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A/N: Okay you guys, so far everything has been perfect, now I am gonna skip ahead a bit okay?

Last Chapter (5.0)

"Megan Shianne Hixon, will you please be my girlfriend?" I ask in my mic, grabbing the necklace I got for her out of my pocket.
"Of course Emmett." She answers, smiling while crying. I smile and show her the necklace. It is a gold heart locket, with our initials engraved on it. E+M. Inside is a picture of us when we first met. She lets me put it on her, and I pull her close to me afterwards. I look down at her, before placing a kiss to her lips. The crowd cheers, and I hear lots of awes, just before the fireworks go off. Tonight was a success.

Hey guys so in the summary I said it would skip a couple of years, so that is what I am gonna do. Now it is 2020 rather than 2015, now Megan is 20, Emmett is 21, Saylor is 18, Madi is 18, Mikah is 20, Tyler is 18, Evan is 19, Lance is 20. Zach and Lanie are 20, Lucy is 19, and Will is 20. Now I am gonna fill you in on what happend to each person.:

2015- Emmett and Megan began dating August 5th, Megan becomes good friends with the boys, Saylor and Tyler began dating. Evan and Lucy began dating. School continues, life is good. Megan, Mikah, Zach, Lanie, and Will turned 16. Saylor, Madi, and Tyler turned 14, Evan and Lucy turned 15, Emmett is 17

2016- Emmett and Megan are still going strong, so are Tyler and Saylor. Mikah and Zach began dating, as well as Lance and Lanie. Mikah caught her boyfriend cheating on her, now she is leaning towards Zach again. The boys continue to talk to Megan and Emmett, Megan is growing closer to Calum and Michael. Megan, Mikah, Zach, Lanie, and Will turn 17, Emmett turns 18, Saylor, Madi, and Tyler turn 15, Evan and Lucy turn 16.

2017- Emmett, Megan, Mikah, Lance, Lanie, Zach and Will graduate high school. Megan, Mikah, Lance, Lanie, Zach, and Will turn 18, Emmett turns 19, Saylor, Madi, and Tyler turn 16, Evan and Lucy turn 17. Emmett and Megan are still going, Mikah is now dating Zach, Madi has a new boyfriend, Saylor and Tyler are good. Other things....

2018- Evan and Lucy graduate. Emmett and Megan are still good, so are Mikah and Zach, and Tyler and Saylor. Madi is now dating Will. Lance is now dating Lanie. Megan, Mikah, Zach, Will, Lance, and Lanie turn 19, Emmett turns 20, Saylor, Madi, and Tyler turn 17, Evan and Lucy turn 18. Emmett and Megan have had a few fights, but have made up instantly. Etc.

2019- Everyone is good, they have had their on and off moments. Megan, Mikah, Zach, Will, Lanie, and Lance are 20, Emmett is 21, Saylor, Madi, and Tyler are 18, Evan and Lucy are 19. Nothing much has happened. Emmett, Zach, and Will are moving to Cali in a year.

2020- (New present) Things are turning down hill fast. Everyone is still the same age. It is early April. April 8th to be exact. Emmett and Megan are fighting, the others are trying to help. Calum is comforting Megan, even though he is on tour. Things are happening fast. The boys (5sos) are in Sydney on break from the tour at the moment. Now on to the story :)


