Lance from their house and then we can go to school. Emmett is the oldest out of all of us, and the only one that can drive at the moment. 
"Emmett can we listen to this band that all of us girls like?" I ask Emmett and he smiles.
"Of course Meg, anything you want." Emmett smiles at me. I blush looking down while Mikah and Madi give me a knowing look. They both know I have a crush on Emmett and have since the beginning of last year. Saylor and Tyler know as well, Evan and Lance are clueless.  I grab my phone and connect it to the radio. I quickly go to my most recent music. I click on a song called Long Way Home, by a band called 5SOS. We get about half way through the song before Saylor joins us in the car, smiling because this is her favorite song. Sadly the song ends, I am about to choose another song when Emmett stops me. 
"Wait, who is that by?" Emmett asks, his eyes still focused on the road. 
"A band called five seconds of summer." I reply smiling, they are so amazing. Calum Hood is my favorite, I think I have a legitimate crush on him, not even a fangirl crush. Anyway...
"Wait, who are the members?" He asks, and seconds later adds,
"I know I am being weird, just answer the question." It is like he read my mind, I was literally about to say that. 
"Ashton, Luke, Calum, and Michael." I reply, not thinking about last names. Emmett sighs and shakes his head. 
"No like full names Megan." Emmett adds, still focused on the road. 
"Ashton Fletcher Irwin, Luke Robert Hemmings, Calum Thomas Hood, and Michael Gordon Clifford."  I say, stating their full names. 
"Oh my god...." Emmett's accent made that sound funny.
"What's up Emmett? You are acting really strange." I ask him as he stops the car in front of Evan and Lance's house, and Saylor and Madi get out to get them. Finally Emmett looks over at me. 
"Megan I know them, I know all of them. Remember I lived in Australia before I came here, to be specific Sydney, Australia. I went to the same school as them. I was best friends with Ashton. I talked to Michael, and Luke, I was pretty good friends with Calum. Ashton is actually the one who taught me how to play drums, I didn't know they were getting big. I actually have all of their numbers..." Emmett trails off as I stare at him, my mouth open. 
"You actually know them?" I ask and he nods. 
"Look I will text Ash right now." Emmett says pulling his phone out. He goes into his texts and finds a contact. He does some stuff and then shows me it is a group chat. The contact names read, Ash, Cal-Pal, Lucas, and Mikey. He types a quick text that reads:

Hey guys, I just heard that you are starting to get big, congrats my brothers. I miss you guys, maybe we can get together if you guys come to America. Miss you guys

He shows me the text after he sends it, not minutes later his phone dings four times. The four replies were:

Dude I miss you so much, Sydney ain't the same without you, thanks, it is crazy. Louis Tomilson from 1D noticed us and now bam we have tour starting in a few weeks. I can't believe it dude, we defiantly need to meet up though. -Ash

I miss you too Emmett, I miss my futbol bro, we need to get together soon, and thanks it is amazing, wish you were here with us though, it is not the same without you mate -Cal-Pal

Miss you too mate, I miss my video gaming mate, you need to come back, these blokes don't play COD, how am I gonna survive?-Mikey

Sydney is not the same mate, we miss you a lot. I wish you could be here sharing this experience, How is America though? Is it as cool as everyone thinks?-Lucas

"Oh my god, it is actually them..." I say staring at Emmett in disbelief as he smiles down at me. 
He sends a reply:

(This is the whole text convo)

Emmett's POV

Luke, America is pretty great, though I am kinda home sick. I have some amazing friends here, and if we get to meet up, you guys have to meet them. Ash, we will make plans soon. Cal, I wish I could be there too, Mikey, don't worry we can still play together over internet. I miss you guys like crazy. Everyone here talks weird. I miss my mates. -E

Are any of these friends girls?- Mikey

Have you replaced us already, I'm hurt- Luke

Who are these new friends?- Ash

Why E, why? *Crying emoji*-Cal

Yes Mikey, four of them are girls. Luke I can never replace you guys. Ash their names are Megan, Saylor, Mikah, Madi, Tyler, Lance, and Evan. Cal, I'm sorry *Pouting emoji* -E

Who is the girl you are hitting on?-Mikey

Okay, I forgive you- Luke

Cool, you got pictures?- Ash

But why?- Cal

What did I do Cal? Thank you Lucas, Yes I have pics Ash. Mikey....there is this one girl in our group that I like but....-E 

But...finish it up mate, whatcha waiting for? Does she have a boyfriend? Wait which one is she, Megan, Mikah, Madi or Saylor? -Mikey

Our little Emmett has a crush...so cute-Luke

Yeah which one is it E?-Cal

Dude spit it out, what is wrong?- Ash

Well...I really, really like her. She is so special, but I don't think she likes me...I don't know what to do. There is this school concert thing coming up and I really want to ask her to go with me..but I don't know how.-E

Well...which one is it?" Mikey

Yeah I agree, which one?- Ash

Tell us mate, we won't say anything, we are here to help.- Cal

Yeah, come on mate. Tell us.-Luke

Fine...it is....

A/N: Haha Cliff Hanger though if you connect the hints I dropped throughout this chapter you should be able to piece it together. Sorry about any spelling mistakes, and sorry if this chapter was boring, I will do better next time. Love you my ninjas <3 :)~M

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