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Last chapter (6.0)

"Can we talk now?" I ask him, wanting to get this over with. 
"Of course, princess. Come here." Emmett says pulling me over to the bed. I sit down on the bed, and he sits across from me. I slowly look up at him, he has red eyes, and they are puffy. I know that he has been crying. He does this almost everyday, but today is worse. 
"Why?" I croak out, my voice horse from crying. 

Chapter 7 (7.0)

Megan's POV

"I....I don't know. I have no excuse for what I did. I am so fucking sorry Megan. You have no idea how stupid I feel. I don't understand why I am doing this. I don't know anymore." Emmett expresses. 
"Emmett, stop. There has to be a freaking reason for you straight up abusing me. I don't understand. You were there for me all of those years that I got picked on at school, every time I was tempted to harm myself, you were there to stop me. But now, you are the bully or abuser. You are the one that is picking of me or hurting me, and for gods sake you are my fucking boyfriend." I exclaim, not believing his bullshit.  He looks down, no longer meeting my eyes. I grab his chin and make him have eye contact with me, knowing he will break eventually. 
"Tell me the truth Emmett. If you want us to be over then say so. I am sick of having to deal with this, I am not going to let you abuse me, or bully me any longer, and I shouldn't have to for that matter. If you want this to stop, if you need us to stop. Just say the freaking words and I'm gone. I will find somewhere else to go. I promise, I will be out of your life forever if you just say the words." I state, looking him dead in the eyes. I see him gulp, his lip quivering, as if he was going to cry.
"But that's the thing baby girl. I don't want us to end. I want this me to end. I don't know anymore..." He stops, he wasn't really making since at all anyways. Plus, I see his eyes twitch, and I know for a fact that he is lying.
"Emmett just stop, I can see in your eyes that you are lying. That's why you don't want me to go to Cali with you. You want to break things off, I can tell now. Why the hell didn't you already do that? It would of hurt a hell of a lot less than being called fat, a slut, and so many other things by someone who I loved, and thought loved me." I mumble, no longer having my confidence. 
"Fine okay, I want us to break up before I leave to Cali. I didn't mean to hurt you. I thought it would be easier because once I get to Cali, god only knows what will happen. I didn't want to end up cheating on you or anything. I know I would of and..." I stop him there. 
"So you don't have enough fucking decency to even not think about another girl when you moved across the state from the one you are with, really Emmett? I thought you were better than that...but I guess not." My voice breaks at the end, as a sob enters my throat. I push it back down, only allowing a few tears to fall. 
"I...whatever we are done." Emmett states, his face emotionless as I bust into tears. 
"Fine....I...I will pack...then." I say in between my tears. I stand up and slowly walk over to the closet. I grab my suite case and put everything I can in there. As many clothes as possible, my laptop, and my bathroom supplies. I glance around the room again, and grab my notebook. I take a deep breath before turning to Emmett, who was looking at me with a sad face. 
"I guess this is goodbye then." I say to him, and he lightly nods. 
"I'm sorry it had to end this way." I state, once he doesn't reply, I simple shake my head. I turn around and head out the door and down to the living room, where I find all of our friends. 
"Where are you going?" Mikah asks first. 
"I don't know, I just know that I have to get out of here. Emmett and I are through. Oh you should know that he has called me things such as slut, fat and so many other things. That is why we have been fighting. I'm done. I can't be here anymore. I confronted him about it, and he told me we were done. I'm leaving and I will let you guys know where I end up." I say, before hugging each one of them. Mikah, Saylor, and Madi are crying, Lanie, and Lucy on the verge. The boys all have sad looks, but I see a hint of rage for what I just told them. The only thing I kept to myself was the fact that he physically abused me, several times. 
"I promise I will see you guys again." I whisper before heading out the door. Once I'm outside I head over to my car. I climb inside and start it, beginning to drive towards the airport, still not sure of where I am going. 
"Meg..." A voice whispers and I glance down at my phone. That is when I remember Calum has been on facetime the whole time, which means he heard everything, and now knows that Emmett didn't only abuse me with words. 
"Shit Cal...I...I forgot." I whisper, stuttering as I think of the things that just happened. 
"Where are you going Meg?" Calum whispers and I shrug. 
"I'm not sure yet." I reply, continuing in the same direction. 
"I know where you are going. I already bought you a ticket. Just to warn you it is a long flight." Calum states, his voice breaking slightly. I can tell he is trying to avoid the subject, but really wants to know. 
"What do you mean?" I whisper, still focused on the road. 
"You are coming to Sydney, at least for now." Cal answers and I gasp. 
"Calum you didn't...no." I say, shaking my head. 
"Yes Meg, you need somewhere to stay. I miss you like fucking crazy. You are hurting,and need someone there to care for you. That someone is me Meg. Point blank and simple. I will be there to pick you up. Just go tell the lady at the desk that Calum Hood bought you a plane ticket, and your name. She already knows what you look like. I told her everything. Maybe you can even go back on tour with us for a bit." Calum explains, having everything planned out. 
"Cal, how did you pay for it?" I ask him, my voice breaking again. I just can't believe he would just use his money for me, I don't deserve it, not at all. 
"I have plenty of money Meg, don't worry about that." Cal answers, he must of noticed the change in my demanor because he flinches a bit. It was as if he could read my thoughts. 
"Okay....I guess I will see you in what? 19 hours?" I suggest, not sure of the actual time. 
"19 hours and thirty minutes to be exact." Cal laughs lightly, of course he would know.  
"Oh shut it." I reply, now pulling into the airport parking lot. 
"Stay on until I get the tickets and crap okay?" I ask him and he nods. I pull into a parking space and head inside. 
"Hello miss, may I help you?" The desk lady asks. 
"Yes, Calum Hood called to get me a ticket, I believe he said everything was handled already." I explain, she quickly types some stuff in her computer and smiles at me. 
"Here is your ticket Mrs. Hood. I believe your flight leaves in thirty minutes. If you will follow me, you can bypass part of the security, you know so you don't run into any fans. She leads me around most of the security, and then I go through the quick check. 
"Alright, just wait here until your flight is called, which is in fifteen minutes, feel free to get a coffee or anything you would like, it is on us." The lady says, giving me a warm smile before leaving me alone in the waiting area. I look at my phone once again.
"Well hello, apparently we are married." I state, laughing. 
"Shut up, I needed a valid excuse for getting you here asap. Besides, I only told her we were engaged, I didn't think she would call you Mrs. Hood." Calum says, laughing as well. 
"Well I am taking advantage of that free coffee." I state, walking in the direction of Starbucks. 
"Do as you please, my princess." Calum jokes, and I laugh. 
"Oh shut up." I tell him and he laughs.  
"No, you are a princess Meg. Emmett was being a jerk." Calum states, becoming serious suddenly. 
"Thanks Cal." I whisper, blushing as I look down, trying to hide my face.
"Don't hide your face Meg." Cal whispers, and I glance at my screen again. 
"Sorry." I mumble. I see, well more like hear, Calum take a deep breath. 
"Meg, did he hit you?" Cal whispers, now looking at me with sad eyes, I know he heard the conversation earlier, but now he needs me to confirm it. I look down, no longer able to make eye contact with him. 
"Yes," I mutter, scared of his reaction, knowing he is probably going to blow up. 
"Meg don't be scared of me, please. I'm not going to do anything. Well other than keep you as far away as possible from that jerk." Calum says lightly, I slowly look up at him, and he gives me a soft smile. 

