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A/N: I hate snow with a passion, it ruins everything. ~M

Last chapter (8.0)

 I quickly head in the direction of the baggage claim, knowing Megan will still be over there. It takes a while for the bags to come around, especially if you have more than one bag. As I approach the baggage claim, I see her. Her brown, curly hair standing out among all of the people. Wow, I didn't realize how much I actually missed her. 
"Megan!" I exclaim, running over to her, coffees in hand. 

Chapter 9 (9.0)

Calum's POV

"Megan!" I exclaim, running over to her, coffees in hand. She looks up at me and her brown eyes widen, a smile appearing on her face. She drops her bags and runs over to me. I bend down and set the coffees down, before picking her up and spinning her around in circles. She buries her face in the crook of my neck and I do the same. I set her down lightly, and just breath in her scent. 
"I missed you so much princess." I whisper in her ear. 
"I missed you to Cal-Pal." She replies, looking up at me. 
"Come on, lets go home." I mutter, letting her go. I grab our coffees and hand one to her. 
She takes it and smiles, before walking over to her dropped bags. I grab them before she can. 
"No Cal, I can carry them. " She complains and I shake my head. 
"I got them princess." I reply, smiling down at her. She gives me a slight frown before shaking her head. 
"Lets just get out of here before the fans attack." Megan replies, moving slightly closer to me as we walk. 
"Okay." I reply, leading her out to the car. Soon enough we are back at my place. 
"Come on princess, lets get you inside. Be prepared, the boys are probably here, because I mean they stay here sometimes."  I explain as we climb out of the car. 
"Okay..." She trails off, looking at the ground. 
"Hey, whoa. Baby girl what's wrong. They aren't going to touch you, I swear." I state quickly, worried that she was going to have a panic attack.
"No...it's not that. Just...I don't want them knowing why I am here. Can you just tell them I broke up with him and not go into any details, or he broke up with me because he is going to Cali, or something like that. Pretty please, I just don't want them to look at me like a kicked puppy." Megan explains, her voice picking up speed. 

"Anything Meg, I swear I will not tell them what actually happened. I will simply say that he broke up with you because he was going to Cali, and you were really upset and just needed to get out, but you had no where to go. So I brought you here. If they happen to notice your...uh bruises then we can just tell them you fell in the woods. And yeah...I saw the bruises on your neck, and wrist." I finish, scratching the back of my neck, I do that when I am nervous, or worried. 
"I...I'm sorry." Megan whispers, shaking her head. I take in a deep breath, this isn't her fault, she has nothing to be sorry for. 
"No baby, don't be sorry. You have nothing to apologize for. Come on, lets get you inside and settled down. Then...um I need to check your bruises, to make sure nothing is serious, I know it might be awkward but I have to make sure you aren't seriously hurt." I explain, and she gives a slight nod. I sigh, and wrap my arm lightly around her, carrying everything in one arm. I let her open the door, and we stroll inside. 

**Couple of minutes later... (She is settled in now, everything is put away in the guest bedroom, which is now her's. Calum's room is right next to her's. Luke, Ash, and Mikey all have rooms down the hall, but normally Cal is by himself, unless his mom, dad, or sister is visiting. And yeah...) ***

"Meg, can I check your bruises now?" I ask through the door, right now she is in the guest bedroom, but I didn't want to barge in. 
"Yes..." She whispers, her voice sounding broken. All I want to do is cuddle her in my arms, and tell her everything is gonna be alright. I slowly open the door, and instantly run over to her. She is curled into a little ball on the bed, crying into her knees. I lightly wrap my arms around her rather small frame, she is a lot smaller then she was last time. I really hope she isn't starving herself. I will deal with that later thought. 
"Sh, I'm here princess. It's gonna be okay. He isn't here. You are really far away from him. I promise I will protect you. I'm here." I coo to her, she slowly stops crying, now she is simply shaking in my arms. 
"Are you okay?" I whisper to her, I feel her lightly nod her head, but she doesn't say anything. 

"Babe, I still really need to look at your bruises...I know you are upset right now, but I need to check them." I whisper to her, rocking her lightly. 
"O..Okay." She mumbles, climbing out of my arms and laying flat on her back. I take a deep breath before standing up. 
"Okay, where all did he..." I trail off not wanting to say it. 
"Uh...my stomach, arms, and he kicked my legs and ribs...Plus he would grab hold of my arms and neck..." She whispers, her voice becoming small. I feel super bad for having to do this. I nod lightly in return, placing a kiss on her forehead. 
"I'm going to lift your shirt okay?" I whisper lightly, and she nods. I slowly lift her shirt over her head, that way I can see all the bruises on her upper body. I don't look at her, because I don't want to make her uncomfortable. I simply examine all of the bruises scattered across her stomach, ribs, arms, and neck. I lightly run my finger over one and she winces a bit. 
"I'm sorry princess. Okay this might hurt a bit, but I need to see if your rib is broken. I'm going to lightly press on it okay?" I ask her, cupping her cheek lightly. She nods and takes hold of one of my hands. I let her hold it, while I move over to her. I reach out and lightly place my hand over her ribs. 
"Okay, I'm going to put a bit of pressure, squeeze if it hurts too bad." I whisper to her. I then lightly press my hand down, she doesn't react just whimpers a bit from the bruising. I then move to the other side and do the same, nothing seems to be broken. I nod lightly and kiss her cheek. Then I pull her shirt back on and smile at her.
"Okay, do I need to check your legs, or are you okay?" I ask, knowing that she might be too uncomfortable right now.
"Uh...I need to tell you something first. I uh...um I..." She stutters, I become really concerned then. 
"You don't cut...do you?" I ask, my voice becoming shaky. 
"No...but I have scars on my legs, scattered around. Because...uh he threw a beer bottle at me...and it shattered on the floor, and I got pieces stuck in my leg that I removed. So it looks like I cut." She explains, taking a deep breath. 
"Don't worry about it Meg, I will get some healing cream for those. How long ago?" I ask her, holding her hand tightly. 
"A week ago." She whispers and I nod. 
"Okay, I will make this quick..." 

A/N: I love you my ninjas <3 There isn't much else for me to say. If you want to be any of the boys girlfriend, please comment and I will get back to you. I am doing first comes first serves. So the first person to ask gets it. The only one that is taken is Calum, unless you want him to date you to make Megan jealous, which I might just create a character to do that. Also if you want to be best friends with one of the boys comment that as well. Of course Megan already has Calum taken. Love you my ninjas, peace out :) <3 ~M

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2015 ⏰

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