Megan's POV

"Just shut the hell up Emmett, I'm sick of it!" I yell at my old best friend. I turn around and run out the door.... I don't even know where to go I just want to get out of here. By the way the twelve of us moved into this lake house Mikah's parents had. Ever since we moved in together last year Emmett and I have been fighting more, why you ask. Well he is moving to California with Zach, and Will. I'm scared of what is gonna happen. He is going to end up cheating on me, and I know that. But right now what is more important is the fact that he is verbally abusing me, and sometimes even physically.  What he doesn't know is I am starting to become famous on youtube. Saylor, Mikah and I all are. I don't know what to do anymore, he is becoming a jerk honestly and I hate it. I wanted us to end on a good term, not be fighting. I knew this whole thing was too good to be true. I mean five years go down the drain the minute he decides to leave, and not only leave Tennesse, he is leaving me behind. He always starts the fight, by commenting on my outfit, or saying jerkish things, I don't even understand why we are dating anymore. By the time I come out of my thoughts, I see I am in the middle of the woods that surround our lake house. I slow to a walk, tears running down my cheeks. I find a little stump and sit down. Tears are pouring down my face. Today he called me fat in my outfit, he told me I ate to much. He kept making comments about my weight. I got sick of it, and snapped. He knows how insecure I am about my weight. I hate the way my body looks, I used to be picked on severely in school. I'm not exactly fat, but I'm for sure not skinny. It is almost like he has turned into one of those bullies, instead of being the one that helped me through it.
I just sit on this stump, crying for nearly an hour. That is, until my phone starts ringing, showing that someone is facetiming me. I sigh, taking a deep breath. It is probably Calum, checking up on me. I look at the contact and see I am right. I take a deep breath, biting my lip, before answering.
Calum's face pops up and he is smiling, at least until he sees me.
"Meg! What happened?" Cal exclaims, glancing over my face.
"E..Emmett." I sniffle, attempting to stop my tears.
"What did he do this time?" Calum asks, his face becoming angered.
"He...he kept making comments on my weight....he told me I was fat." I whisper, the tears coming down harder.
"I'm going to beat the shit out of him. I don't understand what's wrong with him. First off you are not fat Megan, by any means. I probably weigh more than you and I am fairly skinny, at least that is what everyone says. Second Emmett has turned into a major jerk recently. I don't know what's wrong with him but he defiantly isn't the same guy who was your best friend and that you were dating. I swear Megan you are the most beautiful girl in the world. Don't let anyone tell you differently. I don't care about Emmett anymore, hell if I need to I will come and get you, and bring you back to Aussie with me. Tell me how I can help and I will do it." Calum preaches. I can't help but smile a bit, Calum always makes me smile, even in times like this.
"Thanks Cal, I don't know why, but you can always make me smile. Even when I'm broken. Will you be there when I talk to him in a bit, I need your support." I mumble, smiling a sad smile at Cal.
"Well, I will be here virtually for sure, I can't be there. But I will be here watching." Calum promises, holding up his middle and pointer finger on each hand and crossing them, this is our sign for promise.
"Thank you, do you think I should head back now?" I ask him, the tears finally stopping.
"Depends are you ready?" Calum asks, becoming serious again.
"No, but it is starting to get dark, and I don't exactly know how far in the woods I am." I explain, and he sighs.
"Then yes, you need to head back. Talk to me as you do though. So what is wrong with Emmett, like do you know?" Cal asks, as I stand and start walking in the general area of the house.
"Well in two months he is moving to Cali with Will and Zach. I kind of got mad, because he basically told me to my face he didn't want me to come. I asked him what would happen to us. And he said he wasn't sure. Then I said maybe I could come and he shouted no at me, like I would ruin everything. What Emmett doesn't know is that I am now Semi-Famous on youtube. So is Mikah and Saylor. We are gonna become something big. Saylor with Singing,  her rant videos, and her other ones. Mikah and I with the stupid, random, funny stuff we do and our rant videos. We are gonna be like Nash, Cam, and Shawn from magcon, or like Sam, Rickey, and Trevor. Or whatever. But he doesn't give two shits anymore." I explain, continuing to walk through the fallen leaves. The leaves are just becoming fully green from winter.
"Wow, so he is leaving. God he is a fucking jerk. Does he even know you do youtube? Like I knew that, I have seen you become more famous, some of my fans have asked about you. They were like hey have you heard of Megan Hixon? and I was like yeah why? Then they were like, she is so funny, and her personalty is amazing. You should really check her out. I then told them I was actually friends with you and they flipped out, wondering why I haven't said anything about you. It was kinda funny. But I told them not to tell anybody because I want you to become famous on your own like I know you can. I mean heck you are becoming famous as we speak without anyone's help, and I'm not interfering with that, at least for now." Calum explains, causing me to smile.
"Thanks Calum, and thank you for letting me do this myself, I don't want any shout outs or anything from you. I am not friends with you to use your fame or whatever. That is why I want to do this on my own, so I can prove all them little haters wrong. I want my ninjas to spread the word, ya know what I mean?" I ask Calum, trying to explain my feelings.
"I totally get what you mean Megan. I mean the boys and I only became big because of 1D. I mean yeah we had quiet a few fans but still. It was freaking amazing, but would have been better if we got to do it ourselves. I'm sure you know what I mean. I don't know. I think you will be invited in tour and then bam." Calum smiles at me through my phone.
"Aw thanks cal. I'm back now, still not ready to face him..." I trail off, looking up at our beautiful lake house.
"You can do it baby." I almost shiver when Calum calls me that. I nod in response, before heading up to the door. I take a deep breath before opening it. I walk into the house knowing for a fact that Saylor, Ty, Lance, Lanie, Evan, Lucy, Will, and Madi are gone. The only ones that are here is Emmett, Mikah, Zach and I. I am scared of what Emmett is gonna do, is he gonna hit me? 

"You got this Meg." I hear Cal whisper. I nod lightly, showing that I hear him. 
"Meg are you alright?" I hear, I glance up and see Zach, who is giving me a worried look. 
"Uh, I'm fine. Where is E...Emmett?" I ask him, stuttering over my words.
"Uh, I think he is upstairs. Shouldn't you know that, considering you have been with him for the past like three hours?" Zach asks, giving me a pointed look, reading right through my lie.
"No I wasn't. I was in the woods, long story. Uh thanks." I say, before turning around and heading up the stairs, not letting Cal comment on what's happening. 
"Do they not know?" Cal asks as soon as we get to the top of the stairs. 
"No...well yes. But they think it is just normal couple arguments. They didn't know he was basically bullying me." I explain, my voice small. 
"I'm sorry Meg." Cal whisper, his voice becoming small as well. 
"Please don't Cal, not right now." I whisper back, taking a deep breath as I walk closer to our room. 
"Okay, I'm going in . Please try and be quiet for now." I tell Calum, walking up to the door. 
"Okay." He replies as I take a breath. I lightly knock on the door, scared of what is gonna happen next. 
"Megan, baby girl...is that you?" I hear Emmett's broken voice say, it sounds as if he has been crying. I break, tears pouring down my cheeks. 
"Ye...yes." I stutter, tears pouring down my cheeks. The door instantly opens, and I feel arms wrap around me. 
"Emmett...we...need to talk about this." I stutter, tears falling down my cheeks. 
"I know...I know." He whisper, holding me close, clueless that Calum was still on the phone. 
"Can we talk now?" I ask him, wanting to get this over with. 
"Of course, princess. Come here." Emmett says pulling me over to the bed. I sit down on the bed, and he sits across from me. I slowly look up at him, he has red eyes, and they are puffy. I know that he has been crying. He does this almost everyday, but today is worse. 
"Why?" I croak out, my voice horse from crying. 

A/N: Sorry guys, I needed to end it bc it was getting too long, it was 2k words already. I love you my ninjas I will update soon <3 

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