Chapter 3

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"Ron, what in Merlin's name are you wearing" I question as Ron takes a seat wearing a Victor Krum T-shirt and hat.

"What? I'm just excited." Ron replies

"I can't believe you have detention for a week especially with that git" Harry stated

"I know. I was looking forward to the Grand Entrance, but I'm going to miss out thanks to Draco the Douche" I uttered, looking at the clock it was 7:00.

"Oh shit! I'm going to be late. I have to go But don't forget to tell me all about it." I say waving them off.

I open the door to the classroom to find Snape waiting impatiently at his table then two desks in the middle of the room, one already occupied by Draco.

"You're late! I've now uped your detention to a month. Hurry and take a seat" Snape projected. I quickly walk over to my seat barely looking at Malfoy because I was so furious that one, I had just gotten us into a Months detention and two that he had gotten me here in the first place.

"Now, while you two sit here and bicker for 80 minutes, I will be elsewhere doing more important things." Snape gets up from his desk and scurries over to the door spelling it shut so we can't leave. As soon as snape leaves Draco looks at me but I refuse to look at him. He walks over to the door trying to budge it open but finds himself unsuccessful, but I paid no attention to him because I was too distracted by the sounds of cheering coming from outside the window. I slowly get up and walk over to the window, and glance outside. I can't see much but I can just see herds of people gathering around the black Lake waiting for the arrival. Giving up on the door Draco looks at me.

"What are you doing Potter?" Draco asks

"We're gonna miss it," I say annoyed. Malfoy walks over to me and looks out the window.

"What's this stupid thing mean to you," He says

"Well, this stupid thing was my first big Hogwarts experience and I couldn't miss it, but I am going to miss it," I said staring out the window trying to get a glimpse of something. Draco looks at me longingly.

"well there's not much we can do about it now is there. So, what do you want to do?" I say smiling at him.

"Come on, let's go," he says as he pulls up the window for an escape. I couldn't help but realise how handsome he looked without his usual scowling.

"Wait, we can't just leave we are in detention," I say startled

"Oh, come on Potter break the rules for once". He jumps out first, then I jump out behind him

"All clear" He whispers, and we run off to hide behind one of the hills. I look over the hill to take a closer look, Draco pulls me back down fast.

"Are you mental Potter! We could get caught and if we do, we're dead". He was right though if we're caught, then we'll be dead. Draco grabs my arm and pulls me up. Doing so I tripped over a stick, pulling Draco down to the floor with me behind a bush. He lands right on top of me.

"What was that?" I hear. An teachers footsteps coming closer to us, Draco puts his hand on my lips signaling me to be quiet.

"Its probably just an animal, come on we're gonna miss it!" The teachers walk back over to the lake. Draco slowly removes his hand and stands up. He offers his hand for help and as I go to grab it he moves his hand away making me fall back to the ground.

"Ooh, too slow" he laughs walking over to a large tree.

"Dick!" I grunt, standing and walking over to him

He makes his way up into the tree as I stand looking at him.

"The views wonderful," he says looking down to me

"It looks a little high"

"what, you scared potter?" He smirks

"No way!" I stated. I climbed the tree to sit next to him. Looking out onto the lake the wind blew through my long brown hair making me close my eyes and smile.

"I think I can see them!" I squeal

We sat there for most of the night watching the academies until it was time to leave.

"Hey, we have to go" Draco whispers to me. I nod my head and we rush back to the castle. 

Grabbing my arm, we hear footsteps. Snape strolls past slowly then comes to a stop. We hid behind a wall hoping he didnt see us. He shrugs and keeps walking. Draco grabs my hand and we both leave and head to the classroom. As we made our way into the room I trip over my feet as we take a seat at our desk. Draco smirks at me as Snape storms into the room and all he says is,

"Get. Out". I made my way back to the hall and joined the others.

"Oh Mali, you should've been there it was amazing", Hermione says with excitement in her voice. I was going to tell them about Draco and I but instead my mouth just splattered out different words.

"I know, I wish I was there to see it. It sounded spectacular"

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