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Last chapter (4.0)

"Okay, I have my van today, that way all twelve of us can fit. Let's go." I say, wrapping my arm around Megan's waist. She smiles up at me before we all make our way out the door. 
"Okay, Megan is in the passenger seat. Mikah, Zach, Madi, and Will can sit in the front row (The whole seat is connected like a limo) Lance, Lanie, Lucy, and Evan can sit in the back row." I explain, before climbing into the driver's seat. This is going to be a amazing night, as long as everything goes as planned. 


Emmett's POV

**They Just arrived at the concert thing**

"Okay guys, we are here. Everyone pile out." I state, pulling the keys out and turning to see everyone. Everyone starts climbing out, and we form a big group in front of the van. 
"Okay, so what are we doing? Like are we splitting up or what?" Evan asks, looking between each of us. 
"Um well, what do y'all want to do? I mean we would have a lot more room, if we got a space all together. But at  the same time, we are all on dates so I don't know." Mikah babbles and we all laugh. 
"I say we try and stay together, but if we get split up it's not that big of a deal. Just stay with your date." I suggest, glancing down at Megan. Everyone agrees, so I take Megan's hand in mine, and we all start walking towards the entrance. 
"Stay close to me, and I promise you will be okay." I whisper to Megan, knowing she can get claustrophobic. When she was like ten, she got stuck in this little mining simulation thing, it was like a small path way box, where you had to crawl through on your stomach, and she was stuck for thirty minutes, so now she is claustrophobic. (A/N: That is actually a true story. I am actually claustrophobic bc I got stuck in a mine simulation, it was awful. I freaked out, screaming, and crying for thirty minutes before they finally got me out.)  

Meg comes closer to me, and I wrap my arm around her shoulder, keeping her close.  Tonight should be good, as long as the boys make it. Soon enough we are all in a big group, near the front of the stage. I had already had a body guard mark off a big square for us. They know that the boys are coming, and that I am good friends with them. As soon as we reach the marked off area, the body guards stop us. 
"This area is reserved for Mr. Jones, and his friends." The body guard says, I pull Megan up to the front with me. 
"I'm Mr. Jones." I reply, Matt recognizes me and nods.
"Thanks man, you're awesome." I state, giving Matt a quick hug. 
"No problem little bro." Matt responds and I smile. Everyone gives me a weird look. 
"What? Oh guys this is my older brother Matt, I had him reserve us a big spot, that way we wouldn't be crowded." I explain and everyone nods greeting Matt. 
"Matt this is, Megan my date today. Then these are all of our friends. There is Saylor, Tyler, Madi, Evan, Lance, Lanie, Lucy, Mikah, Zach, and Will." I point out each one of them as I talk.  