Calum's POV

I can't believe he dared to lay a hand on her. He should have treated her like a fucking princess, not like a piece of trash. I wish she would have let me get her out of there sooner. I stay calm, for her sake at least, though on the inside I blow up. I notice the way she flinches, and how she only muttered the words. I instantly know she is scared of my reaction, this makes me control my anger. I can't bear the thought of her being scared of me. 
"Meg don't be scared of me, please. I'm not going to do anything. Well other than keep you as far away as possible from that jerk." I state, keeping my voice calm, and level. She slowly looks up at me, a broken look in her eyes, and my heart shatters into a million pieces. That is when I realize, I might just be in love with this girl. I give her a soft smile, trying to cheer her up a bit. 

"Go get your coffee Meg, you only have five minutes till boarding." I say to her, and she nods lightly. I watch as she gets up and goes over to Starbucks. I watch her go up to the counter, before listening to the conversation. 
"Hi, how may I help you." The worker asks. 
"Hi, um they said I can get a free coffee." Meg states, unsure of what to tell her. 
"Okay, are you Mrs. Hood by chance?" The girl asks. Megan lightly nods, and I smile a bit. 
"Great, what can I get you?" The conversation continues as the girl makes Meg's frappe. I continue to listen until Meg is walking away. 
"Plane 1711 now boarding." The intercom calls, and I sigh. 
"That's your flight princess." I whisper and she lifts her phone so I can see her. 
"Thank you, for everything Cal. I will see you in like 19 hours." She whispers, giving me a small smile. That is when I finally notice the small bruise pecking out from the neck of her shirt, it looks like fingers...and I notice the bruises on her wrist, which are hand shapped....I swear if she rellapsed I will kill Emmett, but for now I need her to get her. 
"You're welcome baby girl, call me when you land alright?" I finally reply, returning her smile. 
"Of course." She replies, a blush crawling up her cheeks. 
"See ya soon princess." I say, waving goodbye to her. 
"See ya Mr. Hood." She replies, shooting me a wink before I hang up. I laugh, even though she can't hear me. This time tomorrow, I will be able to hold her in my arms. It is now that I realize, I am going to be the one who fixes her broken heart, and I'll be dammed if someone hurts her again, at least while I am here.

A/N: That took forever, I am so sorry. But I put a lot of effort into my updates, making sure to correct each one, and so many other things. I love you my ninjas, and you guys deserve the best, sorry it took so long though. Peace out my ninjas <3 :) ~M

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