"Wow, there is a lot of you. I hope you enjoy the concert. I gotta go make sure the bands don't get mobbed." Matt states, I send him a small glare and he nods, understanding that it is supposed to be a surprise. I glance down at Meg and sigh. I lean down to whisper in her ear and say,
"Can I go talk to Matt real quick, I need to tell him something. I promise I will be right back." She looks up at me, before standing on her tip toes.
"Okay, just make sure you come back, don't just leave me all alone." She whisper in my ear. I lean back down to hers.
"I would never leave you princess." I whisper before letting her go, kissing her cheek quickly. I walk over to Tyler.
"Watch Megan, I need to go talk to Matt." I tell him and he nods, glancing over to where Megan and Saylor are talking. 
"I would never let anything happen to them, you know that." Tyler replies. I nod, patting him on the back before weaving my way through the crowd, to the back of the stage. 
"Are they here yet?" I ask Matt, once I reach him.
"Not yet E. Their manager called and said five minutes." Matt responds. I sigh, glancing over to where they will be arriving. 
"Introduce me to the other body guards, that way they know me." I tell Matt and he nods, grabbing my arm and leading me over to a group of about ten of them. 
"Hey guys, listen up." Matt says and the others turn to us.
"This is my little brother Emmett that I was telling you guys about. Emmett, this is Jim, Shane, Ava, James, Lily, Clary, Brandon, Jace, Jasper, and Taylor." Matt tells me, pointing each one out. I was kind of surprised to see three girls (Taylor is a boy)  
"Hey everyone."  I say, giving them a small wave. Just then we hear a horn of a limo. Nine of them rush towards the limo, prepared for anything. Jasper and Matt stay behind with me. They block me from view and Matt turns his head to me.
"We are gonna hide you, so you can surprise the boys. They don't know you are over here." Matt explains and I nod, staying behind Jasper and Matt. I hear the limo doors open and close, I can't help but be excited. I haven't seen the boys since I left home. Which was two years ago. 
"Hey boys, listen up! I have a little surprise for you." I hear their manager Adam say. 
"What is it!" I hear the undeniable voice exclaim. 
"Jasper, Matt, move away." Adam commands. They slowly move to the side revealing me. I have a huge smile on my face, I am so happy to see them.
"Emmett!" all four of them exclaim at the same time. Cal is the first one to run up to me. We hug rather tightly before I pull away. I hug Ashton, Luke, and Mikey as well.
"God I miss ya mates." I say, shaking my head.
"Same mate, same." Mikey says patting my back. 
"Boys, y'all are going on stage in ten." Their manager calls. Ash sighs.
"Is our stuff even set up?" Luke asks, glancing at the stage. 
"I had it all set up, Mikey on the right, Cal on the left. Ash is in the back on a little elevated thing. I got everything set up perfectly. A curtain is covering everything, no one has any idea who is playing tonight." I explain and they all smile.
"Now I gotta get out there and introduce you guys. I will see ya after yeah?" I ask and they all nod in agreement. I smile, before heading out to the corner of the stage. I take the mic from the princple. 
"Thanks Mr. Davidson." I Say smiling. 
"No problem Emmett, thanks for setting this up." Mr. Davidson nods, before pushing me lightly. I walk out and to the middle of the stage, the curtain still closed behind me. 
"Hey everyone, if you don't already know, My name is Emmett Jones. I came here two years ago from Australia. I left some mates behind in Australia, and I haven't got to properly see them in two years. We have stayed in contact and I manage to get them here tonight. A lot of you probably know who they are, considering they just got off tour with one direction. Without father ado, My mates five seconds of summer!" I cheer the last part and almost everyone in the crowd goes crazy. The curtain rises and there stands the boys. I jog off stage sending them a thumbs up. They all smile at me, before turning to the crowd. I quickly make my way back towards our reserved area. I see Megan, who has tears in her eyes. 
"You are freaking amazing!" She exclaims upon seeing me. I laugh and smile, pulling her into a hug and spinning her around in a circle. I let my arm stay around her waist as she cheers with the others, singing to every song the boys sing. I cheer as well, singing the songs. Some of them they wrote a while back, with my help. Soon enough it is the last song of the night. 
"Alright guys listen up, this is the last song of the night and we want to pull our best mate Emmett up here for a minute." Ash says into his mic, nodding towards me. Next thing I know Jasper and Lily are leading me up towards the stage, smiling at me. Luke pulls me up onto the stage. 
"Okay Emmett here is gonna help us sing this song. We all wrote this song two years ago, just before Emmett left. He actually originally helped us sing it. I think Emmett has a special someone to dedicate this song to as well." Michael explains into his mic, as Luke and Cal wrap their arms around me. I take the extra mic that Mikey hands to me. 
"Hey everyone. Um I want to dedicate this song to this girl that has been my best friend for the past two years. I really, really like her, as more than just a friend. This is for you Megan. Guys this song is called Never Be. 

Oh whoa whoa oh, oh oh oh

Oh whoa whoa oh


I need your love to light up this house

I wanna know what you're all about

I wanna feel you feel you tonight

I wanna tell you that it's alright

I need your love to guide me back home

When I'm with you, I'm never alone

I need to feel you feel you tonight

I need to tell you that it's alright

We'll never be as young as we are now

It's time to leave this old black and white town

Let's seize the day

Let's run away

Don't let the colors fade to grey

We'll never be as young as we are now

As young as we are now

Once I finish my part, Megan is staring at me with tears in her eyes, her mouth open. 

Oh whoa whoa oh, oh oh oh

Oh whoa whoa oh

I see myself here in your eyes

Stay awake 'till the sunrise

I want to hold you hold you all night

I want to tell you that you're all mine

I feel our hands intertwined

Hear our hearts beating in time

I need to hold you hold you all night

I need to tell you that you're all mine

I look straight at Megan while singing this, every bit of this song is true. I want to tell her that she is mine, I want to hold her at night, I love the feeling of our hands being intertwined.

We'll never be as young as we are now

It's time to leave this old black and white town

Let's seize the day

Let's run away

Don't let the colors fade to grey

We'll never be as young as we are now

As young as we are now

We won't wait

For tomorrow

It's too late

We don't follow


We'll never be as young as we are now 

It's time to leave this old black and white town

Let's seize the day

Let's run away

Don't let the colors fade to grey

We'll never be as young as we are now

As young as we are now

Oh whoa whoa oh, oh oh oh

Oh whoa whoa oh


As young as we are now\

"Megan will you please come up here." Cal says into his mic, smiling at Megan, who has tears in her eyes. She lightly nods as Jasper and Ava go and get her. Soon enough she is up on stage with us. I lightly take her hands in mine. 
"Megan Shianne Hixon, will you please be my girlfriend?" I ask in my mic, grabbing the necklace I got for her out of my pocket. 
"Of course Emmett." She answers, smiling while crying. I smile and show her the necklace. It is a gold heart locket, with our initials engraved on it. E+M. Inside is a picture of us when we first met. She lets me put it on her, and I pull her close to me afterwards. I look down at her, before placing a kiss to her lips. The crowd cheers, and I hear lots of awes, just before the fireworks go off. Tonight was a success. 

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